Whitelist Server ★ Unix Network ★ - RPG Immersion Pack - White-Listed -

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you ever been banned before: No

In-Game-Name: Camtherocker

Real Name: Cameron

Age: 15

Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences):I love modpacks and im really thrilled because this server seems awesome and im looking for a cool server and Unix Network seems like the one. Im into RPG and fighting too so
i want to play on one plus this server seems new kinda and not laggy. I spent some hours looking over
some stuff in this mod and this is why im here trying to join this cool server. If you need any help ill help you with the server by the way.

What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I know alot abot pvp and stuff and this seems like
the perfect thing so I spawned some stuff in creative and judged it by its health and its kind so i know I wont die horribly as soon as I get my items. Plus I like to explore around places so im aware of anything trying to kill me or my awesome teammates.

What role do you want: I would rather be a Dimensional Traveler or a Player

Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I want one of them like take that I want a Player then I would help people in need like other people. Well if anyone is in danger or dieing I would help them! Im kinda a helpful guy I help mostly anyone if a Farmer, or Miner needs help ill try to help. I always thought if someone helps you you should help them.

Vow to the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I Cameron vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: SKULLKNIGHT1999
Real Name: Will
Age: 13
Have you ever been banned before: No, as I've never been on a server
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I want to join because I've never been on a server before and this looks like a great server. There is no PvP or raiding which is not fun and just slows down progress on the server. The server looks well developed and a good place to start, I feel like I could get a lot done on the server and have fun doing it. I've had a lot of fun and single player and multiplayer could only make it better. I want to make new friends and from the posts everyone seems nice. I also have always loved RPG's and this server is the best I've seen.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): My experience is somewhat small but I've been reading the wikis, experimenting in creative, and playing it myself.In my word I have realmite armor, and elite realmite boots, in the matter of weapons I have a bloodgem sword, 2 scorching swords, and a slime sword. I have seen most of the dimensions and the new mobs in the nether and the end. I have watched some videos of this mod mainly Captainsparklez. I have fought a lot of the mobs and know most of the other ones, including some of the bosses.
What role do you want: Multi-Dimensional traveler, or player but ill try anything that you need.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I want to be a Multi-Dimensional traveler Because I get to discover the new places and fight the new mobs. The new dimensions look cool and are fun to traverse. I want to be a player because I am not restricted to one thing, I can do much more varied things. As a player I could help whoever needed it and be of good use. I could also be whatever is needed because I have decent all around knowledge of the mod (accept farming). I might not be able to be a builder either because that isn't my forte, but otherwise I can do many things.
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, Will vow that I will follow rules under any circumstances.[DOUBLEPOST=1363550446][/DOUBLEPOST]By the way do you keep items on death?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: wixo
Real Name: Jakub
Age: 17
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): Haven't played on a server in a while. As we all know, singleplayer gets pretty boring after a while. So joining a RPG server with active community might be just the right thing to get me back to gaming. The aspect of player interaction is what makes multiplayer ten times as exciting, interesting as opposed to singleplayer. Trading, helping each other, regulated PvP, goofing around and being a part of community is what I seek. This is also a nice chance to meet some new people online, fellow gamers.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): Well, I can certainly say that I've gained decent amount of experience since my last application post. Played around in survival singleplayer then a bit in creative. Divine RPG seems fairly accesible even to newcomers. If any problems arise, there is always the handy wiki or other (hopefully) helpful players. Watching a few YouTube mod reviews helped greatly. As far as I can tell the only part that seemed somewhat confusing to me, getting to different dimensions, is surprisingly simple. They are basically new endgames for Minecraft. You just have to advance through them in given order, the materials needed to move on to the next dimension can be found in the previous one.
What role do you want: Scavenger
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Simply because exploration, as one of the essential Minecraft mechanics, appeals to me. It's exciting, dangerous and with a bit of luck involved rewarding. I definitely plan on making a base, perhaps a guild for traders and scavengers. Maybe a bussines involving finding good locations for player made buildings (towns, towers, fortresses... anything goes) and then selling it for some profit would catch on well on the server. Being a scavenger might not be the easiest way to make a living, but it's definitely worth giving a shot. Hopefully I wont have to deal with the wilderness alone...
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, Wixo vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstaces.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
WHAT do you mean not enough in formation i gave 5 sentences to everything that needed 5 to 6!!!???Iff you want like 50 sentences then just forget it i don't want to be apart of this server!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: unseennote
Real Name: Josh
Age: 17
Have you ever been banned before: Not that I can remember. http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/3b26b006971c23e6a72427ab17fc84881377eb56

Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I want to join because I love not only RPG's, but I love working with other people. I love the rules you have set, as I don't like PvP or Raiding. I'd probably get a few of my friends to join, if they'd get the FTB launcher. This is one of the first DRPG servers that I have found. I got bored of playing alone.

