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  1. S

    Is there a way to prevent x-ray texturepacks?

    In order to prevent the xray mods, it replaces ores with stone, until they are exposed. It probably doesnt even work with FTB, on account of the new ores.
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    is there a way to force name tags to be off for admins? [mindcrack van or bukkitforge]

    It doesnt work, you can still see the armor itself.
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    Looking for working Bukkitforge item restriction plugin.

    Pretty sure PEX doesnt work at all. Tried NoItem, stopped blocks from being placed, but not crafted or used. I really wished PEX worked, because I dont like the way bPerms handles multiple worlds.
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    Johnleys fast and easy Server Setup Guide.

    You can buy servers, they have a better price to performance ratio than even desktops. Ram's a little weak, but it has a nice processor, better than my $800 laptop. Laptops have so much extra stuff...
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    Looking for working Bukkitforge item restriction plugin.

    Noitem works, havent completely tested it yet. I know crafting can be bypassed, but there is an option to not be able to hold items too.
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    Portal gun question.

    Where is the option to disable moon portals?
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    bpermissions and bchatmanager

    I use herochat and it works fine. In your bperms groups, try adding the groups inherited under groups: Noticed an error: - dynmao,webregister.other This is mine and it seems to work fine: default: member groups: member: permissions: - essemtials.signs.use.time -...
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    is there a way to force name tags to be off for admins? [mindcrack van or bukkitforge]

    Invisibility potion. For bukkitforge, vanishnopacket doesnt work, but simplyVanish might, it just applies a vanish potion to the player. Remember to remove armor though.
  9. S

    Is there a way to prevent x-ray texturepacks?

    orebfuscator is laggy, but it can prevent xray mod users from hacking. Unfortunately there is no way of stopping people from using texture packs, since minecraft renders all exposed faces. And the server textures option is optional for players, they can choose to not download the texture pack...
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    Recommendations for Mystcraft

    Im planning on banning several items, mainly for being able to bypass worldguard and pvp, such as wand of excavation, mining laser, arcane bore, those sort of things. If bPerms supports permissions in mystcraft ages, I would like to lift the ban of these items on the private ages, because they...
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    Recommendations for Mystcraft

    Playerbase isnt as large as I would like it to be, maybe 25 or so players on the main group of servers. About 8 of the servers are connected by bungeeCord under one IP, but in reality, its just two servers. The others are just small, minigame type servers, but we decided to use separate jars...
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    Recommendations for Mystcraft

    Well they would be able to let whoever they want in, but its just a way to control the number of ages created. I need incentives for players to donate to the server, the owner cant pay the whole $250 out of pocket. Premium users dont have an advantages over other players, they just have a few...
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    32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

    Love the pack. Im curious, how did you get the shaders in the screenshot? I tried installing karyonix's gsgl shader mod with a few shader packs, but none seem to work.
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    Recommendations for Mystcraft

    This is what I plan to do. Make mystcraft book creation for admins only. Add a few public ages for all to use, some for mining, exploration, etc. For a few premium users, admins can custom design books for those players, with a limit on the amount per player created, and remove most banned items...
  15. S

    Pros/Cons of Mindcrack to Ultimate

    Nether ores is good if you turn down some of the spawn rates. When I played tekkit, I could get two stacks of diamonds in half an hour, just by strip mining in the lower levels of the nether, under the lava. Minefactory kinda unbalances the agriculture stuff, but the animal breeding, sorting and...
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    Setting up a server?

    BukkitForge works too.
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    Quick question

    If you are going to use bukkitforge, its bukkit essentials
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    Pros/Cons of Mindcrack to Ultimate

    On the most recent Ultimate_Server I downloaded, none of the extra biomes were disabled, which is good, since it means the world should copy over fine.
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    Pros/Cons of Mindcrack to Ultimate

    Oh shit, totally forgot about traincraft, bummer. Actually liked that one, the trains were actually pretty cool. Might just have to add it in.
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    Bukkit and Plugin Choice For FTB

    Doesnt LWC add an option to automatically protect when worldguard regions are created? I believe you have to manually add the Id's, but I have looked into grief prevention, and it isnt the best fit for my server.