What's new in modded minecraft today?

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ModTweaker 0.6

• Fixed Tinkers, Mariculture and MineTweaker
• Fix Railcraft Blast Furnace Removals
• Removed Vanilla Tweaks > Now part of MineTweaker main
• Sieve and Slag Furnace removals now remove all the items, also added removeFirst and removeLast methods, if you want to remove them.
• Thaumcraft Infusion recipes can have an optional boolean, to specify whether the recipe should be fuzzy or not
• Flaxbeard's Steam Power Mod
• Steamed Food
• Melting & Dunking
• Thaumcraft 4
• Warp Support
• Thermal Expansion
• Induction Smelter
• Fluid Transposer
• Magma Crucible
• Pulverizer
• Redstone Furnace
• Sawmill

And a side to that: ModTweaker's Future > http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-modtweaker-0-6-minetweaker-addon?comment=333
For all who are curious Dire has tweeted that EnderIO will be in his new pack which I think is superb (https://twitter.com/Direwolf20/status/522161587994767360). Not that it is completely necessary seeing as how the user base for it is already quite large. But reading some of the comments on the videos it's nice to see that CrazyPants' hard work (as well as all the other contributors) is reaching more people.
new day, new update, and here's the changelog that @XCompWiz posted for Mystcraft
XCompWiz said:
  • [API]You now get the MystAPI instance via IMC
  • [BackCompat]Prioritizes existing instability effects in existing ages in new deck system
  • [Balance]Crumble Effect: Adjusts Speed
  • [Balance]Revises DenseOres to match standard generation amounts and distributions
  • [Balance]Caps stability from writing scorched or lightning to occur once
  • [Balance]Updates duplicate writing and accelerated symbol to match new scaling
  • [Balance]Revises balance numbers for resources (existing ages will calculate to slightly too stable)
  • [Balance]Adds a small amount of instability to cave worlds
  • [Balance]Adds a small amount of instability to bright lighting
  • [Balance]Sets availability calculations to consider tracked blocks as more available
  • [Balance]Sets availability calculations to consider fluids as more available
  • [Balance]Sets availability calculations to consider all "air" blocks as available
  • [Balance]Revises number and distribution of effects into tiers
  • [Balance]Changes how quickly effects are added based on instability score
  • [Balance]Makes lecterns in libraries always get items
  • [Balance]Makes lecterns in libraries force generated pages to be rarer in general
  • [Balance]Crumble Effect: Improves Mappings
  • [Balance]Symbols for instability effects now give full value for the instability effect (stability score)
  • [Balance]Removes innate instability from dense ores (replaced by values from ores in world)
  • [BugFix]Fixes decay blocks dropping
  • [BugFix]Fixes notebooks being built with different ids from those later in use
  • [BugFix]Attempting to use an empty bottle on ink blocks now does nothing
  • [BugFix]Fixes mod fluids not getting instability factors
  • [BugFix]Fixed an issue with null page treasure items
  • [BugFix]Fixes issue with crystal formation generation preventing structure generation
  • [BugFix]Fixes dimensions being unregistered inappropriately
  • [BugFix]Fixes an infinite stack loop when combined with COG (Fixes getting biomes while building chunks causing an infinite loop)
  • [BugFix]Fixes a minor issue in the logger
  • [BugFix]Fixes error in using myst-create without args
  • [BugFix]Fixes the biome ordering in the grid and tiled biome controllers
  • [BugFix]Fixes placing desks by block item so it works the same way as the item form
  • [BugFix]Fixes Crystal Receptacle TE not being removed properly
  • [BugFix]Modifiers, Basic notebook now has correct contents
  • [BugFix]Fixes a crash bug from portal colors
  • [BugFix]Fixes sync on book binder between multiple clients
  • [Config]Makes mod fluid instability factors optional, allowing for code changes without breaking configs
  • [Config]Adds config options for generated fluid symbols
  • [Config]Adds option to ban fluid symbols from seas
  • [Generation]Changes spawn platform to cobble stone to prevent void platforms from being converted to sand during world gen
  • [IMC]Removes old IMC handling
  • [IMC]New IMC messages (blacklistfluid, blacklist, register, fluidsymboldata) (Reference: http://pastebin.com/QZe3GkM0)
  • [Instability]Changes decay blocks to only tick if an effect which can add them is in the world (they tick more often with more levels)
  • [Instability]Refactors potion effect instability effects
  • [Instability]Splits most (potion) effects into global and surface effects
  • [Instability]Adds wither effect
  • [Instability]Adds enemy resistance effect
  • [Instability]Reduces duration of all effects
  • [Instability]Replaces symbol-based block instability with chunk averaging system
  • [Instability]Ages from older saves will generate an additional 400 chunks (closest ungenerated chunks to spawn) in order to produce average chunk estimates. THIS MAY LAG SOME.
  • [Instability]Replaces effect selection mechanics completely
  • [Instability]Erosion removed
  • [Instability]Decay blocks will appear in an age over time if the relevant effects are active in an age
  • [Instability]Adds default values for mod fluids
  • [Interface]Prevents picking up an opened notebook from the hotbar
  • [Localization]Changes names of biome controllers to improve clarity
  • [Network]Reduces network packet overhead on the book binder
  • [Performance]Prevents InstabilityController from rebuilding unless the instability score changes meaningfully
  • [Performance]Makes decay no longer give off light
  • [Performance]Improvements to falling block performance
  • [Performance]Decay no longer zaps fluids
  • [Performance]Utilizes canUpdate on TEs, to improve performance
  • [Saving]Saves sorted order of effect cards (new effects added to end of existing order on existing ages)
  • [Symbol]Adds Grid symbol, which works like tiled but understands terrain gen better
  • [Symbols]Renames and revises contents of notebooks
  • [Symbols]Prevents obelisks from generating over void
  • [Symbols]Moves Tiled poem to grid, fixes tiled's poem
  • [Symbols]Adds localization for Grid symbol
  • [Symbols]Floating Islands can take STRUCTURE blocks as modifiers
  • [Visuals]Reduces resolution of desk texture
  • [Visuals]Adjusts Link Modifier model position (was too low)

