Unsupported Direwolf 20: 1.6.4 {PUBLIC BETA}

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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod: Applied Energistics
What's the problem? - My applied energistics controller block keeps disconnecting from the rest of the network. Clicking on AE peripherals in such an event leads to the message "Unable to communicate with controller" being shown on the screen. Removing and placing the controller back fixes the problem. The chunk the controller is in is being force loaded by a chunkloader (ChickenChunks). The problem seems to occur whenever I move out of range (or logging out, or moving to a different dimension), wait a bit and then move back. The strange thing is, that I have a AE subnetwork (with the sole purpose of creating charcoal when necessary) that doesn't have this issue. This AE subnetwork is located in a adjacent chunk that is also force loaded by a ChickenChunks chunkloader.
still no fix ? :( i spent so many f***ing hours and it just disappear .. iam probably not going to play ftb ever again how much this bug pissed me off
I'm not really sure but I doubt it's lost forever, from what I know the files are all there, I just keep checking till someone like Jaded posts in reply
still no fix ? :( i spent so many f***ing hours and it just disappear .. iam probably not going to play ftb ever again how much this bug pissed me off
The bug sucks, but this pack IS a public beta, it's not stable yet, if you wanted a stable pack, you could've played Unleashed or Ultimate. Again this bug sucks, but you playing this pack is at your own risk.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod & Version: I don't know :/
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/3GMUxGYX
What's the problem? - this FTB modpack won't load, I do have 2 mods added (Sync2.1.1 & Starminer0_9_6)

The 1st test I would suggest would be remove the extra mods. If it works then it is not a bug with the mod pack. If you still have the issue try a forced reload of the pack then post a new log if the problem continues.
I've reported a number of these crashes over the last week or so and now I've experienced this crash too that has lost my world so it's not appearing in the world options. Although I have a back up it's a few days old and I've played a lot over the weekend and make quite a bit of progress. It's very frustrating. I had just completed the activation ritual for the division sigil and had run back to my base to get a shovel and was making my way back fighting off monsters. Is there anything I can do to get my world back without having to use the back up as I really don't feel like redoing all the work I've done over the weekend.

still no fix ? :( i spent so many f***ing hours and it just disappear .. iam probably not going to play ftb ever again how much this bug pissed me off

I feel your pain GunPlayCZ. I'm having to give myself space from playing while I get over the loss of so many hours work. I appreciate it's still in beta but that doesn't lesson the pain of loosing a world. Even though I have a back up it's a few days old with a whole weekend's worth of work missing from it.

I'm not really sure but I doubt it's lost forever, from what I know the files are all there, I just keep checking till someone like Jaded posts in reply

I also hope it's not lost forever and keep checking in.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned. I searched for possible dupes within this thread but could find none with the keywords I used. Feel free to delete otherwise and/or point me in the right direction. ;P

Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4
Mod & Version: PortalGun (2.0.1) & Compact Solar Arrays (4.4.19 build 224)
Pastebin link to crash log: No crash
Whats the bug?
Solar panel arrays become disconnected from copper cables after player travels through portals.
Can it be repeated?
Has occurred on every map I've played on this version.
Known Fix:
Remove solar arrays and replace on cables. Replacing cables will not work.
Additional Notes:
Although I don't know that this will make any difference at all, PortalGun & LongFall boots are set to easy recipes.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod & Version: Thaumcraft, thaumic tinkerer, TT Kami, Ender Storage
Pastebin link to crash log: No Crash
What's the bug?
Cannot do the arcane infusion for the Black Hole Talisman, because the Vanilla Ender Chest is not enabled. Thaumcraft does not recognisee the ender storage replacement
Can it be repeated?
did it on singleplayer and multiplayer
Known Fix: none
Suggested Fix: enable vanilla ender chests
Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod & Version: Thaumcraft, thaumic tinkerer, TT Kami, Ender Storage
Pastebin link to crash log: No Crash
What's the bug?
Cannot do the arcane infusion for the Black Hole Talisman, because the Vanilla Ender Chest is not enabled. Thaumcraft does not recognisee the ender storage replacement
Can it be repeated?
did it on singleplayer and multiplayer
Known Fix: none
Suggested Fix: enable vanilla ender chests

Vanilla ender chests are enabled already, try and make one(8 obsidian + 1 eye of ender) and use that.

