extremely fast crops in Monster

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steve g

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
let the pictures speak:



autonomous activators are the key here. those grey blocks under the dirt are the activators, each with a watering can. thats a slime essence crop from magical crops, and it grows fast. how fast? 10 minutes, 40+ stacks of slime. not slime essence, slime. under normal conditions without the activators, youd be lucky to get 1 stack a day.

this works with any crop/sapling. need seeds for seed oil? try a melon patch. you wont have enough power to run the army of squeezers needed to keep up with the incoming stream of seeds from just a small patch like this one. i tried. i did not win ;)

one thing i noticed, the drops with the harvester is not what you normally get if you manually harvest a magic crop. no nature essence, no extra seeds, no weak essence, not even candy canes. just the crop item and a seed. did magic crops update or is that because of machine harvesting?
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I 've read in MFR 2.7.4 changelog said temporary removed magical crops support, maybe that's because this bug.

BTW nice find, enjoy while you can :)

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The MFR part isn't the problem, he could harvest/replant even easier with Rotarycraft. ;)

The problem---as has been the problem numerous times---is that every time they make it so that the watering can can't be automated another mod comes along with a block that can automate it. I wouldn't be surprised if this block will also run a Quartz Grindstone.

And yeah, you don't get all the drops if you use typical farm automation for Magic Crops. I think if you used the actuators or turtles to harvest you would get the extra drops since they simulate a player.

Magic Crops should be renamed to EasyBees.
The only things I haven't been able to get the watering can to work with are Forestry saplings and Pam's saplings. I'm pretty sure it even works with ender lilies, though those are so slow normally it's hard to tell.

Even though I've done it, I agree that automating the watering can's overpowered.
you could've added fertilized dirt from Random Things and the sprinkler from OpenBlocks aswell.
there's also the lilypad of fertility from Reliquary and if you update to the latest Ars Magica 2, there's a sigil for growing plants aswell.
and oohyea, there's also the fertility lamp from Thaumcraft

try adding in all those things and see how fast it'll go :P
i will..but here's something i noticed about ender lilies.

they are immune to almost every method of accelerated growth there is, except one: time.

im serious. set up a patch of ender lilies. dont matter what time of day it is. make sure its on end stone. in NEI, cycle to the next quarter of the sun/moon cycle. if it's midday, set the time to dusk, if it's morning, go to noon, etc. watch the patch. after the lilies do their thing (all of them), switch to the next light/night cycle. repeat. thats pretty messed up. it would be funny to set up a set of command blocks and get a turtle or something to cycle through them every minute or so ;). do not block their line of sight with the sky, they wont respond otherwise to the different times. i wonder if its based on light level changes.

edit: they do respond to water cans. but not much else. but only when time changes. without the cans they dont seem to do much, but when they are being watered, they noticably change when time does. im guessing they measure time and only grow to next stage after x amount of time passes. dont know what x is, i'll let someone more patient than i am do that little exercise ;)
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i will..but here's something i noticed about ender lilies.

they are immune to almost every method of accelerated growth there is, except one: time.

im serious. set up a patch of ender lilies. dont matter what time of day it is. make sure its on end stone. in NEI, cycle to the next quarter of the sun/moon cycle. if it's midday, set the time to dusk, if it's morning, go to noon, etc. watch the patch. after the lilies do their thing (all of them), switch to the next light/night cycle. repeat. thats pretty messed up. it would be funny to set up a set of command blocks and get a turtle or something to cycle through them every minute or so ;). do not block their line of sight with the sky, they wont respond otherwise to the different times. i wonder if its based on light level changes.

edit: they do respond to water cans. but not much else. but only when time changes. without the cans they dont seem to do much, but when they are being watered, they noticably change when time does. im guessing they measure time and only grow to next stage after x amount of time passes. dont know what x is, i'll let someone more patient than i am do that little exercise ;)

how about a mystcraft world with very fast time?
i am bad with mystcraft ages, i tried. its just a lot to take in setting up the proper pages in the right order. can someone try?
Autonomous activator + liliypad of fertility and you have tons of resources. And that's the reason i stopped using fastering for magical crops - it's so OP that nothing can be compared to this. When you make first 2 seeds in a matter of time you have thousands of seeds and thousands of resources that you don't use them to the end of your world or start making fancy building materials from its. I think that magical crops should give you max 1 item per 8 essense.

