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  1. L

    Whitelist Server FireCraft | FTB Unleashed (v1.1.4) | Whitelisted | No Greifing | Survival | PVP

    I have been attempting to join for the past 30 minutes or so. Have you entered me into the whitelist yet or have you yet to enter it?
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    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Unleashed|White list|Grief Prev|Daily Contests|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    Forum name: Lazuli7 In-Game Name: TimeArchon Age: 18 Country: United States Have you ever been banned? why? I have not been banned to my knowledge Do you understand that we won't tolerate cursing in the public chat? Yep, if Mr. Rodgers or Sesame street won't say it publicly I won't either If you...
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    Windows .exe Issue with most 1.5.2 modpacks using Modular Powersuits

    Basically, everytime I use the tinkers table from modular powersuits the majority of my screen freezes, not lag, freezes. Only the small sliver of area where it lists the armor in the table I can see out of, I have updated my LWJGL to the most recent version, I am not using optifine. This is...
  4. L

    mmmPowersuits Screen Freeze bug

    I happen to be getting this also, have any of you found a fix yet? I haven't in the time I have been searching. Oh and I replaced the LLJGL and I don't have optifine installed
  5. L

    Whitelist Server FireCraft | FTB Unleashed (v1.1.4) | Whitelisted | No Greifing | Survival | PVP

    IGN: TimeArchon Age: 18* FTB Experience: Played Tekkit, then played the first FTB pack when the launcher came out took a break towards the end of spring and now here I am. Activity Level: 3-4 Hours will probably drop off to 2-3 hours when school starts up again, but will probably be 3-4 on...
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    The Future of Microblocks

    I am sure that she will continue to work on it. RP2 has always been one of the slower mods to update, but it does add quite alot of stuff. Also, one of the last posts on her twitter, she says that she is back on rp2 full-time now. So I am sure that it is nothing to worry bout.
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    Yogscast on FTB

    Well its because they are the console and are cheaper. Everytime when a new gen of console comes out the hate starts to get more heated up. And at this time also the consoles catch up to the PC. But it is all a matter of cost and availability. Next generation consoles could cost $500 right? But...
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    Windows .exe Mindcrack V8.0.1 Can't create world

    Yea, stinks. I needed to test something in creative too to see how something looks/functions.
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    Windows .exe Mindcrack V8.0.1 Can't create world

    So, I updated my mindcrack to 8.0.1. And I deleted some of my old worlds that were kinda just sitting around in my singleplayer tab. Now, when I try to generate a new world it won't generate it. Just freezes on the loading world & building terrain screen. I have waited quite a while for it to...
  10. L

    Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

    Age: 17 In-game Name: TimeArchon Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes, I have read and understand the rules Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I know a lot about the modpack, especially with Greg-tech on easy mode, I can assist some of the people who aren't as familiar with...
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    Xeno's Reliquary

    Nice to see more mods from you
  12. L

    [Whitelist] CES - Mindcrack FTB [1.4.6]

    In-game Name: TimeArchon Why Would you like to join the server?: Last server, well someone blew up all my stuff sooo i started looking for a new one do you have experience with the mods?: Yes, I played tekkit for a long time, and then FTB came out. and i have been playing it since release...
  13. L

    CheeseMonkey's MindCrack Server [1.4.6 MindCrack][White List]

    Ingame Name: TimeArchon Age: 17 Skype:I have one, Would prefer not to post it though... Why you want to join: Been looking for a good server, would like to create a town of sorts maybe. I am good with the modpack and know a lot about it so I can help out the newer people.
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    1.4.6[MineCrack] RippleCraft [Whitelist][Nolag][Teamspeak][NewMap]

    Sure, I will be on later to mine and then we can start working :D And also ripx666 is the server down cause it can't reach server for me so I can't connect?
  15. L

    1.4.6[MineCrack] RippleCraft [Whitelist][Nolag][Teamspeak][NewMap]

    1. Age: 17 2. IGN: TimeArchon 3. How long have you been playing the FTB Pack?: 2-3 Months 4. What do you plan to do on the server?: Start a town possibly, meet some people and make some new friends hopefully 5. Have you ever owned or been a staff on a server?: Yep 6. Have you registered on our...
  16. L

    [1.4.6]The-Construct (13+)| Direwolf Pack | Whitelist | 20 Slots | TS3

    Yea, my IGN is exactly as I typed it here. TimeArchon. Got it working, took a few hours after, but got it working.
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    [1.4.6 Direwolf20 Modpack] LogiCarft - 16+, Mature

    1. Username: TimeArchon 2. Age: 17 3. Skype: Yes 4. Whats your favorite Mod? I kinda mess around with the whole pack so it is hard to choose a favorite. Redpower 2 or IndustrialCraft 2, but the other mods are right up there with them still. 5. Why would you like to join our server? Looking for a...
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    [1.4.6]The-Construct (13+)| Direwolf Pack | Whitelist | 20 Slots | TS3

    Good to know, cause Redpower Frames can be used for making doors, and moving platform type things. And turtles come in handy for lazy people. Have you refreshed the whitelist, cause it says i am not whitelisted yet
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    [1.4.6]The-Construct (13+)| Direwolf Pack | Whitelist | 20 Slots | TS3

    IGN: TimeArchon Age: 17 Country: United States Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No Experience with mods?: IC2, EE3, RP2, RailCraft, Portal/Gravity Gun, Buildcraft, Mystcraft, little bit of Thaumcraft (Only named off some of the larger ones, I know most of the pack pretty well)...
  20. L

    GDD|Craft [Direwolf] [Whitelist] [No Lag] [24/7] [12+]

    Username: TimeArchon Age: 17 Years playing Minecraft? 1 Have you been banned? Nope Will you like to grief?(And therefore make it on our global banlist) Nope Other information: I know quite a bit about most of the mods in the pack, and I like to build fairly large structures