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    Whitelist Server Multi-Purpose Criminal Element | Unleashed v1.1.2 | Whitelist | PvE | TS3 | Australia

    I can't login i enabled all the mods and it still didn't work. What shall i do?
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    Whitelist Server The Bears Domain | FTB Unleashed | Whitelist | 20 SLot | Mature 16+

    IGN: DiabloSouls. Age (Take in mind we are looking for 16+): 16. Location: Slovenija, Eu. Experience with the mods in the pack: I'm good with almost all mods I'd probably say, If im not good with some I'm still learning and I will learn soon. What can you contribute to our server?: I can...
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    Whitelist Server Multi-Purpose Criminal Element | Unleashed v1.1.2 | Whitelist | PvE | TS3 | Australia

    1. Real first name: Aleksander 2. In game name: DiabloSouls 3. Age: 16 4. Did you read and understand the server rules: Yes, I do understand. 5. Why do you want to join this little server down under: I'd like to join server cause I'd like to play with new people and have fun with them. 6...
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    IGN?:DiabloSouls How old are you?:16 How long have you been playing feed the beast?: 8months Would you say your best attribute is Technical Knowledge, Mining, Creativity?: Building, Mining, Dartcraft. Have you ever been banned? If so what for? I was bannned today cause some person said I hacked...
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    Whitelist Server FireCraft | FTB Unleashed (v1.1.4) | Whitelisted | No Greifing | Survival | PVP

    IGN: DiabloSouls. Age: 16. FTB Experience: I've been playing FTB for almost 8 months, I'm not good at evrything but I am at some stuff and I learn pretty quickly. Activity Level: Usally 8 hours or more. Timezone / Country: GMT +1 Slovenija
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    Whitelist Server | Feed The Narwhal | FTB Unleashed | Whitelist 24/7 | 24 Slots | 14+ (Mature) | Survival |

    IGN: DiabloSouls. Skype Name (Optional but recommended): DiabloSouls. Age: 16 Are you new to FTB or a veteran? I could say i'm veteran. Why should i add you? Cause i'd love to play with other people and build new stuff. What are you good at? I'm actually good at evrything. What are you like...
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    Whitelist Server S!KCraft|Unleashed|MCPC+|MyTown + Essentials|80slots|TS3|No Lag|24/7|No griefing||16+

    Age (16+ only): 16 years old. Country: Slovenija. Your experience with FTB: I was playing ultimate pack and direwolf20 pack for a long time. What kind of projects to do enjoy making the most?: I enjoy making factories and beautiful houses most. Do you think you'd make use of the Teamspeak...
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    Whitelist Server Surthtrival Online - 1.5.2, FTB Unleashed, Whitelist Server

    IGN: DiabloSouls. Birthday: 26.08.1997. Timezone: CMT +1. Country: Slovenija. How often do you play?: I will play for a long time evryday. Probably about 6+ hours (depending on if i will be making my own game). When did you hear about feed the beast?: I heard about feed the beast at Direwolf20...
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    Whitelist Server Beast Legends | FTB-Ultimate 1.1.2 | Whitelist,15 Slots| 5GB | Factions | No Banned Items

    Minecraft Username: DiabloSouls. Age: 15. Do you have TeamSpeak and can talk: I do have teamspeak and I can talk. Do you have any previous FTB experience: I was playing FTB for 4 months. What Will you Bring towards the Server: I can donate (if needed and if I will like server) I can also help...
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    Whitelist Server RaptorousCraft 1.5.2 FTB Ultimate Beta without Gregtech *Whitelist*

    IGN: DiabloSouls Age: 15 Reason we should let you join: I would like to play on friendly server with people where we would have fun . I would also like to explore new server.
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    Whitelist Server MinecraftManiacFTB ULTIMATE! [Nightly BackUp][Dedicated 24/7][Totally Friendly][White-List]

    Age: 15. Name (Optional): Aleksander. In-Game Name: DiabloSouls. Location: Slovenija, Ljubljana. Hobbies/Interests: Football, Basketball , Minecraft, Diablo3 , LoL. Have you ever been banned from another server? If so which one(s) and why? (We check your ban history): Nope (i don't think so)...
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    Hey mind if i ask, Can you check my application for your cool server I would like to play and...

    Hey mind if i ask, Can you check my application for your cool server I would like to play and make let's play series for u. Thanks.
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    Whitelist Server [1.6.4] JCraft Dedicated Server 100+ Tech mods and more!

    Name DiabloSouls Age(if you dont mind saying) 15 Experience with the mods/vanilla MC I am pretty expirienced with lots of mods and the things I do not know about them I will learn in near future. What do you bring to the table? To the servers i bring lots of playtime and I will make...