What's new in modded minecraft today?

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My feelings exactly.
My feelings exactly.
Eloraam junk in spoiler (Feel free to ignore)
My feelings exactly.
My feelings exactly.

When the whole "My idea everyone go away" crap happens is when i lost all interest in a updated RP.
If you make a mod then disappear then magically come back after a year. What in the hell possesses you to think "Hey I made the original everyone else should stop using my idea." and that they will stop?

And now not to drag that out anymore....
Dries was busy this weekend while i was half away. Expect another large info update tomorrow and possibly a "finished" build of it within the week. We have mostly everything you could ever want to do done!
I'll leave this little screencap here to "Tease" :3
Here's some pics of her game btw:



It's written in C++. But, it's very easy to extend, you don't even need to know Lua or anything like that. It's all defined in plain text files, which means you don't even need to know how to program to add content.

Anybody feel less meh?

In my opinion the Redpower machines don't even fit to the rest of the blocks in the "game"...
Here's some pics of her game btw:



It's written in C++. But, it's very easy to extend, you don't even need to know Lua or anything like that. It's all defined in plain text files, which means you don't even need to know how to program to add content.

Anybody feel less meh?

I may have to play that...
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Reactions: pc_assassin
Terra Firma Craft Update 0.79.7
  • Brining recipe now only uses 60 liquid per oz. This makes it possible to brine 160oz of food.
  • Thatch and various other blocks are now displaced by water.
  • Modified vinegar pickling mechanic to consume 1mB per 1oz of food being pickled.
  • Log piles and pottery now consider themselves as fire sources when lit. Rain won't put them out etc.
  • Changed color of brine and corn whiskey
  • Added 5 tick delay to quickstack/quicktrim hotkeys to prevent knife duping.
  • Tweaked the rate at which some items burn.
    • Log piles burn twice as slow to give players a bit more time to save their burning charcoal pits.
  • Can now make cheese in the large vessel as well as the barrel.
  • Redesigned the way that taste interacts with nutrition and how satisfaction affects the player. Taste no longer directly affects the nutrition gained from eating a meal. Instead, it affects only the satisfaction gained, with more satisfaction being added the closer that the meal's taste is to the players preferences. When the player is satisfied, they will gain residual nutrition based upon the player's current nutritional levels with more nutrition gained when the player is malnourished than if he isn't.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed FoodPrep block not always deleting food when the weight was <= 0.
  • Fixed bucket crash on picking up liquids with which they were not allowed to carry.
  • Added back in the Armor Stand Recipes.
  • Fixed tannin recipe requiring too much water so that you couldn't make it in a Large Vessel.
  • Fixed Prospecting skill not saving.
  • Fixed crafting recipe for glass bottles. Now gives TFC glass bottles instead of vanilla.
  • Fixed barrel and vessel not ticking food decay.
  • Fixed crafting recipe for paper.
  • Fixed vinegar recipe to be 10oz fruit per bucket instead of 10.01 oz.
  • Fixed firepit being affected by rain while under thatch
  • Fixed thatch not breaking from sand
  • Fixed metal trapdoor crash
  • Fixed falling blocks not breaking worlditem blocks.
  • Fixed some trees placing the wrong dirt beneath themselves
  • Fixed sulfur dropping flux.
  • Fixed leather rack crash.
  • Barrels should no longer fill with water when there is more than 1 solid item inside. If there is only 1, it will switch to liquid mode and move the item to the input slot.
  • Can no longer place torches on top of pottery.
  • Fixed another isSupported off by one error with support beams.
  • Fixed smoke rack rendering, smoke racks not accepting items on X direction racks, and insta-drying on racks.
  • Fixed infinite dirt/stone from falling blocks.
  • Fixed trees failing to generate sometimes when the NoTree layer occured.
  • Fixed barrelception correctly this time.
  • Fixed impossible sequoia growth
  • Fixed Lime Water recipe not being Tech 0.
  • Fixed filling barrels from other barrels and vessels not sealing the new barrel and losing all liquids.
  • Fixed bow animations using vanilla animation speeds.
  • Fixed Straw/Hide beds showing unlocalised chat messages.
  • Fixed missing water block names.
  • Fixed cheese making not functioning.
  • Fixed barrel sealtime using the wrong date
  • Fixed some cases of sealed barrels not having a seal time
  • Fixed Large vessel liquid dupe.
  • Fixed lava flowing into water causing vanilla cobble and obsidian to spawn.
  • Fixed items not being destroyed in lava.
  • Fixed many issues with blocks falling on tile entities.
  • Fixed shift-click refining grains causing knife to be lost.
    Fixed leather recipe only giving 1 leather regardless of hide size.
Here's some pics of her game btw:



It's written in C++. But, it's very easy to extend, you don't even need to know Lua or anything like that. It's all defined in plain text files, which means you don't even need to know how to program to add content.

