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  1. N

    Windows .exe Extreme lag when playing on multiplayer server

    if you move to their locations on the worldmap does it start lagging then aswell?
  2. N

    Strange connection issue

    Whoa thats not good as you prob figured out yourself. Your laptop can't ping your host. That explains atleast why you can't connect. Anti-virus / anti-malware or an firewall can prevent computers communicating with eachother. The firewall that is disabled is that on your host or also on your...
  3. N

    Mindcrack pack server not starting

    Java seems fine then, where is your launcher located? in c:\users\<users>\roaming or c:\ or c:\users\<username>\Desktop>? Otherwise try downloading the server from the website under downloads - server and save it somewhere (not open it)
  4. N

    Server admin tools and protections?

    I'm using fighu's mods on my server, although i removed the permissions system since we aint using it. Where just using the home commands from it. But works without problemens so far. You might wanna check the following mods: Forge Essentials...
  5. N

    Nessi saying hello

    Hello all, Several of you guys / girls have seen me around already (mostly in the tech sections), i just noticed i haven't introduced myself yet :$. My Name is Roy Jorissen, 30 years old from the Netherlands. Living on my own, in an appartment i bought. I work as a 1st line support engineer...
  6. N

    Forestry - Redpower Crash

    Stacktrace: at com.eloraam.redpower.machine.TileManager.handleTubeItem( at com.eloraam.redpower.machine.TileManager.tubeItemEnter( at com.eloraam.redpower.core.TubeFlow.update( at...
  7. N

    Launcher keeps crashing at mojang.

    ./blush (your welcome ;) )
  8. N

    Error downloading modpack

    What OS? does it work with an other modpack?
  9. N

    Error Loading In Game For Mindcrack Server

    The server seems to start up find. Did you try the force update option in the launcher on the modpack to see if it updates? The error itself says it all. Either your missing mods (if you manual added mods to your server) or your client has older versions of the mods compared to the server.
  10. N

    MindCrack pack v7 Crashes upon joining server

    Description: Ticking screen asy at asw.d(SourceFile:35) at asw.b(SourceFile:23) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a( at...
  11. N

    Mac Please help, Mac problem

    Can you upload the console logs to pastebin atm we are walking in the dark here ;)
  12. N

    World not loading properly

    sounds like a corrupted world, can you upload the console log files to pastbin when your running around in this ""corrupted" "world?
  13. N

    Windows .exe Cant connect to sever from client side home network

    So with other words: - You can't connect from your house with your pc - You can connect from your friends house with your pc Is the server @ your friends house? IF so tel him to open the ports that are being used for the server
  14. N

    Windows .exe Horrible lag with mobs and players only (server)

    any logs whould be helpful, that way we might be able to help. There are so many variables to take in account that we can't even start guessing what the cause is. Are all players lagging? Is it a rented server or own hosted?
  15. N

    Some curiosities about text rendering

    This is indeed a tech question, i personally have no idea but i doubt the mod creaters (who use the feature) will read this post. You might wanna try to contact XCompWiz (creator mystcraft) on his website ( or twitter. OR contact ReiFNSK (creator Rei's minimap) on...
  16. N

    Mindcrack pack server not starting

    2013-01-22 14:59:43 [INFO] [STDERR] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/io/LineProcessor - Seems the server is missing some Classes. Where do you have the server installed? (path) - What version of Java are you using?
  17. N

    Mindcrack V.7 Wireless Redstone Crash

    Shouldn't be, but it seems to be. Try adding a chunkloader to the chunk where the mobgrinder is to see if it makes a difference. your errorlog indicates a problem with WRE and the server crashes when the chunk gets unloaded.
  18. N

    Exception in server tick loop

    Yups, 6GB in the launcher means your PC has 6GB in total. You need to keep in mind that windows (or any other OS you might be using) also uses RAM. For windows i suggest MAX RAM -1.5 GB (so 6GB-1.5=4.5 MAX). IF your running a seperate server on the same machine (not singleplayer) you also need...
  19. N

    Problem Error with launcher crashing! FML not downloading correctly?

    Yups _NSJVMLoadLibrary: NSAddLibrary failed for /libjawt.dylib JavaVM FATAL: lookup of function JAWT_GetAWT failed. Exit Not sure if you tried it but there is alot of comments on java 7 being "bad" for MAC, maybe try downgrading to java 6 for the time being and see if that still gives the same...
  20. N

    Get rid of many mobs quickly?

    Lemme check this tonight on the passive mobs when i get back home it works for normal mobs atleast (using it all the time atm while building my serverspawn)