Applied Energistic Storage Room!

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err it's 1 block, these people with dozens of ME drives are purely aesthetic it's just not needed, at most you need 2 ME drives.
err it's 1 block, these people with dozens of ME drives are purely aesthetic it's just not needed, at most you need 2 ME drives.

That depends on how vigorous your quarry is (and if you in SSP have instability turned off in you Mystcraft miningworld, like I did) - Cause 80k cobble, 70k redstone, 65k iron and so forth for everything ore-related (8k diamonds), is gonna take up, quite a lot of space :)
err it's 1 block, these people with dozens of ME drives are purely aesthetic it's just not needed, at most you need 2 ME drives.
Not sure if trolling or not...

Even the biggest drives can only hold 64 different items (I think) so if you want to store everything you have on ME drives you will need more than 2. And the beauty of the network isn't the storage for me, it's the crafting system and the fact you can control any assembly/processing lines by taking a redstone signal from the network (so you can stop a glass production line when you've got 10 stacks of glass in storage for example, or make it so you can request glass and it'll get produced until the amount you specify).

I don't have a network yet, but I do plan to use AE as my core storage network.
A drive is a block that contains lots of storage disks, so 2 could conceivably be enough. I have 1, and it's not full yet.
AE storage rooms can look cool. You end up with 1/2 totally blast-vulnerable blocks containing everything. Show us your server cages!

Also, I know some people use prioritized ME chests containing pre-formatted cells to provide stuff. Show us your AE builds!

There are people who use AE as the input funnel of their automatic mining. Show us your quarry input!

There are people who use AE to tame gregtech machines (this is my current line fo experimentation). Show us how you made Greg kneel!
Instead of using a me chest, I can make storage cell and put it in a me drives, and access it with a me access terminal ?
Instead of using a me chest, I can make storage cell and put it in a me drives, and access it with a me access terminal ?

Yes. ME chests are just nice I/O peripherals. I personally use a ME wireless access point. My storage room is hotbar 1. But I only did this after I got my speed MPS hooked up so that I could quickly move in range.
Yes. ME chests are just nice I/O peripherals. I personally use a ME wireless access point. My storage room is hotbar 1. But I only did this after I got my speed MPS hooked up so that I could quickly move in range.
So i want to seperate ingots from dust , how can I do this with storage cell to put all ingots on 1 cell and all dust on other cell? And what cell do u use 1k/16k/64k/4k?
A drive is a block that contains lots of storage disks, so 2 could conceivably be enough. I have 1, and it's not full yet.

D'oh, that's true. So confusing though because it stores stuff on cells which resemble hard drives (from PCs) and you put them in a rack that's called a drive (which resembles a drive rack...). But technically that still makes it more than 1 block because you can't access a drive directly.

And I still stand by my other point, that the crafting system based on requests is the best part about the whole network and that you can emit redstone signals based on how much of something is present in the network. It might also be possible to do with RP2 or something, but it is way more complicated and a lot more work.
Anyone that says its 1-2 or even 3 blocks has not explored much of this system at all... as someone else mentioned the real beauty of this system is in the autocrafting features it offers....So that alone means you're going to have to slap a furnace onto it.
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So i want to seperate ingots from dust , how can I do this with storage cell to put all ingots on 1 cell and all dust on other cell? And what cell do u use 1k/16k/64k/4k?

Select the size that will hold the total number of stacks you want - 1k - 64k, 127 / 508 / 2032 / 8128
Each different item on a cell takes up a large chunk of storage. So if you hold 10 different ingots on 16k cell you can hold ~15-20 stacks of each, but they are not limited to that. You could have any number of stacks of the pre-formatted items. No space is reserved, so the cell can fill up and the items will find a different place in the network to go.

Make an ME Preformatter -- does not have to be on the ME network... works on its own. Put your storage cell in and add only the items you want to be on the disk. Name the disk and and click format and now that is all the disk will hold. Do that for ingots and dust and add the cells back to your network in a chest or drive bay.
Anyone that says its 1-2 or even 3 blocks has not explored much of this system at all... as someone else mentioned the real beauty of this system is in the autocrafting features it offers....So that alone means you're going to have to slap a furnace onto it.
Well, the thread is asking about storage, so...

Really, my favorite thing about AE is that you can access your network from wherever you decide to put down an access terminal (or is in range of a wireless access point). I haven't finished my system yet, but I plan to have an enormous network with access in every room of my base. All in all that will probably mean hundreds of cables and dozens of blocks, but that's not what was asked. The storage part of my network (which is complete) consists of 2 Drives (I'm future-proofing my system) and 3 Deep Storage Units.
Even the biggest drives can only hold 64 different items (I think) so if you want to store everything you have on ME drives you will need more than 2.

ME Drives hold 10 disks each, which can hold 64k data of 63 individual items. You shouldn't need more than two, ever.
Well, this thread already has the basics covered so lets talk about some of the more interesting things you can do or things that I did not find obvious right away. In order of usefulness.

1st. The amount of data each additional item type uses scales with the size of the disk. From cursory observation, it seems that a disk with 63 item types on it will take about half the storage of the disk regardless of size. This is why pre-formatting is useful, to limit the number of items stored on disks that will have tons of each item type.

2nd. Level emitters are awesome. They are cheap, and they let you pretty easily set up operations to automatically process goods while keeping a stock on hand for other uses. (for instance, I centrifuge lava, and use a level emitter to keep a certain amount of electrum on hand before splitting the rest up into gold and silver).

3rd. Routers are awesome. They let you hook a single interface or export bus into multiple machines, or withdraw from multiple machines with a single interface. They work even better with AE than they do without, since interfaces are an inventory a router can eject to without creating a feedback loop. This lets you extract from lots of types of machines in a row and automatically eject into the network. Saves you a ton of quartz and power in input busses.

4th. XYcraft Fabricators are awesome. They treat an interface with items in it (by placing them for export) as an attached inventory. This lets you do always-on complicated auto-crafting very very quickly using only an interface and import bus (for instance, i use it to make industrial diamonds with coal from my wither farm).

5th. (links well with 4) items set to export in an interface will create crafting jobs to make the item if there are none on hand (can also do this with export busses using the craft modes). For example if you set an interface to keep flint available for the fabricator, it will use your crafting network to grind up gravel automatically if you have taught your network how to do so.

6th. You should use GT electric crafting tables for dust compression. Each electric crafting table handles up to 9 tiny dust types when in dust mode, 1 more than an export bus can output. Since partial stacks of tiny dust are useless, simply let them sit in the crafting table until you have full stacks. Much more space efficient than other options, and keeps all the partial stacks from showing up in your network, and they never clog up from partial stacks.

7th. You can use adjacent interfaces or an export bus into an interface to feed items right back into the network. An export bus in craft mode can be used with a level emitter to keep items on hand (using minium stone for instance). Or to teach the network about processing it does automatically. (for instance, if you turn all gravel into flint with an export bus on a macerator, but want the network to know that if it creates gravel with your minium stone it will get flint out in case you run out of flint).

That is all I can think of off the top of my head. Hope it helps some people to do some interesting things.

EDIT: Others covered point 1 between when I started this post and now. They also linked the storage math which I had not seen (recent addition?) which confirms my observations.