Mod & Version: Unknown, possibly Thaumic Tinkerer
Crash log: attached to post
What's the bug? When I tried to put my helmet of revealing on via shift right on the armor stand, the screen turned completely light blue and then the game quit. I had just put meadow and common bees into a bee house and apiary on top of my home. I had also just made 2 thaumium to make a thaumium hoe as well.
Can it be repeated? When I went back into the world it gave the light blue screen and quit itself again.
Known Fix: None I know of.


Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod & Version: N/a
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/ynLHYvEQ
What's the bug?
Client Crashes when connecting to a server.
Can it be repeated?
Yes, the game loads fine but as soon as it starts to load the server it crashes, (it seams to get stuck on custom skins?)
Known Fix: None
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.12
Mod & Version: Additional Buildcraft Objects
Pastebin link to crash log:It seems that pastebin has a maximum file size. It won't let me upload the log, so here is a dropbox download link


What's the bug?

Attempting to open the gui on the Distribution fluid pipe by right clicking causes a crash.

Can it be repeated?

Yup, tried a couple of times to make sure it wasn't morph or anything messing it up.

Known Fix: Updating Additional Buildcraft Objects to version (the version for Buildcraft 4.2.2) fixes the problem (According to the update log, this hasn't been done as of DW20 1.0.14. Thus, I'm going to assume that this is still a relevant issue.)
Vanilla ender chests are enabled already, try and make one(8 obsidian + 1 eye of ender) and use that.

Mod & Version: Unknown, possibly Thaumic Tinkerer
Crash log: attached to post
What's the bug? When I tried to put my helmet of revealing on via shift right on the armor stand, the screen turned completely light blue and then the game quit. I had just put meadow and common bees into a bee house and apiary on top of my home. I had also just made 2 thaumium to make a thaumium hoe as well.
Can it be repeated? When I went back into the world it gave the light blue screen and quit itself again.
Known Fix: None I know of.

The problem is a bug with some of the Twilight Forest Armors when placed on an armor stand. I had the same thing occur on a server that I host, basically any time someone got near the chunk that the stand was in they would crash. I think it's only the Knightly armor, but there could be more. To fix, you need to delete the affected armor stand with a world editor.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: 16
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/snHmTbj5
Whats the bug? Crashes when looking at things with a render error.
Can it be repeated? Every time I look at something. I think it's the glimmer of light from TC4.
Known Fix: None yet.

I think it might be something to do with the thaumic tinkerer crazy wand. I noticed some log about rendering the worktable (which is were I left the wand) and rolled back and put the wand in a chest. As soon as I tried to open that chest, it crashed again.

Log pt2: http://pastebin.com/NQjq6GRb
Edit 2: The recipe for the ichorium capped ichorium strapped silverwood wand seems to be gone. This item is also missing from NEI, yet using the thaum cheat sheet still shows the recipe for the core and the caps, just no way to stick them together

Edit 3: After more testing, all the wand combining recipes seem to be gone except the iron capped wooden wand.
Except I'm a dummy and forgot they needed the arcane worktable
. It still seems my old ichor wand is broke and wont let me access the chest where I stored it. That still crashes hard. Going to restore the world, go to the v14 and delete that wand and upgrade again.

Edit 4: So, deleting my old wand worked and I didn't find an immediate crash after crafting a new ichor wand with ichor caps. I'm guessing this is localized to my current wand. I even updated TC4 to 4.1.0e (pack is 4.1.0d) and TT to v100 (pack is v98) and this still did not solve the crashing issue.

