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    Massive Explosion

    Do you live in a mystcraft age?
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    Whats this?

    Whats this community showcase? (Im gonna be honest, I wanted to be the first one the create a thread here:D;) )
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    Buildcraft quarry (What is best way to power it???)

    Or change it in the config
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    DivineRPG and Ultimate...

    Sorry for OT, But damn I like your avatar!
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    Too much iron

    You cant have too much of something in minecraft god dammit! ;)
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    Mining Well Quarry, RP2 Style

    Can you put up a world download with the working one? :)
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    Red power diamond pipes?

    You can use a filter. Place the item you want to get sent there in the filter
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    Mobs doesnt drop Minium stones when killed by turtles

    Oh, Thats the problem. And cant find anything in the config files. Damn... I sent a message to the mod creator and asked if he/she could make that toggleable in the config
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    Mobs doesnt drop Minium stones when killed by turtles

    Is this intended or is it a bug? It ruined my plans atleast.. EDIT: I meant Shard of minium!
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    Router refuses to send items randomly

    I know, But It extracts from the ender chest just fine
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    mining well on frames

    ... I cant find it.
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    Router refuses to send items randomly

    This is what the setup looks like. There is a 1 barrel in the barrel in the corner. This is the router that should send items to the barrels: This is the router next to the barrel
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    Router refuses to send items randomly

    My Router sometimes refuses to send items to my wall of barrels. Resulting in the item just staying in the router, cloging up my system. There is room for them, the barrels are not full. And you can see these purple particles in the air, going back and forth to the barrel it is trying to move...
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    My New MC Name

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    Tekkit + Voltz + ThaumCraft?

    Oh, Ok
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    Tekkit + Voltz + ThaumCraft?

    What am I missing? Eu, MJ , Blutricity and ????
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    Soul Stealer on Diamond Gone?

    Damn it, I loved that exploit...
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    Does Xp Turtles need bookshelfs or not?

    Okay, Thanks for the clear answer
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    Does Xp Turtles need bookshelfs or not?

    Does Xp Turtles need bookshelfs to enchant lvl 30 books or not? I have heard people saying both.
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    I NEED a good YouTube FTB series

    I think AnderZel will fit you well. He used to do A LOT off camera, But he has changed. The episodes length are from 35-45 minutes. He usually explain things well.