and updates from @CrazyPants for Ender IO
CrazyPants said:
Ender IO

  • Dimensional Transceiver re-written. To convert existing transceivers to the new version place in the crafting grid.
  • Now supports sending to / receiving from an unlimited number of other transceivers / channels.
  • Added Enderminy Mob (Ollieedd)
  • #1040 #1059 Added key toggles for speed and step assist upgrades for DS armor
  • #1061 Reservoir can be disabled in the config
  • #1071 Added recipes to make fused quartz and enlightened glass using quartz blocks and glowstone blocks (MatthiasMann)
  • Yeta wrench works with IDismantleable (Thermal Expansion) blocks (tterragT
  • Added config options to disable all slime and squid spawns
  • Improved displayed names of paint sources
  • Improve power bar rendering for Dark Steel tools/armor (tterrag)
  • Added support for connected texture facades with chisel mod. This will not work until the next release of chisel.
  • Added WAILA support to capacitor bank, transceiver, and tank (tterragT)
  • When in creative mode the 'drain xp' button of the soul binder now always works.
  • Added Underground Biomes Constructs Support to SAG Mill recipes (mmatis)
  • Added config option to dump mob names in the format required by EIOs blacklists.
  • Updated Metallurgy's Ore Dictionary names for SAG Mill recipes (Glassmaker)
  • Updated ru_RU.lang (Anton)
  • Updated zh_CN.lang (Mrkwtkr)
  • #1068 Spiders and Zombie Pigman not working correctly with attractor.
  • #1076 Recipes for Slice'N'Splice not showing axe and shears in NEI
  • #1070 Alloy smelter produces normal Glass with 2-3 Stacks of Sand
  • #1087 Combustion generator GUI not updated on fuel change
  • #1102 Crafter duping items
  • #1101 Missing localization for painted carpet
  • #1100 Angle Wings (ExU) flying is activate when jumping on travel anchor
  • Fixed some shaped recipe definitions to allow crafting in different sections of grid (tterrag)
  • Fixed Snowballs not being harvested with spoon upgrade.
  • Remove unneeded call causing NPE in VatRecipeManager (tterrag)
Ender IO
  • Fix for client crash when using travel anchor
The FjonG @TheFjonG · 15h 15 hours ago
Guess a mod! (Conveyor belt by @MineMaarten )

[Can anyone else guess what this mod is based on?]

conveyor belts from Minefactory Reloaded?

also a tweet from @Nuchaz for Bibliocraft
Nuchaz said:
It's time for a little preview of my latest BIblioCraft project: The Atlas. It is like a pocket full of Map Frames :D
The FjonG @TheFjonG · 15h 15 hours ago
Guess a mod! (Conveyor belt by @MineMaarten )