What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I have played around in a few of the worlds, and have also watched a lot of video's on Youtube of people playing DRPG. I know about most of the mobs in the overworld that are added and I can learn about the others added better while working with the other players on the server. Of course, I have great knowledge of vanilla MC. If I don't know something, there's a few wiki's around, not to mention the website. I have battled a few of the bosses, one of which took me about an hour to do... (Densos and Reyvor).

What role do you want: Player/ M-D Traveler

Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I don't really like staying in a particular place for a long time, and I love to go to the different worlds and fighting the different mobs, banding together with a few people, and have lots of fun discovering new things. I'll build small bases here and there (usually 1 per demension), but nothing big, just something to come back to (or spawn at, incase of dying). Killing things mostly gets good loot, and that's what I'll be doing. I tame a few pets, usually Moon Wolves, because of their good amount of health and good attack. Just being a player is also good because you can do virtually anything.

Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I unseennote, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: Jameseseses
Real Name: Ayden
Have you ever been banned before: no, check: http://mcbans.com/player/jameseseses
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences):I want to join because. When I am playing single player it gets dull and boring so I stop. I have had good experiences with servers thought I have not been on one in a while! I need to play with some people :( only me and my brother play together on a LAN world and that is super laggy. I like smallish servers so I can meet new people(big servers are chaotic). I can't find out how to make a RPG immersion server so why not play on someone else if they let me ;). What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I have limited experience. I have watched the Atlantic craft's let's play of it and part of captain sparkles lp. i have played some of it my self thought I only got to the iceika after defeating the watcher once. Sorry for not having 5-6 sentences but I feel there is nothing to to tell without rambling about the same thing again.

What role do you want: Admin please :D if not I would prefer to be a player
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences):because I feel I would be a good admin because, I use to be one on 303's pot server in 1.1 vanilla and he said I was good so that's why I think I would be a good admin to the server. Being an admin would give me the ability to help people and give them a person to go to( that would be satisfying). Being an player would be me the ability to get help and give help when needed. The power to do what I want at the time! Helping people is very "fun" and I think both those roles give me the "fun" I am talking about.:)
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I Ayden Foster Peck-Chapman vow That I will follow the rules under any circumstances
I hope I get admin but if I do not I understand. If I get either class I chose tell me witch in the reply you make


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
White-List Format
Real Name:Samel Heung
Have you ever been banned before: Yes
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I would like to join because when ever i join a server either its full, laggy, crashes a lot or they have really abusive staff! I would love to join your community and help out others and treat people the way I wanted to be treated. Even if it lags i'm satisfied that there's no greifing, I know how its live to be greifed after working so hard on this modpack! I hope you accept my application to this wonderful server.
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I don't have much experience to DivineRPG but i know the basic compound to the mod pack. I'm not a expert and may require some assistant but I won't be a bug to people who don't want to help me.
What role do you want: I Would be fine with Multi Dimensional Traveler, Miner Or Farmer.
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): I would like to be a farmer because i'm able to give other people food for items i may need to use. I can also team up with miners or builders to assist each other in getting their own goals and needs. I'm fine with Multi Dimensional because traveling to other Dimensions to get items people need is really helpful for example i'm able to give nether items to people in need such as netherite. A miner will be good for me too because i can mine out ores for people such as farmers. Mining is one of my good roles because mining doesn't really require much skills you just need to know basic information and get pickaxes!
Vow to follow the rules (I Samuel Heung vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):
Thank you for your time!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game-Name: WaWee
Real Name: Dao
Age: 11
Have you ever been banned before: Nah, check here: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/e40037797ba6531939df57507da0913a983f5398
Why do you want to join (5-6 Sentences): I don't play on roleplay servers much because they're kinda confusing, but I'm pretty sure this one won't be. I want to join because I would like to see how roleplay servers work. Also because playing on an RPG server sounds really fun. And then of course there are the jobs. Also I want to have a bit of fun on servers :3
What experience do you have with DivineRPG (5-6 Sentences): I watched CaptainSparklez's roleplay. I have also done it by myself once, and playing on an actual server. (Although only 1 time so far) Also a little bit of tutorials from now and then because I don't know ALL of it. :p I usually team with people in the servers because I don't have enough time to gather ALL of the things by myself. I also have tested out some weapons.
What role do you want: Multi Dimensional Traveler >:D
Why do you want that role (5-6 Sentences): Because looking around in realms, such as Dravite, Uvite, Arcana, Augite, Mythril, etc. is fun. Also because I can get alot of advanced resources without having to pay money. And then I can farm the advanced mobs too. :) Then there's the exploring and etc. Also I would LOVE to get this role. (Ahhh, how fun it is to travel through dimensions xD)
Vow to follow the rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.): I, Dao, vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances
Hopefully I will be able to join! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Denied, a little bit under requirment and you are not what we are looking for. No chance to re-apply

