Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I currently have a very weird bug playing with a friend on LAN : where I see shadow iron ore he sees vyroxere and vice-versa, and trying to crush or smelt the ore result in the ore inversing themselves. We have tried re-downloading the pack, and even copying one's config in the place of the other's but it still happens and I have no idea what could be going on. Any ideas ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I currently have a very weird bug playing with a friend on LAN : where I see shadow iron ore he sees vyroxere and vice-versa, and trying to crush or smelt the ore result in the ore inversing themselves. We have tried re-downloading the pack, and even copying one's config in the place of the other's but it still happens and I have no idea what could be going on. Any ideas ?

We have a similar thing where I see one type of copper ore as tin ore. I only realise my mistake when I try to process it, get copper and think 'Didn't I put tin in there?' My friend sees it as the correct ore though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You are supposed to transport them back with an ender chest (and your tools into the world to mine them.)


I'm planning an update for Monday. I'll fix something up.

What about adding another recipe for the ender chest? Keep the 8 obsidian, and for the eye of ender substitute: (diamond block, gold block, diamond, )? Depending on what you felt was an equivalent difficulty to get?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What about adding another recipe for the ender chest? Keep the 8 obsidian, and for the eye of ender substitute: (diamond block, gold block, diamond, )? Depending on what you felt was an equivalent difficulty to get?
Not a bad idea, although it could hardly be something as simple as diamonds or gold, as we would still want people to have to use the normal ender chest recipe in the overworld. Something from a dream world would have to be used for the alternate recipe, to insure that it is dream world only. Something diabolical.... I'm thinking of something that involves nightmares ;). Be back soon with a recipe, hehe.

Edit: oops, nightmare not phantom


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, making it something from the dream world would be much better. Never been there or done witchery so had no good example :) You'd have no alternate recipe in the real world, and have to get the first one made there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's an updated config to add a dream world recipe for the ender chest. All you have to do is defeat your nightmare in single combat. ;) Enjoy.

#Remove recipe for glowstone block.

#Disable iron tools.

#Disable wooden tools.

#Disable stone tools.

#Disable gold tools.

#Disable hoes.

#Remove crafting bread.

#Change ender chest to require ender-infused obsidian
#recipes.addShaped(<130> * 2, [[<2523:1>,<2523:1>,<2523:1>],[<2523:1>,null,<2523:1>],[<2523:1>,<2523:1>,<2523:1>]]);

#Change dispenser to require red alloy.
recipes.addShaped(<23>, [[oreDict.cobblestone,oreDict.cobblestone,oreDict.cobblestone],[oreDict.cobblestone,<261>,oreDict.cobblestone],[oreDict.cobblestone,<9005:10>,oreDict.cobblestone]]);

#Change piston to require red alloy.
recipes.addShaped(<33>, [[oreDict.plankWood,oreDict.plankWood,oreDict.plankWood],[oreDict.cobblestone,oreDict.ingotIron,oreDict.cobblestone],[oreDict.cobblestone,<9005:10>,oreDict.cobblestone]]);

#Change end portal frame to require enderium, manyullyn, and tartarite.
recipes.addShaped(<120> * 3, [[oreDict.ingotTartarite,oreDict.ingotManyullyn,oreDict.ingotTartarite],[oreDict.ingotManyullyn,<399>,oreDict.ingotManyullyn],[oreDict.ingotEnderium,<121>,oreDict.ingotEnderium]]);

#Change dropper to require red alloy.
recipes.addShaped(<158>, [[oreDict.cobblestone,oreDict.cobblestone,oreDict.cobblestone],[oreDict.cobblestone,null,oreDict.cobblestone],[oreDict.cobblestone,<9005:10>,oreDict.cobblestone]]);

#Change redstone lamp to require a redstone block, glowstone dust, and panes.
recipes.addShaped(<123>, [[<102>,oreDict.dustGlowstone,<102>],[oreDict.dustGlowstone,oreDict.blockRedstone,oreDict.dustGlowstone],[<102>,oreDict.dustGlowstone,<102>]]);

#You can only make shears out of iron.
recipes.addShaped(<359>, [[null,oreDict.ingotIron],[oreDict.ingotIron,null]]);

#Nerf torches to give less.
recipes.addShapeless(<50> * 2, [oreDict.coal,oreDict.stickWood,oreDict.stickWood]);
recipes.addShapeless(<50>, [oreDict.charcoal,oreDict.stickWood]);
recipes.addShapeless(<50>, [oreDict.itemCharcoalSugar,oreDict.stickWood]);
#recipes.addShapeless(<50>, [oreDict.itemRawRubber,oreDict.stickWood]);