Anybody feel less meh?
An empty world doesn't make a game. One with physics, effects, entities, AI, and a robust ability to extend do.

I don't see that happening here in a timely fashion -- I don't doubt her skill, just her ability to deliver in a timely fashion.
Well it turns out the Plant Mega Pack is not dead! The owner, 10paktimbits, posted this on the MCForums.
10paktimbits said:
To all fans of Plant Mega Pack, you are owed an explanation, an apology, and an understanding of just what has happened recently. I do not want to send or receive comments at this time. All I ask is a few minutes of your time to gain an understanding, and perhaps answer some questions you may have.

Yes I pulled PMP from the net last week. It is still available for download. I am still developing it and I have no interest whatsoever in turning the code over to anyone. I also do not want anyone to decompile the code and make another mod out of it.

To answer an obvious question that you might have: what happened? In short, I had enough and fell over the edge.

I let the frustration of working with Forge get to me. I let the trolls in the crowd get to me. I overwhelmed myself with unrealistic goals and stayed up way too late far too many days. I stressed myself out making everyone wait for months for a release that just wasn't up to my standard. I let the Microsoft purchase push me over the edge. And here I am today, feeling disgusted and disgraced, fully ashamed at what I just did to the many fans out there who did support me, who were positive, who cared about what I was doing

There's no secrets in this post. I am a perfectionist, likely to the point of ocd. If that makes me a sick person like some are claiming then I am guilty. I also do not trust Microsoft and I have no problem making that opinion public. I don't want them to ruin Minecraft, or ruin PMP, or ruin anything else that this community loves so much. I took the time to understand their history of PC games and encourage you to do the same to gain that same understanding. There is good reason to not be optimistic. Their promises hold no merit with me today. I am very fearful for Minecraft's future.

Despite my best effort to make PMP into some sort of a good mod, I truly believe that I failed no matter what I did and the purchase was simply the last straw. I realized some time ago that I could not keep up with feature requests, develop my own ideas, maintain the issues that were being found, document everything properly, update all the web sites, communicate as best I could, and 20 other things needed. It was just too much for me to handle. I was too proud to ask for help. My own doing. My own failure to calm myself down and just breathe. Guilty.

I don't know what will happen next. I do want to move forward, and to make that happen the first thing I need to do is to stop letting the trolls beat me down. To the trolls: make your conclusions, say what you will, but do you really know me to back up your conclusions? I am not a bad person. I don't have bad intentions. I really do care very much for the community, even if it doesn't appear that way today.

I hope that somehow you have gained an understanding of what happened and why. I have a long road ahead of me to gain the respect and trust that took me so long to earn from you. If you're mad at me I completely understand. If you abandon me like I did to you I don't blame you. If you want me to feel bad, don't worry, I'm already there in a big way. I am sorry.

For those of you that know me, who care about PMP and its future, who have empathy rather than negative conclusions - I'm still around, but not in this forum. For the rest of you, I am sorry I let you down.

It's new home is here!
@WayofTime updated Blood Magic to v1.2.0
- Added in 5 new rituals: Evaporation, Ellipsoid, Veil of Evil, Ward of Sacrosanctity, and Requiem of the Satiated Stomach.
- Added in the new Reagent System, a system that is used to upgrade rituals with a variety of effects - see bottom fo Item/Blocks section.
- Finished adding in the Sanguinmancy Set - throw in Thaumaturge robes into the Ritual of Binding.
- Added a new badass Bound Armour model.

- Fixed a bunch of bugs and added a lot more Addon support
- Added Soul Fray to limit self-sacrifice on death, and lowers Bound Armour's protection. Soul Harden increases the protection of Bound Armour.
- Added hunger near an altar if you have regen II or higher
Gideon's is the best example of the largest acceptable size. In almost every case I'd say if its smaller than his... you're good :p
Also pointing out that it says mine is too big -.-
My modpack NAM has had it's first Alpha preview today! (Basically means I put out a resource pack, a config folder and some scripts for public use)

I am Pleased to announced that NAM is finally at a point where I can put out an official "Alpha Build." However, I am unsure whether or not this deserves a Github page or just a simple Google Drive download, as all I'm really ready to release is a Resource Pack, a CustomItems config folder and my scripts. So in the meantime, I'll go the safe way and put out a GD download:


Let's start with getting some Saplings, punching wood is just too hard


Now, lets turn those to sticks


As you can see, it's a shapeless recipe that uses the sapling's Ore Dictionary


This nasty little crook may be easier to make than you're used to, but it's also smaller and less durable


Crooks are very useful for getting saplings, apples and silkworms, especially since leaves take much harder to break in my pack


Git a little hungry so I took a bite out of that floor apple... I need moar!