Accepted, Welcome to the Unix Network! You will be white-listed in one to two hours of getting this message. If you have any questions about the server, feel free to ask in-game or in a PM, thank you!


Denied, not enough information. On chance to re-apply.

Denied, not enough information. One chance to re-apply.

Denied, you are too young, did not choose a valid role, this is a joke app to me. No chance to re-apply

Denied, not enough information. You have been banned before but you did not tell us why. No chance to re-apply.

Denied, not enough information. You are too young. No chance to re-apply.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN: abruce123412
Real Name : ( Secret, other people can read this thread and I don't know who else is reading this)
Age : ( Also a secret)
Have You Ever Been Banned? : yes, it’s when I was nooby at minecraft, when I didn't know how the system works, so I asked for op too many times. It happened a while ago, also I got temp banned for a small amount of griefing, I didn't know it was a rule. Another time, I got muted when I was on a big server and I wanted to be heard; but that was a long time ago as well, and that is all I can remember J
Why Do You Want To Join? : Well... this is my first time trying Divine RPG. so I want to learn and try my best, and I don't like PVP/raiding servers because I'm ALWAYS the target of Griefers, Raiders, and Pvpers, and I always get blown up. I would like to be on a server with nice people, no griefing, and have a fun time. (Because that is what minecraft is made for).
What Are Your Experiences with divine RPG? : I just stated, I went on a server called tech craft, somebody dug to my house, wouldn't leave, so I tried to get him to leave, he got his friend to come and burn me with lava, they took my iron doors and crops, I started raging, I said that there's a no griefing rule and they said that there is none (sure, but there is one on the forum) and I left the server for a while. So I want to learn how to play and not be so bad, get better and have a fun time, I bet this server will help.(PS. I can’t play single-player because I have the urge to spawn in items).
What Role Do You Want? : regular Player, I don't know what my best skill is, I’m sort of nooby at everything.
Why Do You Want The Role You Chose? : all I know how to do is: do vanilla crafting recipes, mine, do PVP badly, build an average house, and get griefed. Also I don't think I will be VERY active because I’m nooby, I don't think I will get stuff done fast, and I have a limit on how much I can play minecraft per day. Anyways I will try my best to be active (We all work at our own pace), so please note that I won’t get that much done, (literally, type a note) and I will try to get a lot done. (PS. I know I didn't write 5-6 sentences on most of them, I just wrote what I could think of).
Vow to the Rules (I ___ vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.):I abruce123412 vow that I will follow the rules under any circumstances.
Is There Any Other Information You Would Like To Tell Us?: Yes, I love your picture of all of your favorite Pokémon, I tried my best to type all of this correctly because you reject people with incorrect spelling, And this server sounds like a very good server. Thank you for reading my post; if you sneezed while reading this, bless you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I took out the "fluff" as you called it, I would never meet the required sentence length. I'm just a friendly minecraft player and roleplayer looking for a nice server to make friends on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I took out the "fluff" as you called it, I would never meet the required sentence length. I'm just a friendly minecraft player and roleplayer looking for a nice server to make friends on.

Expand your information. Just tell us more. You can take out some fluff and still make requirements. Just take time into your application.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tell you more? What more is there to tell? I don't know a lot about this mod.. I quite literally started it a little bit ago, I've not played on it enough to get the hang for a particular role besides hating the mobs that kill me in one shot. I just want to play with other people and make some friends. Why is this so deny-worthy?