#make rubber double torch recipes
recipes.addShapeless(<50> * 4, [oreDict.coal,oreDict.itemRawRubber,oreDict.stickWood,oreDict.stickWood,oreDict.stickWood,oreDict.stickWood]);
recipes.addShapeless(<50> * 2, [oreDict.charcoal,oreDict.itemRawRubber,oreDict.stickWood,oreDict.stickWood]);
recipes.addShapeless(<50> * 2, [oreDict.itemCharcoalSugar,oreDict.itemRawRubber,oreDict.stickWood,oreDict.stickWood]);

#Change flint to require 3 gravel.
recipes.addShapeless(<318>, [<13>,<13>,<13>]);

#Change gold helm to require glowstone and iron helm.
#recipes.addShaped(<314>, [[oreDict.dustGlowstone,oreDict.dustGlowstone,oreDict.dustGlowstone],[oreDict.dustGlowstone,<306>,oreDict.dustGlowstone]]);

#Rename gold helm miner's helm for new recipe and purpose.
#item.helmetGold.displayName = "Miner's Helm";

#Change diamond sword to require cobalt.
recipes.addShaped(<276>, [[oreDict.ingotCobalt],[oreDict.ingotCobalt],[oreDict.stickWood]]);

#Change diamond shovel to require cobalt.
recipes.addShaped(<277>, [[oreDict.ingotCobalt],[oreDict.stickWood],[oreDict.stickWood]]);

#Change diamond pick to require cobalt.
recipes.addShaped(<278>, [[oreDict.ingotCobalt,oreDict.ingotCobalt,oreDict.ingotCobalt],[null,oreDict.stickWood,null],[null,oreDict.stickWood,null]]);

#Change diamond axe to require cobalt.
recipes.addShaped(<279>, [[oreDict.ingotCobalt,oreDict.ingotCobalt],[oreDict.ingotCobalt,oreDict.stickWood],[null,oreDict.stickWood]]);

#Change diamond hoe to require cobalt.
recipes.addShaped(<293>, [[oreDict.ingotCobalt,oreDict.ingotCobalt],[null,oreDict.stickWood],[null,oreDict.stickWood]]);

#Rename diamond tools to reflect their new material.
item.swordDiamond.displayName = "Cobalt Sword";
item.shovelDiamond.displayName = "Cobalt Shovel";
item.pickaxeDiamond.displayName = "Cobalt Pick";
item.hatchetDiamond.displayName = "Cobalt Axe";
item.hoeDiamond.displayName = "Cobalt Hoe";

#change recipe for charcoal to require compressed sawdust instead of wood.
furnace.addRecipe(<263:1>, <20264:162>, 0.2);

#remove recipe for particle glove

#add dream world recipe for ender chest
recipes.addShaped(<130>, [[<49>,<49>,<49>],[<49>,<10886:103>,<49>],[<49>,<49>,<49>]]);


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Eyamaz? I have a major issue when playing your blood n bones modpack. When ever I try to craft tinkers construct items, nothing happens. The item doesn't appear when i put the crafting recipe in. Do you think you could help me with this problem, I have looked at a large amount of websites and no luck. Any help would be appreciated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Eyamaz? I have a major issue when playing your blood n bones modpack. When ever I try to craft tinkers construct items, nothing happens. The item doesn't appear when i put the crafting recipe in. Do you think you could help me with this problem, I have looked at a large amount of websites and no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you be more specific? What items? What materials?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i would guess the whole tinkeres tweaks mod
try using flint as the head for your first tools and bone or wood for the toolrods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello Eyamaz? I have a major issue when playing your blood n bones modpack. When ever I try to craft tinkers construct items, nothing happens. The item doesn't appear when i put the crafting recipe in. Do you think you could help me with this problem, I have looked at a large amount of websites and no luck. Any help would be appreciated.
BloodNBones has some tweaks for Tinker's Construct so it doesn't work exactly like in other packs.

I assume this is the issue you're running into: there are no wood tools, and stone tools cannot be made either (an earlier patch to all Tinker's Construct if you missed it). The first tools you can make must be made of flint (3 gravel crafted together). Also, certain tools cannot be made of flint if I recall correctly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Here's an updated config to add a dream world recipe for the ender chest. All you have to do is defeat your nightmare in single combat. ;) Enjoy.
Interesting... I was thinking more along the lines of using the fantasy metals that you had to go to the dream world for in the first place. This might be an interesting alternative... though fighting much of anything without any food, weapons, armor, or tools is going to be either interesting or extremely boring if you can wall it off.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok just downloaded modpack...been wondering for the last 5 hours how people can enjoy this. Every night so far I have died due to mobs doing stuff which honestly makes me fell like what is the point in playing, most of the time its special creepers that just explode outside my "home" even when im several blocks away from them, which then opens a way for other mobs to just rush in and slaughter me. Really feel like this modpack is very unfriendly to new players because I honestly do not know how I can survive through my first night.

