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  1. R

    Disabling Red Power Ores

    Between quarries, turtles, mystcraft, and twilight forest (is there a pack which has none of these?) You can get all the diamonds you'd ever need for tools easily anyway. If people are making use of other mods this balance issue doesn't really exist...
  2. R

    FTB Mindcrack Pack Ore Heights

    Ok, point. But then an argument of moderation breaks it. Using extremes to make an argument proves there was no argument to begin with. not that it wouldn't be fun to try it once....
  3. R

    FTB Mindcrack Pack Ore Heights

    I've played hardcore, vanilla, hardcore vanilla, etc. Not using any pickaxes is silly as that isn't making things more difficult, that's just limiting your options in game. Disabling armor/weapons would make things more difficult, or no beds. That being said personally on our multiplayer server...
  4. R

    how to get Lava from the Nether with a bucket (automatic)?

    It's ok gandalf, everyone loses it in their old age. Maybe if you weren't squinting you would see better? :P
  5. R

    Problem with mindcrack pack.

    I usually look for the %appdata% file by searching for it from the start menu search bar, from there I followed through the folders till I found something FTB/minecraft related. Deleted it all before redownloading. I'm not sure my issue was the same as yours, but when I was unable to play FTB...
  6. R

    Gravity gun uses:

    I agree with the forestry method trivializing rubber uses mid game onwards - but moving spawners is a little "cheesy". The most powerful mob spawners outside the end are always using spawner blocks, and because of that usually reserved for creative mode shenanigans before starting play in...
  7. R

    FTB Pack Comparison

    Slightly OT but is traincraft actually "operational" yet? When I looked around for info it seemed a lot of the mechanics and blocks were ingame but I no info about any recipes on the wiki or ingame (not like that's rare though). I tried to look through changelogs and didn't notice anything.
  8. R

    Gravity gun uses:

    I'd say hours of farming constitutes as rare. They are notorious for causing most to give up farming them due to their a) low spawn rate in the fortress, even when optimized, and b) the pathetic droprate on skulls in vanilla. The last wither boss I farmed took about 8 hours of hardcore nether...
  9. R

    Gravity gun uses:

    Nether stars aren't expensive thanks to redpower 2's Vorpal enchant. Stick that on a weapon and go for 20 minutes in a fortress and you will ahve more nether stars then you will ever need.
  10. R

    Solar panel > Batbox

  11. R

    Some interesting new ores

    Alternative spellings are just the results of an uneducated population. Call it "adaptation of language" if you wish, but it is what it is. This goes for all countries slowly morphing dictionaries.
  12. R

    Red Power is released.

    Only place I ever found saltpeter was in mystcraft worlds, personally.
  13. R


    Tylor - while I know a few people around here will already have an idea of what you mean, could you post what you feel are better alternatives in other mods? makeshiftwings - please read lawbrokens posts :(
  14. R

    Red Power is released.

    Apparently the strongest bricks are also nuke resistant from XYcraft
  15. R

    Red Power is released.

    Anything that doesn't require worldgen can be added in an update without people having to reset their worlds. The idea of releasing as soon as world gen is out is that people can start
  16. R

    sandstone village?

    ^ What they said, the temples and special villages will only spawn in vanilla type biomes. Because of mods this land is greatly reduced. Desert temples are cool in vanilla minecraft, easy way to get lots of tnt (9 under each trap). Jungle temples are less interesting.
  17. R


    People are now debating about whether they are allowed to debate. Simply put a mod who represents the people who provide this forum and work on the mod pack you are playing have requested you to not debate gregtech in *just* this thread, and instead allow people to post their opinions without...
  18. R


    Please look around :P There is another thread stating that redpower is now out a little bit below. It was released this morning (or was midnight in US?), and slowpoke has stated in an interview linked in that thread that he plans to add it in for this saturday.
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    That I'm personally aware of - yes.
  20. R
