[Extrabees] Frames

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been looking in NEI, and saw the Chocolate frame, restraint frame, soul frame, healing frame, and nova frame. I assume they are from extra bees, but I couldnt find any info on the wiki or the forum. If you have any idea what these do for beekeeping, let me know. Anything helps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've seen villages sell them once or twice.

but I could swear I saw them in the NEI when I was thinking about getting started with Bees. I think and I can be total wrong here but It was something like an Impregnated Frame plus X where X is something like soul sand or cocca ect.

What they do? I would assume they are for their own speacil bees. Like the neither one or the cocca one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I looked it up on google and I found a forum post somewhere explaining what they do.

Restraint frame apparently makes the range of the bees smaller, at the cost of production. The post says it's pretty useless.
Chocolate frame boosts production, but shortens life span. The post says it's only useful for bees with long life because all others die too fast to produce anything.
Healing frame, opposite of the Chocolate one, gives longer life but kills production. Again it appears to be useless.

Soul frame, helps you with breeding by boosting the chances of getting mutations. I've been using these as well and they really speed up the breeding process.
Nova frame is apparently also useful for breeding, apparently it makes the life of a bee instant. So that way you put 2 bees in, 10 seconds later you see the results. Useless for production, but great for breeding.

I have only tried the Soul frame so far and it's awesome, I really recommend it for any bee breeding. The others I don't know though, the guy might say they're useless, but with Minecraft the only real way to know is to try them yourself.

Hope that helps you guys though ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know what the nova frame does. I BELIEVE, however...

The chocolate frame increases production rate
The soul frame increases the fertility (i.e. amount of offspring)
The restraint frame reduces their range so it's harder to get stung
The healing frame makes their lives last longer

and I believe they all have drawbacks (i.e. soul frame equals less output, etc.)

Someone should check me on this, though. I've played around with them, and this is just my experience.

EDIT: Whoops, posted at the same time as above.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nova frames are pretty much only for testing purposes. You can't craft them and unless Binnie messed up somehow, they shouldn't be available from Apiarist Villagers. What it does is instantly "kills" the queen AND increases the chances of a successful mutation. I believe it's 100% but I'm not sure as I only tested them a few times (but got mutations every time).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They're very good. I went from meadows + Modest to a pure bred Fiendish in 1 go by using 3 soul frames (Modest + Meadow gave me the common right away, which I combined with one of the other two's offsprings for a cultivated, which I combined with a 2nd Modest queen in an Hell biome with mystcraft and boom, fiendish).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I've been breeding to get Noble bees and I've actually gotten Primeval ones, 1 Majestic and I think I might've even seen a Relic. Though I'm not really looking to go down that route yet, I'm more aiming for the Royal side atm so I can perhaps make a few Alvearies so I can start breeding/using my Nether bees in the Overworld :p

I kinda wish there was a way to boost the amount of offspring though without crossbreeding. Because I've only got 1 Rocky queen and drone and they only produce 1 offspring of each, which makes multiplying them pretty much impossible :/ I guess I got no option but to just try and breed them into the higher tier versions and hope I find more Rocky ones to use for their other branches or try to purify any crossbreeds I get, but that's far from reliable xD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I've been breeding to get Noble bees and I've actually gotten Primeval ones, 1 Majestic and I think I might've even seen a Relic. Though I'm not really looking to go down that route yet, I'm more aiming for the Royal side atm so I can perhaps make a few Alvearies so I can start breeding/using my Nether bees in the Overworld :p

I kinda wish there was a way to boost the amount of offspring though without crossbreeding. Because I've only got 1 Rocky queen and drone and they only produce 1 offspring of each, which makes multiplying them pretty much impossible :/ I guess I got no option but to just try and breed them into the higher tier versions and hope I find more Rocky ones to use for their other branches or try to purify any crossbreeds I get, but that's far from reliable xD
There is a way to do it actually. You need to use a few machines for that tho. Use a bee with a high fertility rate (forest for example) and put it in an Isolator with a few empty serum vials. Once you get the fertility serum, take that and put it in a Synthesizer to fill it, then in a Purifier to get the best quality. Once you have that done, put the serum in an Inoculator with your bee. It'll take a LOT of liquid DNA however. But yeah, you can do it without breeding the trait by hand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you find enough rocky bees, you can make a template for the rocky branch, and simply churn out more drones as needed. Last time I played with the rocky branch, I got lucky with my cross-breed with a forest bee. I was able to get the increased fertility and was able to breed back in all the awesome traits. :D Going up the line to granite and the other one sucked though as the fertility went back to one and I had to cross breed with my original rocky strain again to get the higher fertility.