I do think if I could get through this speed bump I would enjoy it but so far I am just hating my experience so far. (btw my "homes" normally are a blocked up rogue dungeon keep thing).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok just downloaded modpack...been wondering for the last 5 hours how people can enjoy this. Every night so far I have died due to mobs doing stuff which honestly makes me fell like what is the point in playing, most of the time its special creepers that just explode outside my "home" even when im several blocks away from them, which then opens a way for other mobs to just rush in and slaughter me. Really feel like this modpack is very unfriendly to new players because I honestly do not know how I can survive through my first night.

I do think if I could get through this speed bump I would enjoy it but so far I am just hating my experience so far. (btw my "homes" normally are a blocked up rogue dungeon keep thing).

The modpack has a steep learning curve. It isn't regular minecraft. If you find a rouge dungeon tower, block off the bottom levels, then go to the top. put one torch in the center of the lower blocked off level. NO TORCHES ON WALLS. Creepers hate torches. Pissed they don't have hands. They get close and boom. Then get to the top of the tower on the roof. You might still get mobs, but you should be safe.

The modpack is much harsher than normal. You will make mistakes and die often until to figure out the basics. Very similar to other survival games in that making a bad choice is fatal. Very unforgiving. Which is why it's fun :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok just downloaded modpack...been wondering for the last 5 hours how people can enjoy this. Every night so far I have died due to mobs doing stuff which honestly makes me fell like what is the point in playing, most of the time its special creepers that just explode outside my "home" even when im several blocks away from them, which then opens a way for other mobs to just rush in and slaughter me. Really feel like this modpack is very unfriendly to new players because I honestly do not know how I can survive through my first night.

I do think if I could get through this speed bump I would enjoy it but so far I am just hating my experience so far. (btw my "homes" normally are a blocked up rogue dungeon keep thing).
The most important thing to know when starting is what blocks mobs will grief. Zombies will destroy these blocks, creepers will explode next to them, destroying the wall and your only protection. A good rule of thumb: everything that is not encountered in the wild is subject to griefing, even cobblestone. Also, a one-thick wall does not prevent the grief from my experience; you have to get a thicker buffer in order to consider yourself safe.

If you want to see every possible grief-able block, check the configs; (S:target_blocks in SpecialAI.cfg) there's a lot, listed by their block IDs.

Sidenote: If I die within the first day or two, I will usually just restart. I didn't make much progress, and since I could've lost all of the early berries and resources gathered, I find it less stressful to just give it another go.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Interesting... I was thinking more along the lines of using the fantasy metals that you had to go to the dream world for in the first place. This might be an interesting alternative... though fighting much of anything without any food, weapons, armor, or tools is going to be either interesting or extremely boring if you can wall it off.

Maybe you could go in and build up during a good dream then return during a bad one to kill you nightmare with tools made during the good dream.

Trouble is that you need a nether level pick to mine the fantasy metals. So that would work but the progression would need to be changed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I love this modpack and I am playing on my server with a friend and we have gotten quite far into the game, however we found that the healing axe, made with unstable ingots is EXTREMELY OP. I enjoy powerful items that are balanced with their costs and this is not one of them, it fills your hunger within 20 second perhaps less and heals you a heart every 2 seconds, considering it cost 3 iron 3 diamond and 2 sticks. Even though the division sigil is rare and hard to activate I still think its too op and should be either nerfed, made endgame or disabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can you be more specific? What items? What materials?
I can't make the blank pattern item, i don't know about the rest because i am unable to craft them without the blank pattern[DOUBLEPOST=1401490436][/DOUBLEPOST]
BloodNBones has some tweaks for Tinker's Construct so it doesn't work exactly like in other packs.

I assume this is the issue you're running into: there are no wood tools, and stone tools cannot be made either (an earlier patch to all Tinker's Construct if you missed it). The first tools you can make must be made of flint (3 gravel crafted together). Also, certain tools cannot be made of flint if I recall correctly.
It's not that, I cant even craft the blank patterns


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't make the blank pattern item, i don't know about the rest because i am unable to craft them without the blank pattern[DOUBLEPOST=1401490436][/DOUBLEPOST]
It's not that, I cant even craft the blank patterns

Definitely an isolated problem then. I would go to options, and do force update. If you are playing on a server, make sure that you are on the same version they are on. You can still log into a 1.10 server with 1.11 downloaded and the opposite. But some recipes won't work at all.[DOUBLEPOST=1401491072][/DOUBLEPOST]
Since Fantasy Metals were moved into the Spirit World of Witchery, does the Deep Dark have a required purpose?

Easier metals and diamonds is a big advantage I'd expect, since resources are now more rare in the overworld. And of course, extradeath x3 is a huge bonus. But i do wonder what he will put in there to entice us to killing ourselves there :)