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  1. K

    What's the "easiest" auto farm device in unleashed?

    MFR planter/harvester. Just plug it into your AE network to import stuff and export the seeds to replant, then forget about it.
  2. K

    Taking on a Large Hollow Hill

    my advice: Light it up completely before doing anything else! Just run madly around placing torches everywhere, then kill the mobs that spawned before you light it. You now have a ton of spawners/ores to mess around with. Also, dont destroy the spawners. Just deactivate them with torches...
  3. K

    Mining Irdium / Aluminium / Titanium

    Bauxite is found in plains biomes and is pretty commom there. Sheldonite is found in the End
  4. K

    Geothermal Generators Consume Items?

    use gregtech's thermal generator. It gets you more eu per lava cell, and returns your bucket/cell/can
  5. K

    Thaumcraft Shard Location Gen

    Actualy, in the lastest TC3 update yoy CAN grow crystals like TC2, but I havent figured it out yet.
  6. K

    Open Server XtreamServers[Ultimate][80Slots][Commands][PVE][AntiGrief]

    I posted this report on the forums, but i am putting it here as well: Tarek632 griefed and looted mikiones and stole ender chests from my nether station. My bro Ninjaroy100 saw tarek in our nether station and told him to get out. Later, tarek gave an ender chest with the exact colors of the...
  7. K

    Forum Game - Word Association

  8. K

    Open Server XtreamServers[Ultimate][80Slots][Commands][PVE][AntiGrief]

    Just a question about GT, is continuous energy flow (GT's machines requiring CONSTANT 128eu/t) on or off?
  9. K

    Official Universal Electricity Server

    I tried to join and it said that i was missed a bunch of mods. On closer inspection, i seem to have several mods that are outdated versions, but i am using the lastest version of the pack from the FTB launcher. Help?
  10. K

    Red Power 2 Nether Energy

    For easy wireless and interdimensional transfer of bluetric energy, just set up a system with block breakers and deployers to breal a full battery box and stick it in an enderchest, then pull it out somewhere else and replace it.
  11. K

    Table of mods in FTB (Direwolf/Mindcrack) & Tekkit

    Comparing the mod lists of tekkit and FTB is pointless because tekkit is still 1.2.5
  12. K

    Redpower 2 Windmills...

    When doing some creative mode testing, I wanted to see how a windmill powered quarry worked, so I set one up. However, I was in a desert and the windmill hardly moved at all. Worked great when I moved it out of the desert.
  13. K

    Red Power 2 Nether Energy

    Thermopiles. They generate small amounts of RP2 energy bases on the difference in temperature. e.g: place a water/ice on one side and lava on another.
  14. K

    How to move a world save into a mystcraft age.

    It competely removes all data from the age that used to occupy the mystcraft age. The world that you move into the age save folder is 100% excatly the same as it was before you moved it.
  15. K

    How to move a world save into a mystcraft age.

    Because I have seen several posts asking about this, I decided to make a step-by-step guide on how to do it. Note: Be sure to completely close minecraft before doing anything! Step 1: Find the save data folders for the world you want to move and the age you want to move it into. Step 2...
  16. K

    Moving existing world into a mystcraft age.

    When I move worlds around, I just create a random age, open its save folder, delete everything in it, and move in everything from the world that you are moving in. Presto! you moved your world into a mystcraft age, no extra programs or special knowledge required. EDIT: Here is a step-by-step...
  17. K

    Updating a pack removed manual mod addition

    When updating, the launcher redownloads the mods/coremods folder (and maybe others such as the config folder)Anyway, its just like updating minecraft. If you install some mods on 1.4.2 and then hit the update button when 1.4.3 comes out, then minecraft redownloads itself, removing any mods in...
  18. K

    Merry Christmas find!

    I dont think that is mod related, I have seen several reports of similar seeds on the MC forums. Still epic though :D