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  1. N

    Problem TCadmin server

    do you get an error / does it crash can you post logs?
  2. N

    Problem need to allocate more ram

    how do you start your server? if with the bat fiole or the sh file you can edit this file and change the -xmx to 1024M or bigger, depending on how much ram your server has.
  3. N

    Modpacks compatibility

    you prob want to start a new one, mindcrask has several mods added that require worldgen (ores etc). If you don't start a new world you have to run several chunks outside the area where you have been in order to get those ores
  4. N

    Server Crash Report Help Appreciated

    Looks like a problem with a chunk or chunkloader, next time please use pastebin, much easier to read ;)
  5. N

    Problem Flattener Filter java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

    What pack is it? does it work in singleplayer?
  6. N

    Problem How do I get these things working?

    What version of minecraft is the server running? 1.2.5? then you need the 1.2.5 version of timber! mod.
  7. N

    Solved 1sec stop lag very often

    Good to hear and thanks for sharing the "solution" :)
  8. N

    Windows .exe Cant connect to sever from client side home network

    so the server is reachable by external. Then it's indeed on your side. Is UPNP enabled in your router?
  9. N

    Solved Magic World Crash java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    There should be a server logfile (example you see that it's rather different
  10. N

    Chunk Updates

    How do you have optifine setup? Multicore chunkloading or? are you flying around?
  11. N

    MindCrack pack v7 Crashes upon joining server

    Let me make it even harder for ya:p You can have DCHP enabled IF you configure an DHCP reserveration in your router (if the router supports it), that way the DHCP from the router will always give the same ""fixed" IP adres to your PC. Easiest way is just to manual enter the ipadresses if you...
  12. N

    MindCrack pack v7 Crashes upon joining server

    Setting DHCP is rather easy, depeding on the windows version. Basicly it's going to the settings of your TCP/IP settings of the network connection and there enable DHCP instead of manual. enable DHCP The manual setup looks good tbh. your client is having the...
  13. N

    Unix [Solved] Exeption in thread "main"

    no problem, glad it works for ya :)
  14. N

    Chunk Updates

    Not sure if thats normal if i remember correctly my chunk updates variate between 60 - 70, but never seen it drop below 60. I reckon everything that moves / changes in a chunk radius of x will be updated.
  15. N

    Unix [Solved] Exeption in thread "main"

    Thats the same error atleast, so optirun aint causing it :) has it ever worked for you? Cause i find the path rather strange and it might be the reason or the error .ftblauncher, have seen several problems (on windowsclients) where the laucher was in the /roaming and didn't work but it did...
  16. N

    Unix [Solved] Exeption in thread "main"

    you get this error aswell when you don't use the optirun? (just to see if it runs) Can you post the whole logfile on pastebin maybe we can see more?
  17. N

    I am looking for a mod or plugin that auto save all worlds.

    Ubuntu = *nix based = cronjob i reckon. More info about cronjobs
  18. N

    I am looking for a mod or plugin that auto save all worlds.

    there is none atm (as far as i know), only some minecraft server control software packages have that ability (MCMA) (or you have to write you own script / schedule with windows scheduler).
  19. N

    Direwolf20 Crash java.lang.NullPointerException

    Not entirely sure about nix-based systems for windows it's in the start server.bat file. I presume your starting the start file? then you have to edit that line where you see the -xmx350M into -xmx1500M
  20. N

    Strange connection issue

    Do you have your IP-adresses entererd manual or do the computers get them by DHCP? Also can you post the follwing (this is the info shown by the ipconfig /all command) IP-adres Subnetmask Gateway DNSServers for both systems?