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  1. R

    Am I the only one who likes the gregtech recipes?

    The very shaky comparison between what people play minecraft for, as it's an anti-gregtech POV people like lambert and dravarden will naturally take it as gospel. Overpowered doesn't really exist in minecraft. Imbalanced may exist for some but overpowered naturally doens't in a fully...
  2. R

    Am I the only one who likes the gregtech recipes?

    It's a WIP mod for a start, you don't have to update everytime he puts one out by any means. Juts run off the same version you started with. A lot of Mods and games are WIP technically, but gregtech tends to give out the changes as they are created on a day by day basis. The "making use of...
  3. R

    Am I the only one who likes the gregtech recipes?

    Won't happen unless Eloraam gives permission, and unless I missed something I doubt that's going to happen anytime soon :P At least there's the blutricity engine though. I really like how gregtech pulls everything together and offers me so many alternative recipes - which given the upped...
  4. R

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    I already mentioned size is an issue, but you can't say "X is better" when you aren't the guy asking. In the end it's his idea what he wants for a size. I don't like 5x5 either but that's just my opinion. TNT clearing is a lot faster and simpler than pretty much any other method short of...
  5. R

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    It's not really comparable to the time taken to setup other methods.
  6. R

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    You can easily go block - tnt - block - tnt and get the same effect of a circular tube explosion.
  7. R

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    Line redstone along hte tnt and it will all go off at exactly the same time. This is also part of what makes tnt cannons possible because it is what controls the range you are firing the cannon block. The result will not be perfectly round because of block interaction usually, but it depends...
  8. R

    Is there any machine that will automatically combine two gold swords together for me?

    Pigman swords always have same durability so autocrafting table works fine. We used to do that then macerate the swords and store the dust, then later block it up
  9. R

    Energy source.. ? (Mindcrack)

    Fusion is the best/fastest regardless of cost, and the costs are ridiculous. Almost energy source is effectively renewable through some method ingame, and efficiency is debatable between. No real clear answer as it depends what you find realistic, how you play, etc.
  10. R

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    Xycraft spoilers, if it may make some people more interested:
  11. R

    EMC - EE - Energy Condenser

    My biggest problem in the current modpack is tin, until recently it was copper but we made an assembly table with many lazors and that isn't an issue. The problem with copper and tin though is that they aren't regular spawns in twilight stalactites as far as I can tell. Iron has been an issue...
  12. R

    EMC - EE - Energy Condenser

    Last I checked the reason the blaze loop was useful was because of it's use as fuel on the EMC cycle. It that doesn't exist the exploit no longer exists as macerating blaze rods was awkward in itself (and something I convinced my server admin to stop doing) I think people overestimate the...
  13. R

    Waiting for Ultimate...

    I am playing mindcrack while waiting for ultimate. I hear mystcraft is going to be added to it soon and EE3 is in such early stages I'm not too interested yet. I will be playing on ultimate when it releases though. You can always try adding the mods yourself in the mean time if you need all 3.
  14. R

    EMC - EE - Energy Condenser

    I didn't say you couldn't, I just said I don't know how. Selective quoting makes your argument appear stronger though, I agree. Equivalent Exchange's charm could be conversion that don't give loss, which is exactly what the name says. It can have it's own unique use doing this in any of the...
  15. R

    EMC - EE - Energy Condenser

    While I feel EE2 was far too easy for any server I play on - people are allowed their opinions. I thought this was also the whole point of different packs. I'm not sure how anyone would attempt to defend the collector-condenser flowers though. You might as well be on creative with them. I...
  16. R

    Is energy from lava appropriate?

    greg wants to add a new dimension that uses his fusion reactor to access @dravarden silver + gold makes electrum.
  17. R

    Is energy from lava appropriate?

    By this logic games where balance is intended (as oppose to switching of scales like WoW) wouldn't get patched. The argument also doesn't translate into minecraft power sources well at all. If you really think rock paper scissors balance arguments work in this context, think it through and if...
  18. R

    Is energy from lava appropriate?

    I've been playing multiplayer games long enough to not buy into such a naive statement.
  19. R

    [MindCrack Pack] GregTech and Chrome

    You also don't need tungsten to make the matter fabricators look at the alternatives.
  20. R

    Technic Team releases Tekkit Lite

    There is nothing wrong with discussing a tangent.