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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lets see if we can nudge this topic over the shock and awe of her return and the disappointment left over from her long absence and try talking about what you want to see in RP3.

Things brought over from the original and things you want to see added.

There seems to be a consonances on the computers and of coarse frames what else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tubes, all of the original sorting mechanics and machines, Blutricity (with actual content this time), frames. I'd prefer her to stay away from circuit boards and redstone wire because we have 2 nearly identical versions of those already that are both better than RP2's were, so she would just be wasting her valuable time there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Blutricity is a must. (Obviously)
New things! Many other mods are much farther ahead in terms of content, so more new, innovative things are needed.[DOUBLEPOST=1403558564][/DOUBLEPOST]
Tubes, all of the original sorting mechanics and machines, Blutricity (with actual content this time), frames. I'd prefer her to stay away from circuit boards and redstone wire because we have 2 nearly identical versions of those already that are both better than RP2's were, so she would just be wasting her valuable time there.
*Cough* In your opinion *Cough*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like to see tubes most of all. They were amazing, but nothing I've seen replicates them well - they had powerful item moving and inventory regulating capabilities like AE and IMO "feel right" like Buildcraft pipes, and they're available early on. I'd sort of like to see Blutricity, ideally with RF interop; RP had wonderful energy generation but I only ever used blutricity for retrievers.

I hope RedPower doesn't try to remake the things that have been replicated since 1.4, like microblocks and wires (and frames, for that matter). I'd hate to see Eloraam spend all her coding time replicating what's been done before, and not have the time/energy to exercise her creativity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd like to see tubes most of all. They were amazing, but nothing I've seen replicates them well - they had powerful item moving and inventory regulating capabilities like AE and IMO "feel right" like Buildcraft pipes, and they're available early on. I'd sort of like to see Blutricity, ideally with RF interop; RP had wonderful energy generation but I only ever used blutricity for retrievers.

I hope RedPower doesn't try to remake the things that have been replicated since 1.4, like microblocks and wires (and frames, for that matter). I'd hate to see Eloraam spend all her coding time replicating what's been done before, and not have the time/energy to exercise her creativity.
Bleergh RF


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tubes? I admit it looked pretty but it was slow and complicated to use. There are other alternatives that work just as well or better with out those drawbacks. Try playing with Extra Utilitys or Ender IO.
Blutricity had potential but she might as well use RF. I'd really like to see her connecting technique used with RF.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you ask me she only needs to port 1.4.7 version to 1.7.10 without her microblocks and add support for RF and FMP. Then later on she could fix trees in volcanoes and other small things.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tubes? I admit it looked pretty but it was slow and complicated to use. There are other alternatives that work just as well or better with out those drawbacks. Try playing with Extra Utilitys or Ender IO.
Blutricity had potential but she might as well use RF. I'd really like to see her connecting technique used with RF.

Wont happen.
Elo is an electrical engineer by day, So she wont throw her own power network away to use another. (If anything she may allow RF/Blutricity interface with each other.)



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
[Repeat #???] I dislike RF. Also, it doesn't really operate like Blutricity. Someone, I forgot who, has a guide to Blutricity. If you read that, you'll notice some concepts that aren't in RF.
[End Repeat]
I didn't really like the RP computers, but I really like the way RP's wire and cable worked. It felt more vMC to make a wire than use a self-supporting tube. Pneumatic Tubes were a different matter because vMC didn't have automatic item transport, even in 1.4.7, when RP was last updated.
RP may well be the thing that pushes me to 1.7.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
[Repeat #???] I dislike RF. Also, it doesn't really operate like Blutricity. Someone, I forgot who, has a guide to Blutricity. If you read that, you'll notice some concepts that aren't in RF.
[End Repeat]
I didn't really like the RP computers, but I really like the way RP's wire and cable worked. It felt more vMC to make a wire than use a self-supporting tube. Pneumatic Tubes were a different matter because vMC didn't have automatic item transport, even in 1.4.7, when RP was last updated.
RP may well be the thing that pushes me to 1.7.
Was it on the ftb forums?
If so could be this guide > http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/a-players-guide-to-redpower-2-blutricity.6363/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
[Repeat #???] I dislike RF. Also, it doesn't really operate like Blutricity. Someone, I forgot who, has a guide to Blutricity. If you read that, you'll notice some concepts that aren't in RF.
[End Repeat]
I didn't really like the RP computers, but I really like the way RP's wire and cable worked. It felt more vMC to make a wire than use a self-supporting tube. Pneumatic Tubes were a different matter because vMC didn't have automatic item transport, even in 1.4.7, when RP was last updated.
RP may well be the thing that pushes me to 1.7.
That might have been @Omicron. He doesn't post here all that often any more which is a shame. He usually had something good to say about these sorts of things.

Edit: Lawbroken picked the guide out, cool


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be honest, I'm excited for a come back in frames, for some reason all the mods that I tried that had replacements never seemed to do it quite as well, they
(RP frames)
were really buggy, but so much less buggy than the alternatives that came out

As for new stuff, I'd actually like to see a few more options for producing blutricity and a few more uses for it too, from memory when I played with RP it was just blutricity needed for a few different options and that's that, it wasn't really needed for a lot of things to do with RP.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Blutricity is meh, but those wall-sticking movement-unobscuring wires are soooo sexy. More mods should have wires like that.

Edit. More specifically, AE should have such wires. Everything else can be P2P through them.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
The one upside to RP that I have not yet seen duplicated, is Redstone Tubes. The only mod that can supply redstone and accept items are BC gates with wire, and that's expensive.

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tubes? I admit it looked pretty but it was slow and complicated to use. There are other alternatives that work just as well or better with out those drawbacks. Try playing with Extra Utilitys or Ender IO.
Blutricity had potential but she might as well use RF. I'd really like to see her connecting technique used with RF.

Connecting technique? If you mean things automatically sending things back and forth based on voltage levels (battery boxes), then it's quite possible with RF, just that I'd imagine most people don't see the point.

[Repeat #???] I dislike RF. Also, it doesn't really operate like Blutricity. Someone, I forgot who, has a guide to Blutricity. If you read that, you'll notice some concepts that aren't in RF.
[End Repeat]

Not just some - a LOT of concepts that aren't in current RF implementations*. Because people shouldn't need EE 101 to understand the system, and modders shouldn't need a Bachelor's degree to support it. Also, because Minecraft is single threaded and solving a system of non-linear differential equations - even if you're clever and use a Linpack-style Cholesky decomposition - is not something that needs to happen 20 times per second.

So yeah, there's a lot to Blutricity. And there's a lot of reasons I didn't write RF to be like it.

*Technically, RF is a simple wrapper and exchange format for a number - that number could easily be seen as "energy potential," aka "voltage." Somebody with enough time on their hands who really wants to waste CPU cycles on a differential equation solver could absolutely replicate AC-style power using RF.
is the kind of stuff I'm doing.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Technically, RF is a simple wrapper and exchange format for a number - that number could easily be seen as "energy potential," aka "voltage." Somebody with enough time on their hands who really wants to waste CPU cycles on a differential equation solver could absolutely replicate AC-style power using RF.

But could they? It wouldn't work the way other mods expect it to, so it would probably lead to free power loops or crashes.

RF is not just a wrapper for a number, it's that plus the conventions that the number is an amount of stored energy, and that a piece of coal is worth 16000 of it, and that a vanilla-equivalent smelting operation uses 2000, and that energy can be inserted from certain blocks and only extracted from certain other blocks, and that almost everything should use the "insert" and "extract" operations to transfer energy (rather than "get number" and "set number"), etc...
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