[1.7.10] The Sky is the Limit [291 Mods] [stable] [sidequests] [alternated balancing]

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Ok. . . this is really strange. On a hunch I grew iron essence through Magic Crops and got enough essence to make iron ore.

That ore works in the smeltery.

The ID is 15 (the one that smelts fine from Magic Crops)
The ID of the ore that doesn't smelt (except in vanilla furnace) is 15:8

Not sure that helps. Seems, so far, to only be iron that won't smelt.

There seems to be something really wrong with mine-/modtweaker...
The only thing I can currently think of is the script files being damaged/corrupted...
Can you try the /mt reload command again and give me the minetweaker.log afterwards? (Copy the log file before exiting the world/game; it can be found in the minecraft folder)
Otherwise you can try reinstalling the pack (backup your world saves first!) that should fix it.
Taking a shot in the dark here, but have you fixed the oregen yet so it only uses one mod per type of ore? Last time I played it I had to manually change the configs. thanks!
Taking a shot in the dark here, but have you fixed the oregen yet so it only uses one mod per type of ore? Last time I played it I had to manually change the configs. thanks!

As far as I remember the oreGen was only chaotic in the first 2-3 beta versions ;)
(And there defenitely is only one type generating in 1.5 as it will most likely be the last 1.x version and so I mainly focused doing the last finishing touches and fixes so I don't have any stuff to fix whilst working on the 2.x Update)
when is the new update releasing? Im having some trouble on singleplayer whenever I break a block it doesnt drop anything and I have to keep restarting the whole client to fix it, any fixes?
when is the new update releasing? Im having some trouble on singleplayer whenever I break a block it doesnt drop anything and I have to keep restarting the whole client to fix it, any fixes?

Try leaving the world loaded (just do anything else) for 5-10 minutes. That's sometimes caused when MystCraft is still 'profiling'. (After it has completed once it won't reoccur on that worldsave) If that doesn't help, please send me your clinet.log and fml-latest.log files. (It shouldnet though ;) )

(I can also say that v2 will most likely fix that as we've done some optimisation and also removed some rather 'unnessescarry' mods, of which many had post-world-load operations)
(Although that won't help much in the near future as it will take a LOT of time to get v2 finished)
Is there some kind of guide explaining what has been changed ? I want to know what I'm getting myself into, like mods gated behind other mods.
And how about adding some flans stuff to the Packet ? Like planes and stuff :) Whould be awsome :D

v1 ( is considered finished therefor there will only be updates for it if someone finds a gamebreaking bug and there will only be bugfixes.
This is done so we can concentrate on working on v2 (wich will be ind of a complete overhaul even including some concept changes).
Flans is one of those mods which bring a lot of fun in MP, but are nearly impossible to include in a modpack if it isn't part of the packs 'core'. So it will most likely not be included in v2 too. ;)

Is there some kind of guide explaining what has been changed ? I want to know what I'm getting myself into, like mods gated behind other mods.

Nope there's no guide as we considered it unnessescarry to say more than we already said in the op ;)
(There're no changes as massive as to gate whole mods behind others in v1, there will be in v2 though :P )
The only really 'gating' we did was moving the philosophers stone, and with it ProjectE behind HEE and DE. Everything else can be considered 'minor balancing'. Okay maybe that's not the whole truth...The Enhanced Enchantment Table has been locked behind Thaumic Tinkerer and ProjectE, as we buffed its capabilities "a little bit" :)
(Regarding the Creative items made aquireable, they're gated behind multiple mods and are REALLY expensive...just keep your eyes open in NEI for the recipes of the Super Builders Wand and Black Hole Chest, for example :P)
Firstly, I'd like to say that this pack is way beyond my imagination. It seems balanced and flexible.
Therefore, I wanted to set up a private server for me and 2 of my friends (as we nearly completed infinity evolved lately), but I think that I might've overdone something.
I tried to follow all the instructions I could find in this topic, but I can't seem to run the server (I'm trying to launch it on my PC before uploading to the server.).
Basically I've been working on this for around 5 hours with no progress.
As for what I've tried:

1. Downloaded the pack and downloaded Minecraft Forge server v. for 1.7.10.
2. Did all the basic stuff (copying mods, config, script, structures mods).
3. Removed liteloader files (4) and damage indicator file(1).
3a. After a failure, removed the Pneumatic craft to chect if that helps. Still a failure.
3b. Tried to fickle with everything but in a different order.
Basically, I think I am making some sort of a rookie mistake even though I tried to do some research.

