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  1. N

    Solved Magic World Crash java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    can you upload the serverlog to pastepin? atm it looks liek rei's minimap but that could be just the last error before crashing there could be alot happening before that.
  2. N

    Direwolf20 Crash java.lang.NullPointerException

    sorry was abit confused lol..... your server is using max 350M? thats aint enough for FTB 1 GB minimum recommended If you have 2GB with an FTB server and Linux (not sure if there is anything else running on the server) i whould say change the -xmx1000 or -xmx1500M
  3. N

    Launcher keeps crashing at mojang.

    none, i have coded php and vb at highschhol (10 years ago), most of the errors are just readable whats going wrong with abit of knowhow of the game ;)
  4. N

    Windows .exe Extreme lag when playing on multiplayer server

    Not only you should verify on your pc but also any other pc / device on the network ;) 3mb down should be enough for minecraft (with our without mods), think mindcrack uses in peaks 1mbit. did you try rebooting your router to see if that helps? i know i need to reboot mine once a month with...
  5. N

    Direwolf20 Crash java.lang.NullPointerException

    2013-01-23 23:15:23 [SEVERE] Encountered an unexpected exception OutOfMemoryError java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded that's the cause of the crash If the server has 2GB of RAM, why are you starting the server with the 8GB flag then? JVM Flags: 1 total; -Xmx7656M What OS...
  6. N

    Windows .exe Extreme lag when playing on multiplayer server

    your connected by cable or wireless? whats your PC specs like? Are there down / uploads running in the network your on?
  7. N

    Direwolf20 Crash java.lang.NullPointerException

    thats the crash report not the serverlog ;) and how much RAM is in the server?
  8. N

    Windows .exe Extreme lag when playing on multiplayer server

    If the server is laggy you will have lag anywhere you are so thats normal. Twilight forest is know to be buggy and causing laggy experience. Maybe try to disable that mod and check how it goes for abit?
  9. N

    Windows .exe <reopened> Updating my world from Direwolf20 v4 to v5

    at forestry.core.genetics.Chromosome.writeToNBT(
  10. N

    MindCrack pack v7 Crashes upon joining server

    Talking about the network, do you have the ipadresses and or DNS adresses obtained by DHCP or manual?
  11. N

    how do i use FTB at school

    it's not the point of minecraft breaking the rules of an in your oppinion broken system. If we whould help you getting minecraft to work at school we whoud be breaking the rules of the school (they blocked it), and further we whould help you breaking the rules.
  12. N

    Modified Direwolf20 Server crashing.

    np thats why we are here ;) PS thanks for supplying instantly all the information we needed to help you
  13. N

    Modified Direwolf20 Server crashing.

    at thaumcraft.common.SaveManager.loadAuras( See:
  14. N

    New support site (Again)

    Lol, same here mate. I guess i'll stick to the forums for now. Plenty of "tickets aka topics" "to solve ;)
  15. N

    how do i use FTB at school

    Amen. School is to learn things and not play videogames. Good thing they seem to be blocking it ^^
  16. N

    Windows .exe FTB Downloading Incorrect Minecraft.jar

    i whould think myself that internal testing equals not in the launcher, imo there is nothing you did wrong
  17. N

    Windows .exe FTB Downloading Incorrect Minecraft.jar

    o0 boy, there is a storm comming if this is true....... EDIT: isn't V8 for internal testing atm? EDIT2: Are you updating this through the launcher or manual?
  18. N

    Direwolf20 Crash java.lang.NullPointerException

    Not sure if thats the cause but how much ram do you have in your server? seems 7GB and you send a startup flag of almost 8GB Memory: 636463512 bytes (606 MB) / 1164247040 bytes (1110 MB) up to 7135952896 bytes (6805 MB) JVM Flags: 1 total; -Xmx7656M and can you paste the serverlog to...
  19. N

    Error Loading In Game For Mindcrack Server

    ATM only 1.4.6 If you download the serverpack through the launcher or website and the client through the launcher the versions should be equal
  20. N

    Error Loading In Game For Mindcrack Server

    the server and client both need to have the same versions. Either both 1.4.7 or both 1.4.6