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  1. D

    Extra Bees Mod - Does it work?

    Here's a link to newest version. Works the same like in 1.5.2 - except new products from radioactive bees - crushed uranium ore - put it into thermal centrifuge from IC2 and you have uranium :) Does anyone found new stuff from extra bees for 1.6.4 ?
  2. D

    Is Ore processing and sorting disappearing?

    For me when i first tried modded MC by FTB 1.3.2 i started to get automated processing of ores and automated mining. When i knewhow mods work i started fun with bees and when AE was released i used it to automate bee processing for getting huge amount of ores. What to do with thousands of iron ...
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    How do I get started with Magic World 2

    About Magical Crops remember that in 3.1.5 the way of getting magic essence was changed - you need basic dust for weak magic essence - not only 4 but 9. But it only needs more mining. But for diamond or emerald seeds you need 22k magic dust so you will start farming seeds and get lucky for...
  4. D

    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    Simple transfer of energy from RF to MJ is by Power Converters - works really great but costs some resources. I think that PC mod is enough for conversing from one energy to another. The best would be if TE3 conduits would work both ways with MJ and RF not the one-way. My 5 cents to the discussion.
  5. D

    Doubt I'll be running out of Gold anytime soon...

    And when i thought what to do with the huge amount of gold i have - make a golden lake :)) I think when molten gold is in mystcraft world all of molten materials from Tinker's Contruct will be in new mystcraft worlds - sweet. Oceans of liquid UU matter, milk, honey, seed oil, liquid dyes :)
  6. D

    trying to decide on power generation

    Binnie's mod works fine in DW20 1-6-4 pack. I found on reddit some math about reactant dynamos values aobut what liquid and solid items works in it. So in the config we know that reactant fuels give...
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    ExtraBees Purifier / Synthesizer

    Firstly when i heard that's new mod which can manipulate bees genes i was really excited. But when i tried it - 100 % mutation all the time, alveary with 100 % production all the time - no impregnated frames. Too easy and not so funny. Idea was good but those upgrades ruined everything. I read...
  8. D

    End Game Things To Do?

    For me always end game was having all spiecies of bees, milions of resources (iron, gold, diamond, copper, tin, silver, lead), 5 different energy production, everything automated not only by AE, etc. You can make sick buildings or power your base by milk or honey - which i want to do :) Or...
  9. D

    extremely fast crops in Monster

    Autonomous activator + liliypad of fertility and you have tons of resources. And that's the reason i stopped using fastering for magical crops - it's so OP that nothing can be compared to this. When you make first 2 seeds in a matter of time you have thousands of seeds and thousands of resources...
  10. D

    Accelerate farms without fertilizer.

    Autonomous activator + watering can = OP. I used it on magical crops and gained huge amount of resources but it sounded like cheating. Also AA with watering can makes me lags. It's really good and compact small farm with the speed of 2 fertilizers. I think from this 4x 3x3 farm you can gain more...
  11. D

    Power Gen in DW20 1.6.4.

    You can make tree farm by MFR, Forestry or Steve's Cart. In Steve's Cart tree farm you can make charcoal directly from chopped tree logs which cart will smelt. Then power it to solid boiler or directly to steam dynamos - RF from TE3 can power all machines which need MJ. Using endertermic pump...
  12. D

    Direwolf20 1.0.6 causing retrogen?

    Ore retrogen was on true in TE3 WORLD config. I from this mistake who made got a lot of resources :)) Always when i update a pack i must change configs (AE, MFR, BoP) for my own settings.
  13. D

    Thermal Expansion 3.0!!! No More Beta! Thanks KL!

    I also have this bug. It shows different stuff - not steam graphics. Also in Direwolf pack 1.03 & 1.04 there are crashes every time when i try to look into magmatic dynamo.
  14. D

    FTB Lite

    I did what Bagman817 wrote - simply eliminate mods from DW pack - made pack which i made for vanilla launcher and added 2 more mods which aren't in any pack (87 mods) - works preety good. First mods which you must remove are Thaumcraft 4 and Morph mods - lags from auras and whisp generation/...
  15. D

    Upcoming Mod Packs

    When you click on each 1.6.4 pack on FTB launcher on the right side there's a list of all mods in each pack also with the name of an author/authors of each mod.
  16. D

    Upcoming Mod Packs

    For me Lite pack is too lite - no Buildcraft, no Forestry, no AE, no Ender Storage, no barrels from Factorization, no IC2, no Biomes O Plenty, no Tinkers Contruct, no Railcraft - too LITE for me. I simply add those and thanks for master configs for all FTB packs guys - easy mod manipulation. I...
  17. D

    Mods I added to DW20 1.6.4 (and work!)

    I added magical crops, binnie's mod, redstone arsenal (TE3 addon) - works fine without ID conflicts.
  18. D

    What mod pack is the best?

    I checked that Thaumcraft4, Morph are not good for slower computers or laptops. I had to disable those mods due to big lags. Also when you make big power factory this also will be laggy - especially with a lot of automation by AE. For low lags use tesseracts, opaque TE versions of ducts. For...
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    So what's the best treefarm in 1.6?

    For what you want a farm ? MFR is simply the fastest to get - plug in power, plug in saplings, get chest to harvester and you're done. Also you can simply change the way you farm - from trees to wheat or even magical crops work like a charm. But for making biofuel & ethanol Forestry farm is...
  20. D

    How do you decide the progression of your base?

    I almost all the time build my basic chest system on dirt level in basic small wood house. Then dig down to the basement and there i put my machines (ore processing etc). Also i make new building for Thaumcraft stuff. Later in game i expand basement to put more machines & power system. Also i...