Thanks for the info on the frames. never knew what they did..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a small FYI, if you want your high fertility bees to die off really fast for your supply of liquid DNA, the chocolate frames makes that pretty easy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you find enough rocky bees, you can make a template for the rocky branch, and simply churn out more drones as needed. Last time I played with the rocky branch, I got lucky with my cross-breed with a forest bee. I was able to get the increased fertility and was able to breed back in all the awesome traits. :D Going up the line to granite and the other one sucked though as the fertility went back to one and I had to cross breed with my original rocky strain again to get the higher fertility.

Thanks for the info on the frames. never knew what they did..

The template machine - sequencer - is either broken or I'm using it wrong. I tried making a template of Rocky, Forest, and Common and they recorded but the template said "Corrupted Template" for every one. Cultivated and above bees wouldn't even record.

I think, other than genepool, that the tier2 bee machines (which is what I'm calling those building with "Genetic Machine") have been replaced by tier3 machines (what I'm calling those building with "Advanced Genetic Machine") They're certainly more useful, you can even isolate increased fertility, nocturnal, flyer, cave, etc and apply it to other bees.

That being said, I was able to get four Resilient (what Metallic is now called) bees with nocturnal, flyer, cave, and 2x fertility and haven't been able to build any of the tier3 machines except in creative. They're identical even to generations, so the drones stack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the template, you have to feed the exact same genome (not just species, everything has to be exactly the same) untill it fills up.

Doing it for hives bees is easy, but as soon as you crossbreed, it becomes a pain to have a reliable amount.

Now that drones stack when they are the same, it is a little bit easier to know if you what you have in what quantities though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I might go the Advanced Genetics route then, that way I can also use those machines to improve any other bees I breed as well. I'm mostly focusing on getting the types of bees I want (in pure strains), but not so much looking at their traits, so after a while I might have high tier bees with pretty crappy traits (or at least room for improvement).

Maybe if the Advanced Genetic machine still required Nether Stars I would've tried cross breeding, but as far as I know they require primarily things from the Nether now and other valuable resources like Gold and Diamonds, but no Nether Stars or anything like that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the template, you have to feed the exact same genome (not just species, everything has to be exactly the same) untill it fills up.
How identical do they have to be? Is the generation number important, or can you input overflow drones from several cycles, as long as all traits are stable?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For the template, you have to feed the exact same genome (not just species, everything has to be exactly the same) untill it fills up.

I went into creative, put down a sequencer and power supply and then created a *stack* of 64 forest drones, ran them through the beealizer, and got a corrupted template from the sequencer.

Now that drones stack when they are the same, it is a little bit easier to know if you what you have in what quantities though.

Except that different generations is different enough so that they don't stack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I didn't get far into bees yet, so I don't have sequencers and all in this world, but it used to work that way.

As for stacking, when I bred forest princess and drone (hives ones), all the drones I got, and those I got after that stacked, so I think your drones that don't stack have a little something different (life span, production, temp tolerance, anything)
There might be something between analyzed or not analyzed too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think its about time I restart with the bees, I dont have any pure common or cultivated, and I really havent gotten that far into breeding, steadfast, hardy, and valiant have shown up, but they are a pain to breed with my hybrids.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In my Volcano base I am building an underwater farm. As you might think getting live stock down here is a bit troublesome (I am like 800+ from the nearest land mass with animals) So I opted to go the soul shard route with tier 1 spanners to get my stock started. That meant running off and murdering every cow sheep pig I could find. So I did that and brought some scoops and the bee bag with me. Yeah Let just say when I get into the mind set to give bees a try I am so ready I filled the bag (like 150 slots or something silly) with bees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The nova frame does not have a 100% chance i am testing this out since ive been stuck for 3 days breeding commons and cultivated trying to get the noble/dilligent bees.

"it shortens the life span to about 20-30 seconds only good for testing purposes"