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    [Suggestion] Ability to remove Mod Packs

    Yeah, that would be cool :D Also, if there is a code for each of the packs that you don't use (there may be, but I don't know), then you could perhaps remove them using the private pack code system, just with the public packs - if you know what I mean xD
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    Gregtech needs to be harder? Hardcore gregtech settings? Wanted <3 :D?

    I'm not trying to derail it, just stating an opinion :P I did use that ^ for a bit, took very long just to get to a basic stage with power and stuff xD Nice find Vauthil :D It's probably what you need for your server players (:
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    Windows .exe Unplayable FPS levels

    Apparently VoxelPlayer has been causing some people problems. Try and disable that and try. :D
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    Windows .exe Unplayable FPS levels

    That's weird. Render distances are set to tiny right?
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    Windows .exe Unplayable FPS levels

    Test it with Optifine, all the settings set to fast and turn all animations off. It will make the game look considerably worse, but it may help with your lag (:
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    Gregtech needs to be harder? Hardcore gregtech settings? Wanted <3 :D?

    One thing. GregTech isn't hard, it's just tedious. The fact that all the materials needed are extremely expensive is the tedious part. By being hard, it makes it as if it is near to impossible to do, which it isn't. It just requires a lot of tedious, and boring but not hard work to get to the...
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    FTB Let's Plays & Tutorials with AliveGhost!

    Episode 12!
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    DireWolf20 world loading

    It's the second window that opens when you launch the launcher. If you don't see it, enable "Show console" in the options tab.
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    DireWolf20 world loading

    Pastebin the log from the console when it seems to stop sending out console commands. It may help someone who knows a bit about java with the problem ;)
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    Water Bees??

    Indeed, I find them in small lakes and ponds around, sometimes in plains and swamp biomes.
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    FTB Let's Plays & Tutorials with AliveGhost!

    Episode 10! Episode 11!
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    32x Faithful 32x32 Pack

    Did you even look? lol, it's around 6 threads down from this one.
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    TE Ingots changing to IC2 Ingots

    Thanks for the help guys. It was under Unificator, indeed. I just changed the TE to true and changed the individual ingot overrides to false and it was fixed. Thanks again guys!
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    Windows .exe Building Terrain - World not loading.

    Just wondering, could a redpower sorting system have anything to do with it as I had just finished integrating one into my chests room
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    Windows .exe Building Terrain - World not loading.

    Hey, I guess this is just another world not loading problem to you guys :) But anyway, I can't seem to load my LP world. Whenever I select the world, and try to play on it, I get stuck on the "Building Terrain" screen, and nothing loads. My other worlds load fine, fairly quickly and I haven't...
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    TE Ingots changing to IC2 Ingots

    Hey, I have just changed from DW20 Pack to Ultimate, and I have changed the GT configs to have the easy recipes. However, I can't find the option in the config for the ingots when processed through the Pulverizer and Powered Furnace, turn into the TE ingots. I used to get the TE ingots, and I...
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    Server Mindcrack 8.1.1

    I believe that should change both the server and the pack.
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    FTB Let's Plays & Tutorials with AliveGhost!

    Episode 9 - Starting ThaumCraft!
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    FTB Launcher Concept

    I'll tell you what, that looks awesome :D What would also be cool would to place the launch button in the middle of the centre bar, so it looks somewhat powerful. Otherwise, really nice!