CheeseMonkey's MindCrack Server [1.4.6 MindCrack][White List]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
Ingame Name:
Age: 15
Skype: cslozeris
Why you want to join: I want to join because I want some people i can show my inventions to and share my toughts :)
In game Name: schr0863
Age: 16
Skype: schr0863
Why you want to join: i would like to join because id really like a server where i wont be greifed and make my creations in peace
Ingame Name: matthewurban
Age: 17
Skype: matthewurban2
Why you want to join: because i want to be in sever that is small to play in and find some new friends to talk with
Ingame Name: mek18
Age: 17
Skype: yura_net1
Why you want to join: because I want to play with other players and explore minecrak:)
Ingame Name: tamsakeer
Age: 12 1/2
Skype: tamsakeer
Why you want to join: I Want To Join Cuz Every Server I Go On Is Griefed Or Someone Destorys All My Stuff!
So I Found This sErver In Hope Of Being Whitelisted And In Hope That Griefers DON'T Get Whitelisted!
skype:will not put on forums
why i want to join i am amazing at redstone and i want to try something see new desingnsand meet new people[DOUBLEPOST=1357399723][/DOUBLEPOST]sorry for the crappy spelling in a hery
Ingame Name: damunzy
Age: 36
Skype: damunzy
Why you want to join:Looking for a good server to play on. One with a community of helpful players.
1 Minecraft username Neji1245
2. How long have you been playing minecraft? 3 years
3. How long have you been playing FTB? 1 months
4. [Optional]Would you join the server teamspeak ive never joined we can see
5. im going to be straight with u I am I newb currently learning im a good companion im super cute and my Skype is neji1245 :P I also try always to be as much help as I can be
6. I like cake :O
7. im completely random​
[DOUBLEPOST=1357428809][/DOUBLEPOST]Skype me if I am able to get in (neji1245)
In Game Name: Davidrotondo212
Skype: rotondo david
Why i want to join: the reason i want to join is because i love playing with mods and showing people mods like this work and what they do and i would love to play on a server that has few people with no greifing allowed and a community to trust.
Age: 17
Skype: Alien7107
Why you want join: I Need A Community To Enjoy This Modpack With And This Seems Like The Place To Do It.
Oh and btw i play LoL too
Ingame Name: BelGaraath
Age: 17
Skype: CubeEater, though i rarely use it.
Why you want to join: Im looking for a nice server, with good staff and a friendly community. Single Player gets boring with time, and id like the extra benefits of a server (Friends, community projects, Etc)
Ingame Name: TimeArchon
Age: 17
Skype:I have one, Would prefer not to post it though...
Why you want to join: Been looking for a good server, would like to create a town of sorts maybe. I am good with the modpack and know a lot about it so I can help out the newer people.
Ingame Name: Alienneff
Age: 19
Skype: christian.lewisswagg
Why you want to join: I have been looking for a good FTB server and i think this is the one everyone else is to picky and has so many mods disabled
Ingame Name: kev9542
Age: 18
Skype: i prefer only telling my skype trough pm, and yes i do have skype
Why you want to join: Im tired of playing on singleplayer, i feel soo lonely on it, i want to show my creations and play with people, i love mindcrack, would be very gratefull to be able to play on the server :)
In-Game Name:
14 <--- does it really even matter, im mature if thats wat its about.
i have it but will only tell it in Pm's if thats alright.​
Do you have any experience with the FTB modpack?:
not very much but id love to learn it and i have had experience with some of the mods, previously i have owned a tekkit server and i used to be hugely involved with bc and ic and a bit of redpower/railcraft stuff.​
What do you look for in a server?:
a relaxed close comunity server, just like mindcrack.
Do you understand that there is no griefing or stealing?
yep, i hate griefers and stealers myself, thats why i have quit various other servers.
If you have a prior ban, then please explain your side of things:
nope never been banned on any server.

sorry about the different temp.