I can provide a crash-log, I think it differs from what I've seen so far (when there is a problem with a mod in the pack directly). I'm not sure how to interpret it tho.
Pastebin latest crash-log: http://pastebin.com/dJ4pAKF1
Any way I can get further advice on how to set it up properly?
Oh, anyone who wishes to give me tips on my problem - please do! You can PM me.
Have a great day,
Firstly, I'd like to say that this pack is way beyond my imagination. It seems balanced and flexible.
Therefore, I wanted to set up a private server for me and 2 of my friends (as we nearly completed infinity evolved lately), but I think that I might've overdone something.
I tried to follow all the instructions I could find in this topic, but I can't seem to run the server (I'm trying to launch it on my PC before uploading to the server.).
Basically I've been working on this for around 5 hours with no progress.
As for what I've tried:

1. Downloaded the pack and downloaded Minecraft Forge server v. for 1.7.10.
2. Did all the basic stuff (copying mods, config, script, structures mods).
3. Removed liteloader files (4) and damage indicator file(1).
3a. After a failure, removed the Pneumatic craft to chect if that helps. Still a failure.
3b. Tried to fickle with everything but in a different order.
Basically, I think I am making some sort of a rookie mistake even though I tried to do some research.

I can provide a crash-log, I think it differs from what I've seen so far (when there is a problem with a mod in the pack directly). I'm not sure how to interpret it tho.
Pastebin latest crash-log: http://pastebin.com/dJ4pAKF1
Any way I can get further advice on how to set it up properly?
Oh, anyone who wishes to give me tips on my problem - please do! You can PM me.
Have a great day,

I think you've forgotten to remove default keyconfig (defaultkeys) :p
(It's really easy to overlook, I did myself whilst setting up our dev server xD )
I think you've forgotten to remove default keyconfig (defaultkeys) :p
(It's really easy to overlook, I did myself whilst setting up our dev server xD )

You Sir, are the best. I did indeed overlook that, it seems that the server is running on my PC when I test it, although I will need to wait until thursday to test it out on a dedicated server.
Thank you for assistance!
Have a nice day,
You Sir, are the best. I did indeed overlook that, it seems that the server is running on my PC when I test it, although I will need to wait until thursday to test it out on a dedicated server.
Thank you for assistance!
Have a nice day,

Sir, can you do me a big favour ?
As you made it to get the server runnin, and i dont have any experience with those things, can you upload your server version so i can play with my friends too ? Please ?
You are my last hope !
This is no official server version and is not fully supported! (Critical errors may occur) (I'm not responsible for any damage that may be done, I'm being as correct and precise as possible)
But here you are:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/egknjxyf1ljfl2f/SITL+ (These are the mods, config, script and structure folders)
http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.7.10.html (Use the recommended installer and let it "install" the server into an own directory. Then copy those files to your dedicated server, into the same folder as the folders from obove. Start the server with
java -Xms8G -Xmx16G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -server -jar forge[...]
(The forge[...] has to be replaced with the full name of the forge universal.jar file. Depending on the RAM you have avaible you may need to adjust the -Xms and -Xmx values (-Xms is the Ram that will always be reserved for the server, -Xmx is the maximum usable Ram for the server. I wouldn't try to run any server this complex and performance-hungry with less the -Xmx8G (8 gigabytes of max ram)). If you need groups, homes and similar stuff, try ForgeEssentials (just throw it into the mod folder), but there WILL be issues with modded items and abilities.

Hope that helps :)
Ok, i followed your steps, server is starting booting but stopts at a point with no error, but console shows something weird

Any idea what i did wrong here ?