Edit Last: Seems the TT community knows about the crashing bug from the old wands and it's just going to be one of those "oh well it's dead" type of things. Not a huge problem, just have to recharge mine again >:(
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod & Version: OpenBlocks - 2 bugs, BC Factory - 1 bug
Pastebin link to crash log: No Crash

What's the bug? OpenBlocks #1
After updating to 1.0.14 the Auto Enchantment table quit accepting XP fluid from fluid ducts. The existing internal buffer worked for one level 30 enchant. The ducts will still fill other tanks. Replaced the Auto enchantment table and tried attaching pipes to various sides, No Joy.

Known Fix: EBKAC issue. Auto enchantment table needs to be set up like a vacuum hopper now. Thanks to HangingLotus for the tip.

What's the bug? OpenBlocks #2
After updating to 1.0.14 the Block Placer will place the first block in it's inventory and then delete the rest of it's inventory. The Block placer was fed through impulse item ducts and was being triggered by a timer block. ( lost an entire stack of diamond ore to this - maybe 300m EU worth of laser drilling )

Known Fix: Fixed in 1.0.16 version of the pack

What's the bug? BC Factory
The Quarry is not mining the top fence post of mine shaft supports when it encounters an underground mine. It does mine the bottom fence post and placing a block underneath the floating fence post will cause the quarry to come back and mine both the placed block and the fence post. The Quarry also doesn't mine mine cart chests resulting in mine chest carts sitting at the bottom of the quarry or balanced on top of a floating fence posts. ( not mining the carts could almost be a "Feature" )
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod & Version: OpenBlocks - 2 bugs, BC Factory - 1 bug
Pastebin link to crash log: No Crash

What's the bug? OpenBlocks #1
After updating to 1.0.14 the Auto Enchantment table quit accepting XP fluid from fluid ducts. The existing internal buffer worked for one level 30 enchant. The ducts will still fill other tanks. Replaced the Auto enchantment table and tried attaching pipes to various sides, No Joy.
Known Fix: none

with the auto enchanter bug try turning on auto drink and choose the side of the block that connects with the fluiducts. came across this bug myself and that is how i fixed it.
The problem is a bug with some of the Twilight Forest Armors when placed on an armor stand. I had the same thing occur on a server that I host, basically any time someone got near the chunk that the stand was in they would crash. I think it's only the Knightly armor, but there could be more. To fix, you need to delete the affected armor stand with a world editor.

I see, I was indeed wearing knightly armor at the time so that is probably it.
Mod Pack: Direwolf20
Mod & Version: Current Recommended 1.6.4
Pastebin link to crash log:N/A

If you smelt aluminum in a smeltery and make a block (with the casting basin) and then "un-craft" into aluminum shards and you try to craft them back into block it makes a block of solid ender.

Also Aluminum shards can't be smelted in the smeltery.

Can it be repeated? Yes it can
Known Fix: Spawn in the correct blocks/ingots.
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Mod Pack: Direwolf20 1.6.4 version 1.0.14
Mod: Applied Energistics
What's the problem? - My applied energistics controller block keeps disconnecting from the rest of the network. Clicking on AE peripherals in such an event leads to the message "Unable to communicate with controller" being shown on the screen. Removing and placing the controller back fixes the problem. The chunk the controller is in is being force loaded by a chunkloader (ChickenChunks). The problem seems to occur whenever I move out of range (or logging out, or moving to a different dimension), wait a bit and then move back. The strange thing is, that I have a AE subnetwork (with the sole purpose of creating charcoal when necessary) that doesn't have this issue. This AE subnetwork is located in a adjacent chunk that is also force loaded by a ChickenChunks chunkloader.

I would say it's a chunkloading issue, it happend once to me at the very beginning of my build when I forgot to place a chunkloader and went spelunking.
How it would happen if you have a chunkloader placed I cannot fathom, maybe try a different one? Although I have to say I also use a chickenchunks loader and have't had the issue since...
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