This is wrong. Just wrong. You'll never get wheat seeds this way. Only way is hoeing/mattock right-click grass blocks.
Welcome to the 'I'm RNG's Bitch' Club. KY is on the table over there -->.
Yes, I named the wrong tool..... the adze is basically a sharper mattock used for ancient wood working.... I did meant the mattockCan't find a recipe for the adze in NEI. What mod is it from?
If what you meant, was mallock, that's what I've been doing, have a diamond chest full of seeds for various crops, just no plain ol' vanilla wheat seeds
KY? When RNG decides to fug ya, it goes in raw. Doesn't even spit before the thrust.Welcome to the 'I'm RNG's Bitch' Club. KY is on the table over there -->.
I know what an adze isYes, I named the wrong tool..... the adze is basically a sharper mattock used for ancient wood working.... I did meant the mattock
Is there a way to fix the falling through the world when syncing from death. I just lost another world from falling through the world while resync and couldn't go into creative fast enough.
...Wheat seeds?So I'm at the point where I have two chicken eggs, and about to make a breeder.... but I just realised, I have no wheat seeds. What can I feed chickens in this pack?
Wheat seeds. We were just talking about this on the thread page before this one:So I'm at the point where I have two chicken eggs, and about to make a breeder.... but I just realised, I have no wheat seeds. What can I feed chickens in this pack?
ROFL. ok, I was at first going to just ask wtf was that for then realized I have a certain someone on my ignore list and had to "show ignored content" and lmao. Ok, you're not completely insane.Men have starved with full bellies...
edit: died to starved
Lol, I suppose I should have quotedROFL. ok, I was at first going to just ask wtf was that for then realized I have a certain someone on my ignore list and had to "show ignored content" and lmao. Ok, you're not completely insane.![]()
you did. but when you have someone ignored (this is the first and only time I have ever done this), you essentially remove the person completely from the conversation. so you did quote them but I didn't see it and this is the first time I was ever wtf am I missing from this conversation!Lol, I suppose I should have quotedhim...... it........the original post.
terrafirma looks fun, but it didn't run well for me..... one of these days i should try to attack it with optifine and did. but when you have someone ignored (this is the first and only time I have ever done this), you essentially remove the person completely from the conversation. so you did quote them but I didn't see it and this is the first time I was ever wtf am I missing from this conversation!Pretty funny actually. It was just so off the wall. I thought you had been drinking and surfing wikipedia and just sharing whatever you wanted to the crowd at large... *hehe* HIC *hehe*
As far as SOL goes, it's a game where you can carry 4x9 stacks of 64 stone or whatever. of course it's going to be wierd and not lifelike. I think it does a decent job of finding a in between. I spoke out about it, squeek shot back, I realized then that it's not the mod at fault, but the pack makers when they just throw out a default config and leave it at that. No customization towards what you have to work with, and at the time it was added, it was a serious impairment on keeping alive because of the config settings. Those were changed by Iskandar and after he made those changes, I've had zero issues with it.
If you want more real to life, go play terrafirmacraft or whatever it's called. No freaking way for me. so much nope in that mod.![]()
It's the rng thing. Bone, bone, bone your way through~~My apologies. I tried the search function but it wasn't very helpful, and it's sort of a random one to have in the last page out of nearly 400. Eventually got some (Had tried bonemealing, but that didn't get me there).
On a similar note, I need rose-red. Bonemealing hasn't gotten me any flowers, so I guess I'm stuck with pulverising the red wool in the city?
you don't need the for loops. If you look carefully, you can set a multi command in sfm. I never need for loops to do anything.Maybe someone can help me with my charcoaler via SFM:
Furnaces: List of all connected furnaces
Cur Furnace: Filled by the for loop; points to the 'current furnace' in the loop
I'm trying to use a for loop to:
1: move charcoal from furnaces' output to storage [CC Furn Get -> CC Bar Put] (works)
2: move charcoal from storage to furnaces' fuel [CC Bar Get -> CC Furn Put] (works)
3: move wood from storage to furnaces' "cook slot" [JW Bar Get -> JW Furn Put] (fails)
Retrieving the wood from storage works, as I changed the output from "Cur Furance" to a placed chest and it filled the chest.
Edit: Nevermind, needed to set the direction to "Up" in the output