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  1. S

    Mixed metal ingots?

    I'll give you a hint. It needs to be done in a rolling machine. I don't understand why NEI isn't giving you a recipe though. It really should be.
  2. S

    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    That's not Krapht's official version and to my knowledge FTB still plans on using Krapht's logistic pipes when he updates them (hopefully soon!) :)
  3. S

    Thaumcraft redpower ores

    Well the world gen stuff worked fine on Forgecraft. I'm not sure if Azanor plans on rolling the same thing out in his mod however.
  4. S

    GregTech's Vajra

    Hmm. It used to be easier to break with a shovel than a pick. Maybe that changed. Either way the decay blocks have always been breakable so I would guess that is completely normal :)
  5. S

    Looking for clarification on Mob spawner

    It only checks a 17x9x17 area around the spawner cage and since no mobs can spawn within 32 blocks of the player this rarely is an issue in any event :)
  6. S

    GregTech's Vajra

    The decay blocks in Mystcraft weren't tough in the past versions (easily breakable with fist and a shovel). I can't see would have changed so its probably intentional. Try it with a normal shovel or something. If it breaks easily then its intended :)
  7. S

    Option to Disable Console

    I know that you can do that. But for people that record and forget to turn it off that can be bad. PauseUnPause had 3 hours of recording just the console window because he forgot to close it. If its not easy to do I can completely understand but if the option is easy to provide it could really...
  8. S

    1.4.5 in the works

    They fixed the particle placement bug. I'm just not sure why they didn't hold back on releasing 1.4.4 since they knew the bug was present (they even posted on the bug entry in their tracker confirming it). Still, as you said. Bug fixes are good! Edit: Oh the irony. It turns out that 1.4.5...
  9. S

    Im Pretty Sure Something's Wrong...

    EE3 and a few other mods aren't yet finished and stable enough to be added. When they are they will be loaded into a pack update. So you have two choices: 1. Wait for it to be released in the pack 2. Build EE3 from the source code and add it to your own version
  10. S

    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    I take it you were replying to the voting thing and not saying that soul shards wouldn't be included?
  11. S

    Recipes changes from refined iron to steel !

    Well in all fairness it isn't that much harder that you can't do it in half a hour to a hour if you move at a decent speed. At least it makes things more interesting.
  12. S

    Looking for clarification on Mob spawner

    That is not completely accurate. Any mobs that have picked up an item will not despawn, ever. Its a new thing in 1.4. Also. Slimes are a real issue for mob traps and lighting up caves will not fix it. If any of your caves intersect a slime chunk you will need to fill or slab those areas in...
  13. S

    invalid password or username! cant launch

    Hey, yep. That's me. You will need to check and verify your username and password is correct. If you have a valid premium account and it is not working then you are entering the information incorrectly :)
  14. S

    Option to Disable Console

    Hey there guys. I've noticed this mentioned in a few LP's. It seems the console can interfere with the screen recording software people are using so may I suggest a way to easily enable or disable the console so that people can have the option to have this turned on or off depending on their...
  15. S

    invalid password or username! cant launch

    This is in the wrong forum. In the future please post support request in the Tech Support forum.
  16. S

    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    As per post #2 they can't. The mod author doesn't give permission to distribute the mod. If that ever changes I'm sure they'll look at it but until then they can't. Sorry.
  17. S

    Recipes changes from refined iron to steel !

    Well I'm glad to know at least some things didn't get altered with GregTech. Hehe. You're right, the rate for them spawning isn't very high (and they usually always end up at the bottom of lava lakes anyway -_-). Its easier to just buckle down and get the fortress sorted. Since blaze also now...
  18. S

    just one question

    Well it could in theory be done via forge but it probably wouldn't be a nice fix. For the launcher I was thinking more of adding a "save pack for server" option to pull a mod and config list from a server. Of course then you need Minecraft to know that x server = y pack config which in its self...
  19. S

    Recipes changes from refined iron to steel !

    Well unless I'm mistaken you can still compress netherrack into nether brick (or did it disable that too?) and you can get magma cream from magma cubes (which thankfully have had their hitboxes fixed in 1.4.4 so they can actually be hit now). So you could do it without a nether fortress... but...
  20. S

    just one question

    We really need a simple mechanism to sync client and server configs to solve issues like this, don't we? :( I actually requested this on the issue tracker a little while ago. We'll see what comes of it.