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    Point and Click Adventures

    Necromancing thread! Point and Click's hold a special place in my heart. That's how I first got into gaming. Although, back when I first got into gaming, it was less point and click, and more, type what you want to do and hope the game's parser can understand you. :P A lot of those early text...
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    New Mod Pack Added

    Cool story, bro. Tell it again. FTB's already announced the Ultimate pack. It'll release when it's done. I honestly don't know what the hold up is, but I'm sure it's a good reason.
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    Extra Biomes ... Not compelling content.

    I cannot wait for that update, sir. This is what I've been looking for in the way of world gen ever since I started playing Minecraft!
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    RP Sorting Noob

    Yeah, I guess my dyslexia kicked in on that. :P I flipped it and it works great now. Thanks!
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    RP Sorting Noob

    Little end is on top, big on the bottom. ETA: Wow, I need to work on my reading comprehension today! Yep, flipping it fixed the issue. Knew it was something small. :D
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    RP Sorting Noob

    That's how it's set up. The screenshot is from a bad angle, but the pipe actually goes underground there and comes up on the bottom of the Transposer.
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    RP Sorting Noob

    I've done very little with RP before now, so please excuse the noobishness of this question. I am doing some testing with a basic sorting system, and have run aground. I have a row of Barrels, with RP Tubes connecting to the top, and at the end of the Barrels I have a Diamond Chest. The idea...
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    Firework Rockets automatic factory

    Well, there's the Firework Display module from Steve's Carts. Mount that on a cart hull with the Cart Assembler, give it an engine, lay tracks, and fill it's inventory with firework components, and it'll putter around launching randomly made fireworks.
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    Seeking: Getting Started Guides

    There's definitelly Nargles in that Forest...
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    FTB Food!

    Well Pack A doesn't include XyCraft or Thaumcraft. I believe MindCrack is the only pack that includes both. Maybe DW 20 does too, I don't recall off the top of my head.
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    What do you think is the hardest/tedious recipe in FTB or DW20 pack?

    I don't know about mining a tunnel, but it will sure as heck obliterate a 9x9 square cave. It mines a block a tick!
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    FTB Food!

    I have it on good authority that we will be borrowing this for the wiki, provided Atdiy doesn't mind. :)
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    Whats the best modpack for just playing with friends?

    I like MindCrack, but it has GregTech, which not everyone loves, and it has a lot of mods, which can cause lag on most normal machines when you run the server and your own client.
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    Seeking: Getting Started Guides

    There's a ton of things redstone wiring helps with that are useful in survival. Automated farm harvesting (water held back by pistons), lighting systems (redstone or redpower), cool doorway setups... the list goes on. :)
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    On Villagers...

    All those poor zeroes and ones. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
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    Pulverizer is better than Macerator In GregTec

    How about you dial that back a bit? So what, if your priorities are different than someone else's? It doesn't give you the right to decree what the best way of playing is. That's arrogance on an extreme level, and there's no place for that here. As to MJ vs. EU, you cannot blow up a Generator...
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    Pulverizer is better than Macerator In GregTec

    Or you can ignore the overclockers and all that nonsense, and upgrade it to a Rotary Macerator. The Pulverizer can't even think about coming close to its speed, and it's not terribly expensive. One Rotary Macerator can do the work of three Pulverizers. IC is for insane efficiency. TE is for...
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    attempt at making a wither farm.

    Related: the Vorpal enchantment (I think it's added by RP) increases the drop rate for mob heads, so a skelly spawner in the nether would be doubly effective for farming wither skulls.
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    Twilight Forest Server Crash

    I'm having this same issue on my server. Can't understand it. I'm using FTB Beta A, not sure about this guy.
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    Gregtech and Effectively Collecting Berylium. How Did You Do It?

    You could look to Bees. I've never done this set up, but I noticed it the other day. Ender Bees can be harvested to make Mysterious Combs, which can be centrifuged to make Pulsing Propolis. 5 Propolis can be used to make a Pulsing Mesh, and 5 of those can be used to make an Ender Pearl. I don't...