Look ma! I found food in this here tall grass! (Warning! Tall Grass not yet dropping food, code is applied but there's a bug causing a bit of a problem)


I wonder what this is...




OUCH! Stupid Roundworms...


Now this is the good stuff Jim! Om! Nom! Earthworms!


Grasshoppers are fun to eat also!


I've got a tingly feeling going on up in this his-house!


Foods that are high in Vitamin 6 or B-12 give Regeneration.


Our first real weapon! If only it didn't have just 5 uses...

View attachment 13150
Now, let's get to crafting a shaft. It costs 5 durability from our dagger.


This one has 15 durability.

View attachment 13148
Has anyone ever told you to buy in bulk?

View attachment 13149
Because order now and you'll get 3 Shafts for only 13 durability! YOU CAN SAVE 2 DURABILITY, FREE!!!

View attachment 13152
Should I make a sword...

View attachment 13153
... Or a Club?

View attachment 13155 Ooh, what a Large Shaft this is!

Google Drive DL:

Feel free to use my textures and my scripts however you'd like! But I would greatly appreciate it if you give credit where credit is due and shoot me a PM about it.
(Not sure if this clause is really even needed for a bunch of half-butted images and some MineTweaker/ModTweaker Scripts though)
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As promised last night.

This time it will just be changelog no screenshots* as nothing was really added that you can see!
  • Backend now has its own console for backend admins. All running servers consoles are sent through this in the Owner-Servername format for easy recognition. (It doesn't run commands as its a security issue.)
  • Full file browser built in that will edit any text based file. Along with renaming and deleting of files.
  • Jar files have a disable button that appends .disabled to the file. (Mainly used for turning off mods)
  • A small statistics tracker was added.
  • Server list has Start/Stop/Kill/Console for each server now. No more opening the server page to do any of that.
  • Fixed a small issue with some characters breaking things (Damn you ')
  • Pay2Spawn was updated with a new command (/p2s makehtml) that uploads a HTML of the rewards list to the server and the backend gained the knowledge to locate and display this HTML file.
This was a major step for us and has almost removed all need for any FTP programs or any other external programs. Our list gets shorter and longer every day as we knock off features and think of new ones.
Most of the "Major Need" Features are done and now its all the little stuff that just makes things much simpler on the Administrators and the Users.

Things to look into or that will be done for sure its just a matter of time. (This is directly from our ToDo list and condensed down.)
  • Auto Backups \w patterns
  • User management (Passwords/Names/Deleting users)
  • Some sort of admin key on first start when creating files for getting admin access instead of editing the user JSON directly
  • Backend emailing system (Low Priority)
  • Server ownership transfer
  • Backend Admins need the ability to change server ports (Currently they are locked after the server is made unless you change the config for the backend)
  • Autostart when the backend starts needs to be fixed
  • Crashed server catching and displaying/notifying backed admins/server owner
  • Warning for the backend console saying you can't run commands through it
  • Look into the Json editor and why it is being derp
  • Handler for some Null Pointers
  • Re-Enabling of server backups while its running (Was a bug that wasn't caught early on)
  • Adding a text field to the stop command that kicks the users from the server saying that message before stopping it
  • Sortable server list
  • MOTD locking and uses a preset MOTD for all servers (Works like port locking)
  • Add commands for the backend (/stop, /message, /help) Currently you run the jar and then push anything to stop the backend.
  • Add help text to practically everything that exists.
  • Make wiki.

Thats everything!
Something missing or have question? Contact us! Get it here or gawk at the code!

*Edit: I lied about the screen shots and added one of the file browser because its just so awesome :3
Another Flaxbeard's Steam Power update - 0.26.4 with some more bugfixes. This'll probably be the final 0.26 version, as I'm going to start working on 0.27.0.

  • TWEAK: Added "SatanicSanta" to author list in mcmod.info
  • FIX: Item Mortar cannon faces the correct way in most cases.
  • FIX: Power Fist no longer causes crash. Not sure when this was actually fixed, so I'm putting it in this changelog.
  • FIX: Exosuit no longer causes a memory leak. Memory usage will go up when it is worn, still. It just won't continuously go up until your computer dies; it's stable now.