So what's the best treefarm in 1.6?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Haven't really played since 1.4.X. I set up a Steve's Carts farm, and to my surprise the woodcutter attachment now has durability, and to repair it you need diamonds. Early/mid game that is not ideal. Seems like you need the highest tier for it to be unbreakable (which requires an insane amount of stuff).

My guess is the cheapest tree farm to make/maintain would be a Forestry Multifarms now, since it only requires a very small amount of power (which you can use charcoal made from the tree farm for), and fertilizer.

Am I far off? Thanks.
MFR is the best, IMHO. Easier to automate, cheaper to build, great production. It takes very few resources to get a fully automated/self-powered farm going in MFR.

You can get more out of a Forestry multiblock but that usually means you've done some tree breeding to make the perfect sapling for the job.
MFR is the best, IMHO. Easier to automate, cheaper to build, great production. It takes very few resources to get a fully automated/self-powered farm going in MFR.

You can get more out of a Forestry multiblock but that usually means you've done some tree breeding to make the perfect sapling for the job.
MFR seems a bit over powering, though.
For what you want a farm ? MFR is simply the fastest to get - plug in power, plug in saplings, get chest to harvester and you're done. Also you can simply change the way you farm - from trees to wheat or even magical crops work like a charm.

But for making biofuel & ethanol Forestry farm is better - but you must mutate the best sapling - it needs a lot of time and luck to put the best genes to sapling. I think the best sapling can get you a lot of apples & big amount of saplings from one tree - which will be better than MFR can even be.
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SC2 is still cheap an easy and the weird nerfs were rolled back so that it's much more viable, early game.
SC2 is still cheap an easy and the weird nerfs were rolled back so that it's much more viable, early game.
Wait what? They were?

E: Now see that's much more sensible. That twig bs was so ridiculously stupid.
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Cheap to make and maintain is MFR (small power cost, a few steam dynamos from TE powered with charcoal is fine), without fertiliser it's great, with fertiliser it's insane.
Cheapest to maintain (nil) and fairly cheap to make but requires a lot of time to research is Golem treefarms which are incredibly good and afaik the golems handle any tree.
With an unlimited supply of fertilizer, the MFR farm is unbeatable. But after mine ate up my entire supply of apatite in 1 nite, it was more trouble than its worth. Switching to a forestry farm fixed that. Now i have saplings + logs coming out my ears, and have yet to use a full stack of fertilizer.

Planing to re-purpose the old mfr farm to grow food w/o using fertilizer.
With an unlimited supply of fertilizer, the MFR farm is unbeatable. But after mine ate up my entire supply of apatite in 1 nite, it was more trouble than its worth. Switching to a forestry farm fixed that. Now i have saplings + logs coming out my ears, and have yet to use a full stack of fertilizer.

Planing to re-purpose the old mfr farm to grow food w/o using fertilizer.

You missed a key part of MFR. Look into Sewers and Composters. A small herd of cows can keep you up to your ears in fertilizer. 100% automatic, no hunting for apatite, no need for fertilizer doubling with uu-matter, etc.
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Wait what? They were?

E: Now see that's much more sensible. That twig bs was so ridiculously stupid.

Yeah. I actually worry my SC2 strip miner is OP. Even with just a basic t2 drill, it is a FEARSOME thing. And with mystcraft of blood magic, you can have it operate out of a central station with incredible variety.

I'm going to experiment with mob farms next.
Yeah. I actually worry my SC2 strip miner is OP. Even with just a basic t2 drill, it is a FEARSOME thing. And with mystcraft of blood magic, you can have it operate out of a central station with incredible variety.

Well until you make an fully enchanted(Effi V, Silk touch) Boring machine from Rotary with 6+ hydrokinetics or equivalent I would say it isn't. By far the most ridiculous mining system I've ever seen. Not to mention that it can silk touch any block. Having stacks upon stacks of thaumcraft infused stone just laying around is hilarious.
I'd love to know where you saw that. The most insane I've seen is DocRedstone's frame quarry demonstration.

I've done MFR Tree Farms. I've done Steve's Carts Tree Farms. SC2 was actually my first tree farm. It's even more efficient now, because it can cook it's own charcoal. Back in the day, I ran it off of planks run through a saw mill.
I'd love to know where you saw that. The most insane I've seen is DocRedstone's frame quarry demonstration.

I've done MFR Tree Farms. I've done Steve's Carts Tree Farms. SC2 was actually my first tree farm. It's even more efficient now, because it can cook it's own charcoal. Back in the day, I ran it off of planks run through a saw mill.
The only reason I find it more ridiculous than frame bores/quarries is it never moves and the tip is chunkloaded by the machine and extends on into foreverness. It may only mine 35 blocks at most each go but they're fairly cheap to make and make power for. Not to mention silk touching literally any block. Hives, bushes, anything.
Well until you make an fully enchanted(Effi V, Silk touch) Boring machine from Rotary with 6+ hydrokinetics or equivalent I would say it isn't.

SC2 can do Silk touch, and it mines easily as fast at that (though it's arguably more costly). What's so stunning about it is how incredibly fuel efficient it is. It can also suck ores right out of the walls so it actually covers a substantially wider range!

By far the most ridiculous mining system I've ever seen. Not to mention that it can silk touch any block. Having stacks upon stacks of thaumcraft infused stone just laying around is hilarious.

That's a bug you should report. It can be VERY dangerous to silk touch blocks that do not expect to be silk touched. In this case, it's benign but I can think of a few mods where placement will cause crashes or unintended effects.
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