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  1. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Thank you much.
  2. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Which mod adds XP to tools? There's a handful of bugs/oddities I'd like to report, if they're not already solved in the latest version.
  3. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I think someone mentioned BloodNBones requires java 7. If you're running an older version of java, it will crash; update your java.
  4. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Since Fantasy Metals were moved into the Spirit World of Witchery, does the Deep Dark have a required purpose?
  5. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    The most important thing to know when starting is what blocks mobs will grief. Zombies will destroy these blocks, creepers will explode next to them, destroying the wall and your only protection. A good rule of thumb: everything that is not encountered in the wild is subject to griefing, even...
  6. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    BloodNBones has some tweaks for Tinker's Construct so it doesn't work exactly like in other packs. I assume this is the issue you're running into: there are no wood tools, and stone tools cannot be made either (an earlier patch to all Tinker's Construct if you missed it). The first tools you...
  7. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I thought you could make red alloy in the Tinker's Construct Smeltery?
  8. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Throwing out my two cents on the whole Spice of Life mechanic, especially since the developer for it responded here. My understanding of Spice of Life is this: it is supposed to encourage players to branch out their options of food, requiring players to farm multiple different types of crops...
  9. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    A worse edge-case is damascus steel, in my opinion, which I stumbled upon accidentally yesterday: You can go from a copper pickaxe directly to a pickaxe able to mine ardite. It's quite simple as it only requires bronze + iron.
  10. P

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I've experienced the same lack-of-mobs at night. BoP is disabled on my worlds. It happens relatively the same way; first night or two mobs spawn as normal, and then no more mob spawns. First time was on singleplayer, second time was on a multiplayer server. I really love this modpack, btw...