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  1. N

    Problem Ages & Twilight Forest not generating

    hmmm strange, well atleast 1 thing fixed, 1 more to go :P what ID do you have your twilightforest set to? did you convert your map with singleplayer before trying to enter it by multiplayer?
  2. N

    Solved Cleaning chests of invalid IDs

    I really don't like the screen error and have no idea where it's comming from. We atleast know the world and the chests aint the problem but the items in it. You even refined it down to the items in the chests Stacktrace: at com.eloraam.redpower.core.ItemParts.b(
  3. N

    Problem EE3 Issue with server (Mindcrack)

    it could be, but you should be able to see that on your server start log / console if you watch / read that. You can try to delete the server configfiles and re-add them from your file. (or delete them and let the server re-create them)
  4. N

    Direwolf20 Server

    open a commandprompt and type in: ping ip:port
  5. N

    Unix mindcrack v8 don't work on linux

    I believe i mis a part of the startup log, what i see above everything is fine only those errors, not sure if thats normal for *nix based systems (prob not)? [16:39:15] [ERROR] LauncherConsole$OutputOverride.write:89: From Console: Exception in thread "Thread-1" [16:39:15] [ERROR]...
  6. N

    Direwolf20 Server

    The query port is a different port then the actual gameserverport (like with most gameservers). can you ping you server on the ip:port?
  7. N

    FTB Mindcrack V8 + Optifine

    What are you referring to with "water will not drain" ? it's not moving in a ocean or it doesn't want to come out of a machine? EDIT might this be releted?
  8. N

    Direwolf20 pack keeps on crashing!

    Can you delete the whole modpack folder from your harddrive and afterwards redownload the whole modpack, this should fix any config issues. !IMPORTANT make sure you make a backup of your saves folder if you wanna keer your world before deleting the modpack).
  9. N

    Cannot Open Launcher

    Do you download the launcher (save as) or do you use run? incase of run, use save as and save it either on your desktop (in a folder if you want) or on a different folder on your C or D drive. Most of the times when the laucher is acting up it because it's in a invalid path (aka .roaming etc)
  10. N

    Help Plz

    I see you have your launcher in your roaming folder. Can you delete the launcher, redownload it (use save as... instead of run) and save it either on your desktop or on you C / D drive?
  11. N

    how do I find my sever IP adress

    You downloaded a fresh server installation and your getting ID errors? never saw that happening. Can you upload some logfiles so we can see what goes wrong?
  12. N

    Problem Ages & Twilight Forest not generating

    Twilightforest and myscraft use the nether teleport mechanic so it has to be true in order to work
  13. N

    Server Crashing - Description: Ticking tile entity

    Good to hear you found it, how to edit worlds without breaking stuff is unknow to me atm. I do know the old version of MCEdit had a problem with the ID's off the different mods but i did read that one of the dev builds was working (read that a few days ago).
  14. N

    Problem EE3 Issue with server (Mindcrack)

    He found a mismatch as you saw yourself aswell, this can happen due to a mod not loaded (although i whould expect a different error first), or a configfile mismatch between client and server. Easiest way to fix i reckon is remove the whole mindcrackfolder from your client and redownload the...
  15. N

    FML issue

    Hello Retro, welcome on FTB ;) Last night there where indeed several reports of the FML error your referring to (FML was finding mc version 1.4.6 instead of 1.4.7), there are several ppl who posted a workaround / solution this morning (EU time) how to get it working I whould suggest to try a...
  16. N

    how do I find my sever IP adress

    is it for letting other ppl contect through the internet to your server or only for you?
  17. N

    Problem What does this spammed Error mean?

    Just got done with migrating my v4 of DW to V5 without problems. Now on to copy all files (including ThickTreading and Forge Essentials to my testserver) if i get the time with all the topics being made on the forums tonight lol..... goto love new releases ;)
  18. N

    Solved Cleaning chests of invalid IDs

    I see your testing it nicely lol, does it only happen with the Ironchest's that have stuff from the "old world" or does it also happen with normal iron chests? Does it only happen with Iron Chests or also with gold chests? (since i saw you where testing 2 different chests or was it the same one?)
  19. N

    Problem Ages & Twilight Forest not generating

    Sounds silly but can you enter the Nether? If not check your server properties for the nether=true lini ;)
  20. N

    Problem Twilight forest crashes server

    at twilightforest.block.BlockTFMagicLogSpecial.doSortingTreeEffect( at twilightforest.block.BlockTFMagicLogSpecial.b( Something goes wrong with sorting some trees by the looks of that error. Could you upload the whole serverlog...