Direwolf20 1.0.6 causing retrogen?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After updating to 1.0.6 (might have been due to 1.0.5) I wondered why i suddenly was getting about 30 FPS even though i normally run around 60 fps with the settings i have.

Then i looked at the console and found the following (this is just a small part)
2013-12-19 17:44:05 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
2013-12-19 17:44:37 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-139, -105].
2013-12-19 17:44:37 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-138, -105].
2013-12-19 17:44:37 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-137, -105].
2013-12-19 17:44:37 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-136, -105].
2013-12-19 17:44:54 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
2013-12-19 17:44:57 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?
2013-12-19 17:45:22 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-140, -105].
2013-12-19 17:45:22 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-140, -104].
2013-12-19 17:45:22 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-140, -103].
2013-12-19 17:45:22 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-140, -102].
2013-12-19 17:45:22 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-140, -101].
2013-12-19 17:45:22 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-140, -100].
2013-12-19 17:45:22 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-140, -99].
2013-12-19 17:45:28 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?

Anyone know what mod is causing this? And how long it will take for the game to return to a playable state? Right now, the computer is completely stranded due to the retrogen
Yeah, but i just wonder why it all of a sudden chooses to retrogen after the update. All i did was start the game and place down the conduits and ducts from TE as requested
Hmm. I really hope its a one time deal, it has gone on for over 10 minutes and making my game unplayable.
And sadly i am not even half decent with configs
Allright, took a look at CoFH World and saw that the config enables retrogen, but shouldn't this have been done before the update, or does anyone know whether or not this config has been changed in between 1.0.4 and 1.0.6
# Configuration file

# feature

feature {
# This allows for custom generation to be specified in the WorldCustomGen.txt file.

# This will flatten the bedrock layer.

# The number of layers of bedrock to flatten to. (Max: 5)

# This allows for vanilla ore generation to be REPLACED. Configure in the 'world.vanilla' section of the CoFHWorld-Generation.cfg; vanilla defaults have been provided.

# If FlatBedrock is enabled, this will enforce it in previously generated chunks.

# This will retroactively generate ores in previously generated chunks.
Not much more than described, Console said 2013-12-19 17:44:37 [INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [-139, -105]. a whole bunch of times

But it seems to have stopped again, so it must have finished.
I'm having the same issue. Every time i restart the server looks like it starts again.

I updated from 1.0.3 to 1.0.7

Just looked at the old CoFH World file and looks exactly the same as the one you posted.

i'm getting over 1000 lines of this
[INFO] [CoFHWorld] Retroactively generating features for the chunk at [X,Y]

My log file for the server is over 5 megs just about these [Info] messages.
Yeah and it seemed to overload my computer, the only real advice i can give is to let the machine work (Dont pause the game, since it seems to stop running then)
After a while it seemed to have stopped.

How long it takes is dependant on the machine, and the amount of chunks you have been to before.
Pretty sure this is going through explored chunks and randomly adding new ore for any new mods you added, but I may be wrong. I don't believe it should run more than once, but maybe that's just how it works. I assume after awhile it will stop running on startup, maybe it doesn't update it all in one go.
Updated from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7.... 3 hours ago... so far i have this machine gun style spam for Retroactively generating features for chunks. I'm sure I'm not the only one and I have the world border plugin set to (full generated 10k radius) and prior to patch 30k radius. Any one else have large worlds, have a ton of this spam, and finally see the end of the spam?
Basically I'm worried that I've seriously screwed my world and asking if others have had the same experience with good results.

Running this on a OC I-5, 12 gigs of ram, and a 120gb ssd
Current usage is 1% CPU and 8 gigs ram usage out of a total 16 gigs installed
Joker, i might not have a hugely generated world, but i would think that the issue is the same.

Since your world is giant, it is surely going to take a good amount of time, but i think (and hope) that your world should be fine in the end.

I would though, like to know what part of the update caused this retro-genning to happen in the first place
There are changes in CoFHWorld-Generation.cfg in the 1.05 version, some new types where added that I'm not really sure what they are. But that's probably why a retrogen was triggered.

Something thats called atg not ore was added: atgAluminumtic, atgApatitef, atgcerusae, atgcoalvanilla, atgironvanilla, atgsilver, atggoldvanilla, atgcopperte and atgtinte

It might be from the global config so its not for any mods thats in DW20. Maybe someone with some more knowledge of the mods can explain what they are. Many of these also have a "ore" version like the atgcertusae have a orecertusae since before in the file. (Its the Certus Quarts for AE)
Did notice that there was some ID conflicts when running a single player world made between the DW20 versions.
Railcraft ID: 473
MFR ID: 12303
Think these item id's don't exist in the newer versions
Ore retrogen was on true in TE3 WORLD config. I from this mistake who made got a lot of resources :))
Always when i update a pack i must change configs (AE, MFR, BoP) for my own settings.
There are changes in CoFHWorld-Generation.cfg in the 1.05 version, some new types where added that I'm not really sure what they are. But that's probably why a retrogen was triggered.

Something thats called atg not ore was added: atgAluminumtic, atgApatitef, atgcerusae, atgcoalvanilla, atgironvanilla, atgsilver, atggoldvanilla, atgcopperte and atgtinte

It might be from the global config so its not for any mods thats in DW20. Maybe someone with some more knowledge of the mods can explain what they are. Many of these also have a "ore" version like the atgcertusae have a orecertusae since before in the file. (Its the Certus Quarts for AE)
The atgAluminumtic etc etc are triggered when Alternate Terrain Generation is used to create a world. atg = Alternate Terrain Generation, Aluminumtic = Aluminum from Tinkers Construct.

This is all in due to the Universal Configs FTB is now using.[DOUBLEPOST=1387635427][/DOUBLEPOST]
Did notice that there was some ID conflicts when running a single player world made between the DW20 versions.
Railcraft ID: 473
MFR ID: 12303
Think these item id's don't exist in the newer versions

I may be mistaken but Railcraft ID: 473 is Invisible block, which needed to be set to 0 with the TE update or alot of ducts would break. The MFR I am not sure on
So I started a new world and the retro gen stopped with 1.0.7, but with new one I'm having issues with a lan computer, and people connecting over the net, not being able to load the world after traveling for a minute. Any ideas out there why this is doing this? A simple log out and log in reloads the area and it works fine but this shouldn't be something I and others have to do every other minute just to travel around.

Think I tracked it down to the version of MCPC+ I'm using. Went back to the default FTB.jar and everything is working fine now.
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