[Whitelist] CES - Mindcrack FTB [1.4.6]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Age:42 In-game Name:hemoo2003 Why Would you like to join the server?:because i love FTB and ive always wanted to join mindcrack do you have experience with mods?:yes I have been using mods since I bought minecraft do you have any ban on records?: (answer honestly) no never how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:5/10 because I'm good with buildings timezone/country you live in:USA,central time zone
In-game Name:ssj15
Why Would you like to join the server?: Because I want to join a friendly comunity where there is no spammer, griefers, hackers, etc.
do you have experience with the mods?: Oh yes, Especially with computercraft and industrialcraft
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) once because a hacker killed me, griefed spawn while I was AFK at spawn and accused me for griefing the spawn ._.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7.5-8
timezone/country you live in: Canada (Québec)
Age: 17
In-game Name: Gangles69
Why Would you like to join the server?: Want a smaller comunity based server compared to the larger greif filled ones
do you have experience with the mods?: played ftb sinces its realse
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) i was banned for proving a mod wrong once
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7
timezone/country you live in: i live in saskatchewan, Canada
In-game Name: jakem17
Why Would you like to join the server?:i'm looking for servers to begin working with people to create stuff on, Ive always found it eaiser to learn when its with someone.
do you have experience with the mods?: Starting to get experience with redpower and have some experince with railcraft i know the basics of IC2
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Yes. but there so far back, i can't remember what they were for, i think accidental spamming what the worst.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 3/5, i can't say Im a great builder but i do try.
timezone/country you live in: EST; FL USA
I am applying again, to get a final answer on whether or not i'm accepted, Like in the conversation i made with you, i have found NOTHING on me ever being banned from any server for griefing. So either respond on me on here, or respond to me on here, i just want an answer on weather or not im accepted.
Age: 16
In-game Name: jasperarmstrong
Why Would you like to join the server?: This sounds like a good Mindcrack server.
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes, I played with Tekkit for a few months and have played FTB for about a month and a half.
do you have any bans on record? (answer honestly): Nope.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7/10 I don't often make a build that's a masterpiece but I make sure what I build at least looks decent.
timezone/country you live in: GMT -8 (Southern California)
Age: 17
In-game Name: curiosity1836
Why Would you like to join the server?: I'm looking for a safe and fun server to join.
do you have experience with the mods?: yes i have been playing with them for about 2 years
do you have any bans on record?: nope i'm ban free
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Pretty average nothing amazing
timezone/country you live in: Australia GMT+10
In-game Name:izmurphziV2
Why Would you like to join the server?:So i can play with people:D
do you have experience with the mods?: I know my fair share of all the mods
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No i dont
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 2/3 i bulid what is needed
timezone/country you live in:GMT/UK
Age: 15
In-game Name: xdiehard1x
Why Would you like to join the server?: I want to play FTB with people, cause alone is boring
do you have experience with the mods?: yes, i have played Technick pack, tekkit and the old FTB alot
do you have any bans on record?: No, i do not
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I can be really creative
timezone/country you live in: I live in Amsterdam so normal European time +1.00
Age: 13
In-game Name: ProudSurvivor
Why Would you like to join the server?: Playing solo is kinda boring and i want to share my builds
do you have experience with the mods?: Ive played Technic Pack and Tekkit alot so i know the most
do you have any bans on record?: Nope never banned
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 8/10
timezone/country you live in: I live in Holland, normal European time +1.00
Age: 19
In-game Name: Badsap
Why Would you like to join the server?: Because my friend also plays this server.
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes with tekkit and technic.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No I dont.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 9
timezone/country you live in: Netherlands Europe.
Age: 16
In-game Name: HUNTATWA
Why Would you like to join the server?: have been looking for a good server
do you have experience with the mods?: yes
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) no
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: good
timezone/country you live in: pacific standard time usa
the server has been undergoing alot of maintenance recently, all of that should be fixed now we are under a new server host, because of this i cant let anyone on ATM because i need to test the server and make sure its stable with the amount of players already on.

For Any existing members, the new server ip is:
Copying MindCrack is kind of disrespectful to Guude, maybe change the name and leave a tag saying that this is a "MindCrack Like" the server...
Copying MindCrack is kind of disrespectful to Guude, maybe change the name and leave a tag saying that this is a "MindCrack Like" the server...
The pack is called 'mindcrack' i dont see why guude would take offence, even if he did somehow find this post.
I've recently upgraded the server to a better host, so i can now let on more players. i will be accepting 5 more applications for the server today! --

any applications after this post will be considered, just so i know the places are still wanted.
Age: 14
In-game Name: MinecraftAbmin
Why Would you like to join the server?: I want to join this server so i can build stuff with out geting giefed all the time
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes i have use some of the mods before
do you have any bans on record?: 2
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 8 out of 10
timezone/country you live in: United Kingdom
In-game Name:WillB1fy
Why Would you like to join the server?:I would like to join your server because ever since I started playing minecraft I have wanted to find a server that I could just go and get on to hang out make some friends and have a good time.
do you have experience with the mods?:Yes I have used the mods before by installing them into minecraft. But where my expertice is, is with buildcraft i know how to use evrything in it.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No I have never played on any servers before because I could never find a good server like this one.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:I would rate myself a 7 because I am not always the greatest builder but I can make some cool buildings.
timezone/country you live in:My timezone is (US & Canada Mountain Pacific Time) I live in North America-USA
Age: 13
In-game Name: SavagExRaiD
Why Would you like to join the server?: I am getting bored of solo and want to play with people
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes, I watch videos all day and play a lot
do you have any bans on record?: No
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7.5/10
timezone/country you live in: Central Standard Time United States