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  1. S

    [Extrabees] Frames

    Awesome, better start with the soul frames though. They dont look too hard to make.
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    Crashing Error?

    I got a similar error on my server. Apparently it was caused by some forestry trees placed in the world.
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    [Extrabees] Frames

    I have been looking in NEI, and saw the Chocolate frame, restraint frame, soul frame, healing frame, and nova frame. I assume they are from extra bees, but I couldnt find any info on the wiki or the forum. If you have any idea what these do for beekeeping, let me know. Anything helps.
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    Feed the City [Ultimate Pack][1.4.6][Whitelist][Survival][Filmed]

    IGN: Strubinator Position: Aesthetic builder or Technical builder. Pretty good with redpower, I have started to get into the computers a bit, i'm a computer science major so I can learn how to program these things pretty quick. As for Aesthetic builder, I have some buildings I made on the world...
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    Minecraft - All of my wat

    But xycraft looks soooo sexy.
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    Random geo-thermals not taking lava

    Could try Thermal Generators. They save the cells/containers, and you can pump lava into them.
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    Pump ALL the liquids: A request about the FTB liquids

    How about a big swimming pool of liquid DNA? Or liquid nitrogen. Or honey. Fun.
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    Minecraft - All of my wat

    Minecraft doesnt render every single block, if it did, you would need a supercomputer to render that :P. It only renders blocks that are open to transparent blocks, mainly the surface and caves.
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    Pulverizer is better than Macerator In GregTec

    What about the GT industrial grinder? 300%+ yield on some things, including bonus dusts. Crazy expensive to build and maintain, but still helps in the long run.
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    Tutorial: Installing GSGL Shaders with the FTB Pack

    Know what shader adds the waving grass? I have had much better performance without it in the past, and its just slowing me down.
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    Aluminium vs Aluminum

    Wait, aluminum torches actually have a use?
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    List of Mods to remove from FTB

    Dont people realize that gregtech can actually make crafting some things easier? You dont need diamonds for energy or lapatron crystals, you dont need energy crytals for mfe's and lasers, and you can get redstone and other materials from centrifuging stuff like glowstone and other stuff. That...
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    Question about wooden waterproof pipes extracting from iron tanks.

    I think it might be a good idea to use the steam I wouldnt use for buildcraft, and use it in turbines. Also, this is me just messing around in creative learning the mods. It will be a while until I get myself a boiler legit.
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    Question about wooden waterproof pipes extracting from iron tanks.

    I still plan on using nukes for eu, but steam engines still need loads of power and resources.
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    Question about wooden waterproof pipes extracting from iron tanks.

    Thanks for the comments. If I wanted to power it with biofuel, how many forestry tree farms and wheat, or steve's carts' tree farms and wheat farms would I need to create the biomass needed? Or is lava the absolutely best way to keep the boiler fueled. Can it take liquid lava, or would I need to...
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    Question about wooden waterproof pipes extracting from iron tanks.

    Ok, so I am fairly new to FTB, and decided to mess around in creative mode to familiarize myself with some things. I made a HP boiler, as large as I could make it, fed by coal coke. The steam feeds two turbines at 100%, and the rest fills up two 7x7x8 steam tanks. The tanks filled up pretty...