Good example of using autonomous activator with watering can is by using MFR planter with tin (3) upgrade and divide the platform on 4 3x3 and place autonomous activator under the each 3x3 dirt - this farm produces wood more & faster than 11x11 one - electric furnace with 8 speed upgrade can't handle this amount of wood.
like i said in the OP...crop/saplings ;)

i made exactly what you described with a jungle farm. its powering 5 36hp steam boilers, and theres enough excess wood to probably light up at least 3-4 extra boilers. its ridiculous how fast they grow.

let's see.... there's the watering can from Extra Utilities deployed by 9 autonomous activators from Thermal Expansion beneath the dirt. the dirt is fertilized dirt from Random Things. then we've an openblocks tank with water and ontop a sprinkler from OpenBlocks. the crops field is surrounded by lilypads of fertility from Reliquary, and there's 12 sigil stands from Ars Magica, all holding the sigil of nature's bounty. there's also 8 timewood clock cores, with ontop jars of herba, and below 8 lamps of growth. seeing as MFR temporarily removed compatibility with magical crops I'm using 9 strawgolems with a harvest core and order upgrade from Thaumcraft. there's 5 vaccuum hopper from OpenBlocks that are sucking in the drops, and they're transferring their items to hoppers connected to eachother, all leading into two cyclic assemblers crafting the drops into diamonds and deposting them into a resonant strongbox

I'd have used the sprinklers from Rotarycraft aswell, but for some reason I couldn't get them to work
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I'd have used the sprinklers from Rotarycraft aswell, but for some reason I couldn't get them to work

They work, you just can't see them working. I tested it, tilled dirt dries out without a sprinkler over it and stays nice and dark with a sprinkler. Reika added the ability to tune the particles for the sprinkler in the config file, I expect they're tuned all the way to not visible at all, lol. :)
They work, you just can't see them working. I tested it, tilled dirt dries out without a sprinkler over it and stays nice and dark with a sprinkler. Reika added the ability to tune the particles for the sprinkler in the config file, I expect they're tuned all the way to not visible at all, lol. :)

checked the configuration, and it's set to

    I:"Sprinkler Particle Density"=4

maybe it's just optifine screwing around again...
I don't use optifine and I can't see the spray on 4 either. Course I don't know what scale Reika is using and/or where a 4 sits on that scale. I don't really mind not seeing them, one less thing to cause lag.
in monster pack no ars magica, but i did do the fertilized dirt, lily pads and jar/clock/lamps and wow. that is ridiculous. diamonds on tap. i do appreciate the requirement to craft greater essence before getting the diamonds tho, at least that puts the brakes on just a little bit ;) in horizons that is not required, but it doesnt have reliquary or mfr, so not too big a worry i guess ;)
I don't use optifine and I can't see the spray on 4 either. Course I don't know what scale Reika is using and/or where a 4 sits on that scale. I don't really mind not seeing them, one less thing to cause lag.

well, it'd have been nice if I saw some particles, as it was kind of hard to tell in my setup if the sprinklers were working or not :P

in monster pack no ars magica, but i did do the fertilized dirt, lily pads and jar/clock/lamps and wow. that is ridiculous. diamonds on tap. i do appreciate the requirement to craft greater essence before getting the diamonds tho, at least that puts the brakes on just a little bit ;) in horizons that is not required, but it doesnt have reliquary or mfr, so not too big a worry i guess ;)

aah yes, this was done in my own modlist, with Monster as a base. I added a tonload of other mods to it.
it's too bad that MFR temporarily removed support for Magical Crops, as the golems were actually not fast enough to keep up with the plants
actually i did this in direwolf, i didnt update yet. so with the mfr harvester working full time, i was getting a stack a minute of diamonds ;) i tried the golems as well. they made a glorious mess of things ;)
Ive tried using RotaryCraft's Fans and they work pretty well with Magical Crops' plants. The power infrastructure is a little convoluted and the collection system needs to be tinkered with but it works well enough.

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Ok starting out in monster my biggest problem so far has been ender pearls, especially with the new recipies for tesseracts. So the first magical crop I created was ender seeds, which I plopped down on fertilized dirt. This worked great, and shortly thereafter I found my first ender lilies, so win! I know ender lilies are supposed to grow better on endstone, which I didnt have yet, so I used more fertilized dirt. I used my first ender essences to make endstone but I am not noticing much improvement for my lilies. So my question is this, has anyone tested whether ender lilies grow faster on endstone or fertilized dirt?
So my question is this, has anyone tested whether ender lilies grow faster on endstone or fertilized dirt?

well if you read up above a few posts..i did try some tests with the lilies and found they dont respond much to anything, except time changes. watering cans+activators do work, but only when x amount of time passes and they are ready for next stage of growth. i only did this test on endstone, but if its not endstone, its gonna be really slow since their growth is based on the clock. stick with the ender crop you got going, those grow way faster with any of the above methods.