Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

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I've started a new world. There's nothing else we can do. I'm very sorry for the inconvience.
so is that a deined request or what? if it aint a incovince
Not trying to sound like an ass or anything, just personal experience with this stuff. Stop asking if you've been accepted. If you have, they will tell you. If they haven't said anything to you then
A: They haven't looked at your app yet
B: You have been denied
C: The server isn't accepting people at this point
or D: The server seems to be having issues and the admins/owner is busy
With all of the above asking multiple times will likely just annoy them and hurt your chances of being accepted. Just saying because you've asked about it twice in the last hour.
Not trying to sound like an ass or anything, just personal experience with this stuff. Stop asking if you've been accepted. If you have, they will tell you. If they haven't said anything to you then
A: They haven't looked at your app yet
B: You have been denied
C: The server isn't accepting people at this point
or D: The server seems to be having issues and the admins/owner is busy
With all of the above asking multiple times will likely just annoy them and hurt your chances of being accepted. Just saying because you've asked about it twice in the last hour.
its common curdasy to tell some one if their not accepting or if your diened i mean instead of just waiting no offense to admin/owners or yourself solice
I've only known about it since Etho started his series on it. I'm a fast study though; already got my army of turtles, rubber trees, automatic tree farm, etc. etc. Let it also be known I learned xHTML in 3 weeks many years ago... me thinks FTB (and my main interest; turtles) will be a fun exercise.

o.o I like you.
Age: 24

In-game Name: Airship

Have you fully read and understood the rules?:

Motivate us why we should whitelist you:
I have played minecraft on and off since Alpha. In that time, Ive played on a variety of servers; vanilla, modded, pvp. I'm mature and play well with others; In the past I've been promoted to moderator for some of the servers I've been playing on for this reason. I always follow the rules of a server, and I've never griefed. I'm probably not the greatest when it comes to building above ground structures, though i do try to keep myself busy with some kind of large project to keep myself interested and busy and I'm always active in the community of a server I'm playing on. Lastly, you shouldn't have any latency issues with me, as I'm on a decent 10/10 connection located in Norway (seeing as the server is in Paris).

Why do you want to join us?:
I've been lurking a while, waiting for FTB to be properly updated. While waiting, I tried some of the non-whitelisted alternatives in the mean time, and though it was fun for a time, I can't help but feel that these were more of a single player multi player than anything else, if that makes any sense. Most of these servers had no particular rules regarding stealing and griefing, which leads to a split community and distrustful glares. I want to play on a high quality server where people aren't afraid of having others over for a visit to show off some cool stuff they have been working on, without the use of draconian security... I do love how the community on a server bonds like that, and the sense of belonging that follows. Can't get that on no rules servers, really. Also, you're European, and quite frankly you guys' topic are leagues above the others I have seen around here :)

Do you have any previous bans?:
I do not

Do you have any experience with the mods?:
I do. I was introduced to the mods by watching the 1st season of Direwolf20's LP, and Ive been subscribed to him since. I admit that lately Ive skimmed through a lot of his work, mostly because he refurbishes most of older seasons' material in the newer, but I'm still a fan. I have played with the mods extensively as well, both SSP and SMP, though I'm quite green regarding the newer mods and functions. The mods I know the most of are Buildcraft, IC2, RP2 and Forestry.

P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?:
Probably because of this: "The server restarts every 2 hours, no announcement!". As for the why of it, I'm assuming general maintenance, cache clearing, purging of entities?

What is your secret code?:
I really hope I'm doing this correctly, but I believe it is 19.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll consider having me :)
Mother FUCKING Smackzter... I had a lot going in the old world. Well, guess we there is always an end to something :l T_T
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Reactions: Jenial
so is that a deined request or what? if it aint a incovince

1. You didnt answer the secret question
2. You keep asking if you've been accepted like every 30 minutes.
3. We only accept 10% op applys.

The maths is up for you.

I'll be looking into thr new applys as soon as I get home this evening.
I hopped online this morning to see what was up with the server.
I have two points for notice. Old homes still work (even homes to the end)
And I wasn't able to access the spawn machines interface
I hopped online this morning to see what was up with the server.
I have two points for notice. Old homes still work (even homes to the end)
And I wasn't able to access the spawn machines interface

I am sorry, I am up to that part but I am also short on time today! The spawn is just temporary so you guys can start faster, I will fix the interface.
Special thanks to our great friend Smackzter who fucked up the world and removed all backups.

I don't think there's a way to restore this... We'll probally have to start a new world. -.-
I've banned Smackzter and removed all his permissions.... god..
Wtf are you on about. All i did was removing ForgeEssentials. As Feen said it happened after a restart and the server had been working for a day after i touched the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1357827079][/DOUBLEPOST]I'll even tell you EXACTLY what i did other than removing FE.

Feen could you get on steam?

EDIT: Wait... This happened AFTER i touched the server while i was on vacation right? Wasn't me then...
Wtf are you on about. All i did was removing ForgeEssentials. As Feen said it happened after a restart and the server had been working for a day after i touched the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1357827079][/DOUBLEPOST]I'll even tell you EXACTLY what i did other than removing FE.

Feen could you get on steam?

EDIT: Wait... This happened AFTER i touched the server while i was on vacation right? Wasn't me then...

Your IP was on the last loggin.
Age: 14

In-game Name: tomthe40 (no caps)

Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Of course.

Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Because I'm better than everyone else. I am the one thing that can make your server become something more. I will devote your whole server to an ideal and make it become something else entirely. "What's that?" I hear you say. A legend, Mr.Jenial.

Why do you want to join us?: Basically because I used to play on a server called Luincraft which has since been shut down as the owner has moved house and can't set up for some reason or other. I think this server will be a nice size for me as because you ops are saying you only accept ~10% applications you're keeping it small aswell which I personally admire.

Do you have any previous bans?: A temporary ban.

If answered yes, how come?: Owner opted donaters and one of them was a spoilt American nine year old who didnt like me because I raided him once (It was a factions/raiding server) and I was the only other person on when he found someone had complletely obliberated his base so he blaimed me immediately, falsely though!

Do you have any experience with the mods?: YES! Over a year and a half. I've been playing mods before FTB and have played FTB since it first came out. If you want like a report on each mod I could probably give it to you but time is of the essence my good sir.

P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Server restarts...DUH!

What is your secret code?:2015

If you don't accept me please tell me what you would like changed in the app and give me a second chance :)
Please use /op <your name> once you logg in. This won't add anything beside building rights.
I'll try to fix this as soon as possible.
Age: 15
In-Game Name: meloenkoen1
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes i have, and i understand
Motivation: experienced player, know a lot about the mods, and detest pvp, stealing or griefing
pervious bans: i have never been banned before
experience: have been playing tekkit before the FTB launcher came out, after that been playing ftb, in total about 3/4 of a year.
why kick every 2hrs?: server restart
secret code: 135
Age: 15
In-Game Name: meloenkoen1
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes i have, and i understand
Motivation: experienced player, know a lot about the mods, and detest pvp, stealing or griefing
pervious bans: i have never been banned before
experience: have been playing tekkit before the FTB launcher came out, after that been playing ftb, in total about 3/4 of a year.
why kick every 2hrs?: server restart
secret code: 135
I can tell you now, this application wont even be considered for whitelisting