[Whitelist] CES - Mindcrack FTB [1.4.6]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
In-game Name:WillB1fy
Why Would you like to join the server?:I would like to join your server because ever since I started playing minecraft I have wanted to find a server that I could just go and get on to hang out make some friends and have a good time.
do you have experience with the mods?:Yes I have used the mods before by installing them into minecraft. But where my expertice is, is with buildcraft i know how to use evrything in it.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No I have never played on any servers before because I could never find a good server like this one.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:I would rate myself a 7 because I am not always the greatest builder but I can make some cool buildings.
timezone/country you live in:My timezone is (US & Canada Mountain Pacific Time) I live in North America-USA

you application has been accepted, welcome to the server :)
In-game Name:deeks1987
Why Would you like to join the server?:bored of playing ssp
do you have experience with the mods?:yes and lots with tekkit
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) yes but that was resolved and i was found not guilty.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 6 out of ten
timezone/country you live in: uk
Age: 19
In-game Name: Badsap
Why Would you like to join the server?: Because my friend also plays this server.
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes with tekkit and technic.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No I dont.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 9
timezone/country you live in: Netherlands Europe.
In-game Name:Darkizz89
Why Would you like to join the server?: I want to join a Mindcrack Feed the Beast server that's not iperpopulated.
do you have experience with the mods?:Yep,I play with modpacks and mod from May 2011
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Nope.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 6.5/10
timezone/country you live in: GMT +1 (Italy)
In-game Name:deeks1987
Why Would you like to join the server?:bored of playing ssp
do you have experience with the mods?:yes and lots with tekkit
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) yes but that was resolved and i was found not guilty.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 6 out of ten
timezone/country you live in: uk

you've been whitelisted, welcome to the server
Age: 14
In-game Name: MinecraftAbmin
Why Would you like to join the server?: I want to join this server so i can build stuff with out geting giefed all the time
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes i have use some of the mods before
do you have any bans on record?: 2
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 8 out of 10
timezone/country you live in: United Kingdom
Age:42 In-game Name:hemoo2003 Why Would you liketo join the server?:because i love FTB and ive always wanted to join mindcrack do you have experience with mods?:yes I have been using mods since I bought minecraft do you have any ban on records?: (answer honestly) no never how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:5/10 because I'm good with buildings timezone/country you live in:USA,central time zone
Age:42 In-game Name:hemoo2003 Why Would you liketo join the server?:because i love FTB and ive always wanted to join mindcrack do you have experience with mods?:yes I have been using mods since I bought minecraft do you have any ban on records?: (answer honestly) no never how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:5/10 because I'm good with buildings timezone/country you live in:USA,central time zone

sorry ive been offline for most of today

hermoo2003 and Darkizz89 have been added to the whitelist, welcome to the server :)
Hello one again I was add to the server but the user I have right now is jksams and i was wondering if you could add this guy for right now then i will post when i have my WillB1fy account
Age: 19
In-game Name: Alienneff
Why Would you like to join the server?: All the other servers i have played on were not very good and this one sounds pretty cool
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes i have played with redpower and railcraft for a long time and i cant forget about IC2
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) I Have never been banned on any servers
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 1-10 I would say 8
timezone/country you live in: Central Time U.s
In-game Name:Mony459
Why Would you like to join the server?:This server looks fun, and it has potential and My friends and I want to play on a fun server together.
do you have experience with the mods?:Not alot...
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Straight up I do have bans.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:I'm a good builder I don't know what to rate myself as.. an 8 out of 10?
timezone/country you live in:Central/USA
In-game Name:skstout1998
Why Would you like to join the server?:i want to be part of a community that are all friends and that i can joke around with
do you have experience with the mods?:yes ive been playing these mods for a while
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) no
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:on a scale 1 to 10 10 being the worst 4
timezone/country you live in:USA central
Age: 22
In-game Name: Zeratul001
Why Would you like to join the server?: My friend is on this server, and I have never myself tried out public servers. I always just played privately.
do you have experience with the mods?: Minimal with some mods. Including ; Extra Biomes, INdustrial Craft, Zombie Mod, Mo'Creatures, YoggCast, Myst Craft and a Poke'Mon mod. There are others, but too many to really remember at this time.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Maybe like a 5 out of 10.
timezone/country you live in: Michigan, Eastern Time Zone.
Age: 17
In-game Name: Belmeurrr
Why Would you like to join the server?: really want to play on a server instead of single player, more fun that way
do you have experience with the mods?: a lot, usually always play minecraft with mods, feed the beast being the newest addition
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) nope.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: not that creative honestly... but i love the technical aspect of this mod.
timezone/country you live in: USA, pacific time
Age: 15 (almost 16)
In-game Name: pims1997
Why Would you like to join the server?: Because I like mindcrack and smaller but friendlier communities
do you have experience with the mods?: yep, I know a lot about: buildcraft, forestry, computercraft, IC2, thaumcraft, railcraft and xycraft :P
do you have any bans on record?: No, if you won't count the "bans" from my own server... (private one, hosted on my own pc :P)
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7 - 8 I am pretty creative with building but I also get inspiration from some youtubers!
timezone/country you live in: The Netherlands: GMT + 1
Age: 17
In-game Name: SexualPanda
Why Would you like to join the server?: I've been playing Feed The Beast (and vanilla) for quite a while on my own, but it's beginning to get boring - I want to take part in a community and just generally have a laugh while playing rather than do stuff on my own.
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes, I've been using the pack for a week or two now and I've also used Tekkit extensively.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No, I haven't played on any SMP servers before.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Out of ten I'd probably rate myself as a 6 or 7.
timezone/country you live in: GMT/UK
In-game Name: TimeArchon
Why Would you like to join the server?: Last server, well someone blew up all my stuff sooo i started looking for a new one
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes, I played tekkit for a long time, and then FTB came out. and i have been playing it since release basically
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Nope, no bans to my knowledge
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Out of ten? 11 ( anyone get that reference?) but seriously 8/10.
timezone/country you live in: PST, United States