[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

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So, the IE excavator combined with the Magneticraft ore tripling chain is going to end a lot of my raw resource problems. Gold, silver, iron, copper, tin, lead will probably end up in the tens of thousands. Uranium and thorium probably as well. There are a few it doesn't cover and Chromaticraft resources are a no go, but a good 80% to 90% of everything I ever need will be handled. It will take a few real life days and a truly staggering amount of power but wow.
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Saw that. I suppose that's why it has the Diesel Generator. Can the Diesel Generator take actual diesel from Pneaumaticraft?
why the IE excavator and not the magneticraft miner? is it simply because of one being a multiblock? while the excavator can go a long time in one spot it cant get all ores or different stones and is INCREDIBLY SLOW considering how power hungry it is, 4096 RF/t according to the book. The miner on the other hand can run on as little has 400w (basic generator + 2 heaters + 1 LV-MV transformer, 2 blocks of coal for spin up and 1 per opperation) while still slow, the cost to opperate is so vastly different it brings to question why use the excavator at all. at max the miner seems capable of clearing an 80x80 square in about 3-4 minutes while after 30 minutes in a test world the excavator has only picked up 6 dirt.
I think you're doing it wrong. The excavator doesn't actually dig up anything, instead it relies on mineral veins discovered by using the core drill and then generates ores from those veins for roughly one real life day until they deplete at the rate of 1 a second, or several thousand an hour.

Which is why I like it so much, actually. I need iron? Walk around from chunk to chunk until I find an iron vein. Plop down an excavator and an hour later I have several thousand iron. Need gold? Same deal. And I don't have to worry about stuff I don't want. No cobble, dirt, gravel or anything else.

Edit: The miner isn't that fast. It runs at 16 blocks a second, or 60 thousand or so an hour. 5 hours to clear a 80x80, more or less. And you''ll get 30k of various ores. The excavator will generate 15k or so in the same time period, but of a targeted list of ores.
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oh so i am doing it wrong, the book doesnt mention anything about using the core drill. the 4098RF power cost is still pretty steep though.
oh so i am doing it wrong, the book doesnt mention anything about using the core drill. the 4098RF power cost is still pretty steep though.
Admittedly, yes. But I had 1.5 billion RF to draw on. I now have 800 million RF and 5 thousand iron, 3 or so thousand tin and several hundred ferrous. Or more than I'm likely to use, ever.

And I can just turn it back on if I'm wrong.
The miner doesn't max out at 16 blocks per second. I'm not sure what the actual speed limit is. The one I've seen which is probably the one you saw, looked to have a lot more speed to go. Trouble is, I'm not sure how to feed the thing more power. Either more voltage, or multiple connection points I presume.
The miner doesn't max out at 16 blocks per second. I'm not sure what the actual speed limit is. The one I've seen which is probably the one you saw, looked to have a lot more speed to go. Trouble is, I'm not sure how to feed the thing more power. Either more voltage, or multiple connection points I presume.
Yeah, still the way he was describing it powered off one basic generator, 16 blocks a second is probably about right. If you want a bunch of different ores, that is the way to go. Targetting specific ores, however, is where the excavator shines. in my LP world I[m only really short on a few things that I need to bootstrap into getting a Nuclear Reactor. Being able to selectively target the missing stuff is very, very useful.
here is how i set up my miner. not to hard but not super early game. and the whole point of my above post was to show just how crazy the cost of the excavator was. under normal opperation the images below will be what normally would happen.

it takes about 160m RF or 2 resonant energy cells to mine an 80x80 square.
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One thing to remember when doing any Magneticraft power transfer from RF is the RF Alternator is capped at 400RF/t throughput.
I'm in the process of adding all the ores and such as is practical to the Immersive Engineering mineral veins system. Or I would be if custom mineral veins weren't, apparently, bugged. At some point you should be able to find, albeit fairly rarely in some cases, all the resources to pretty much every mod. Chromaticraft being the notable exception. For one, I'm not sure I could, for two, I'm fairly sure Reika would skin me alive if I tried.
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That sort of thing should require a 'crystalline adapter' made from the magic thingy, and requires you plop the appropriate knowledge fragment into it.
Actually, with a bit of Minetweaker trickery I'm fairly sure I could get the Excavator to pull the resources. They would look like stone if you didn't have the proper knowledge and would be unplaceable
(placing unknown stuff just causes them to vanish) but I think I could. You'd need to place them and then mine them when you have the proper knowledge, which would be a hassle at best.

That said, Chromaticraft has its own version of the quarry so that will do just fine for that.
Smelted copper is thermal foundation, but when crafted into blocks for storage converts to magneticraft blocks and ingots.
Smelted copper is thermal foundation, but when crafted into blocks for storage converts to magneticraft blocks and ingots.

Hmm, if you use a regular crafting table, or an iBench, you should get a little button somewhere below with a number next to it which should let you choose which type of block you get out of it. I think. Although, functionally, they are the same and a Storage Drawer or JABBA barrel will convert one to another if need be.
Seems there's a discrepancy between launcher versions, Curse one gives you chickenchunks, FTB one does not.