[Can anyone else guess what this mod is based on?]
Not a mod, but a game, Factorio. Although in that screenshot, the units are not stacking correctly, they should have all finished on the one side of the belt, not on both.[DOUBLEPOST=1413453655][/DOUBLEPOST]
conveyor belts from Minefactory Reloaded?

also a tweet from @Nuchaz for Bibliocraft
Finally! A in game "mini-map" that's craftable using vanilla mapping system.
Tinker's Construct was updated to 1.7.1:
- Extra hearts for hardcore mode! (Thanks MCGamer20000)
- Smeltery Fuel consumption reworkjustmentfixes
- Don't die.
- Redstone on Gloves actually works now
- Tinkers now has proper IMC support! See here for details: https://gist.github.com/bonii-xx/e46f9d9e81e29d796b1b
- You can now pour water and lava into buckets in the casting table!
Atum updated to 0.6.33
Fixed portal position ~Thanks to glassmaker
And I blame the internet exploding for filling up my Twitter feed and not letting me see Minecraft updates.
I just hope he will use it. I remember him spotlighting Mekanism, and he loved that too. Never made it into his pack, which ended up being the same old flavour doing pretty much exactly the same old thing.

I can remember the comments section being filled with "IC2 ripoff" and other such negativity/intolerance.
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The internet is full of idiots.
Hypocritical idiots since no-one really said anything with the Thermal Expansion spotlight.​

If Dire loved Mek then its a real shame he listened to them instead of doing something he would of enjoyed doing.
Agreed. Imagine him getting stuck into the 5x ore processing chain. That's the sort of thing he enjoys along with the direderps...
For all who are curious Dire has tweeted that EnderIO will be in his new pack which I think is superb (https://twitter.com/Direwolf20/status/522161587994767360). Not that it is completely necessary seeing as how the user base for it is already quite large. But reading some of the comments on the videos it's nice to see that CrazyPants' hard work (as well as all the other contributors) is reaching more people.

Hadn't seen it but I think the 3 part mod spotlight gave it away for me... :D
This could be the greatest thing Bibliocraft has ever added. If it works well, I may end up forgoing all minimap mods from now on
You may want to look into Antique Atlas. Screenshots:

It's an item that acts as a map, with which you can zoom, scroll (it goes on for a loooong time), and set waypoints with.
You may want to look into Antique Atlas. Screenshots:

It's an item that acts as a map, with which you can zoom, scroll (it goes on for a loooong time), and set waypoints with.
I wish mods like these add the ability to see x,y, and z coordinates with a in game item because I always imagine games like minecraft real life and in real life you can't press F3
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CoFH thingy:
So GitHub exploded.

Or so anyone following our repos might think.

Here's what's up - CoFH now has a Bronze level account on GitHub. We have some private repos now and we're bringing more people onto the team as it were. It's an interesting challenge but it's the kind of thing that I'm able to do as my time is quite limited these days.

Anyways, given this development, we went and wiped everything out and re-uploaded to get things to a stable state. Old PRs and irrelevant issues have been wiped. Issue tracking is disabled, for now.

In the future, we're going to push for a better method of handling issue tracking. It'd be nice to have a central location to just handle localization PRs and issue tracking. And, although I haven't done too much aside from the occasional cleanup here and there, the rest of the team has been doing some pretty cool stuff.

Skyboy has been making a lot of new world gen stuff and optimizations which will go into CoFHCore. Zeldo made some pretty fundamental progress with ThermalDynamics, and now RWTema is stepping up to help get that out the door at some point.

Frankly, we see 1.7.10 sticking around for a long time, since MC 1.8.1 or 1.8.2 or whatever it'll end up as isn't out yet and the new builds are still far from stable.

The Microsoft acquisition doesn't change much for us in the short term. We'll see what happens when they rewrite it completely.

~King Lemming
new day, new update, and today it's @Mineshopper with Carpenter's Blocks
Mineshopper said:
Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.1
  • Refactored block attribute system, now has less code and greater flexibility.
  • Garage door bottom cover is now shown at top when garage door is open.
  • Added several routable fluid styles in configuration; pick whichever works best for you.
  • Added lantern torch style.
  • Fixed incorrect texture dimensions on bottom of torch.
  • Added diamond and emerald plated safe (same upgrade capacity as gold).