Updating a pack removed manual mod addition

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I dunno if this should be in the bug forum or not but yeah. I added Twilight Forest to the DW (v1) pack. When v2 came out and installed its updates, TF got uninstalled (and so I lost all of my items acquired in there..) and I wasn't told until I loaded my save. I was under the assumptions that if you added mods to a pack, they wouldn't be removed.. Will I need to re-install TF every time there's an update to the pack (and NEI my lost stuff back in) or was that a bug with either the pack or the launcher?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When updating, the launcher redownloads the mods/coremods folder (and maybe others such as the config folder)Anyway, its just like updating minecraft. If you install some mods on 1.4.2 and then hit the update button when 1.4.3 comes out, then minecraft redownloads itself, removing any mods in the process.

Short answer: It was not a bug, and yes, at the current time you will have to reinstall any added mods whenever you update.