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  1. N

    [SOLVED]Crash when attempting to use Apiarist database

    Before the ticking entry do you still get 2013-01-24 00:36:48 [INFO] [STDOUT] Inserted super call into binnie.craftgui.window.GuiCraftGUI.c 2013-01-24 00:36:48 [WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] Failed to cast a tile entity to a TileMachine at 118/70/200 It only happens when clicking the apiary...
  2. N

    Can't see my NEI item list...

    did you delete the whole folder before reinstalling?
  3. N

    cannot update to V5 DW20 pack from V4 DW20 pack

    @elkillo: No idea, i do know V5 has the status internal testing and there are mods added to the pack (not only updated) It could that it takes longer to the adding of the mods, could be that there is an conflict with an mod, i'm at work...
  4. N

    Request for a backup mod.

    so far there are no backupplugins (that i know of for forge), i do know that there are server control software packages that allow backups (MCMA / spacebukkit and many more). You can also make a scheduled backup (when using windows yourself) or incase of a *nix based system a cronjob
  5. N

    Can't see my NEI item list...

    should be oke then. Do you see NEI itemslist when going in singleplayer?
  6. N

    Mindcrack + Mystcraft

    Your referring to this kind of error i presume :) 2013-01-24 22:33:37 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2013-01-24 22:33:37 [INFO] [STDERR] at 2013-01-24 22:33:37...
  7. N

    cannot update to V5 DW20 pack from V4 DW20 pack

    Does this also happen when you start a new world?
  8. N

    Created an age that didn't contain cave or skylands, getting this error!

    Getting you out aint a problem, you can do that with NBTEdit (or delete your player.dat file but you will lose your inventory atleast). I'm not referring to the world, only to age 6
  9. N

    [SOLVED]Crash when attempting to use Apiarist database

    try removing that and see what happends :)
  10. N

    Can't see my NEI item list...

    IF you press E or O (depeding on the modpack / keymappings) you see a button on the bottom left called options, there you should be able to enable it. (altought it should be enabled by default).
  11. N

    Solved Magic World Crash java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError

    wow thats really quick indeed, the server is starting and instantly crashing..... normally i whould see some more info in the serverlog. i think hes missing a class from rei's minimap. Your running a server or singleplayer? cause rei's minimap shouldn't be on a server, only on the client...
  12. N

    Windows .exe Recording FTB Mindcrack with FRAPS/DXtory crashes Java and locks up FTB

    thats atleast good news lol. seems it's a java hook issue then (FPS overlay)
  13. N

    Windows .exe Recording FTB Mindcrack with FRAPS/DXtory crashes Java and locks up FTB

    Can you try what happens in fullscreenmode sometimes java doesn't like stuff hooking in on windowed modes
  14. N

    Computer froze

    Why whould you lose a networkconnection when your playing single player. Damn you really got everything messed up :P Can you try what happens if you start a new world? does that run or does it crash aswell? maybe we need to delete some more stuff if that works.
  15. N

    Mod Pack Updates Thread

    thats because V8 is marked as internal testing, so it's aint the recommende build. Therefor in the modsection it isn't show yet. you see the versions of the current recommende builds CWW256 does keep the mod version updated...
  16. N

    Computer froze

    Minecraft>saves>Minecraft world>NEI>players>herozxc.dat that was wasn't needed maybe thats why you get the nei error, no idea but in saves thats on your client no, not on the server? or where you playing single player.
  17. N

    FML stops me!

    thanks for reporting back :)
  18. N

    Computer froze

    at at Is a network error (connection error), but why whould the server first give an NEI error. I presume you only deleted...
  19. N

    Solved Server.BAT Not Working..?

    The rightclicking => properties and there you should see a location of your .bat file (aka path) or do you know where your server is installed (aka c:\FTBserver\ etc)? Your on a windows OS? Can you make your server start.bat file the following: java -Xms512M -Xmx1G -jar magicworld.jar pause...
  20. N

    Exception in server tick loop

    please do, and let us know what happens, there are prob more ppl who will get this error in the future :)