[1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

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speaking of chromaticraft. is it that mod that creates a gravity/ wind effect near my base that stops jumping and slightly pushes me? and another question. are the super multi drills worth getting into? do they have an AoE that could help because the RR picks are very expensive for me right now.
That would be a Matter Overdrive gravity anomoly. A good source of power later in the game.
whelp... i made the mistake of trying to cut down a rainbow tree for wood. i figured they were tall so it would be a good source. i didnt expect this though.
Well, at least you have a bunch of dye for all your decorating needs. Plus lapis and bonemeal.
speaking of awesome rainbow trees...... Is there a lumberaxe here of some sort that I'm not seeing in NEI? only thing I saw was a saw attachment for the super drill but never have used the mod before.
i havent found one yet. the super mining drill from what ive found and tried is for the most part just an over rated pick/axe (with upgrade,) tier 3 battery doesnt last very long. if you have a mob farm (chromaticraft quad zombie that can generate in the world), using a router reborn pick is significantly better even without enchants.
i havent found one yet. the super mining drill from what ive found and tried is for the most part just an over rated pick/axe (with upgrade,) tier 3 battery doesnt last very long. if you have a mob farm (chromaticraft quad zombie that can generate in the world), using a router reborn pick is significantly better even without enchants.
yeah I love the RR pick. it's so awesome.

Just real curious since there's no mfr for harvester and no eio for farming station, not dabbled much in IE but really wondering how to collect wood then w/o doing a regular hatchet the whole map which to me, would seem rather boring and repetitive.

I know iskandar thinks these things through tho, thus I'm erring on the side that says I'm missing something....

edit: ah, steves carts. Ok. I guess that might work then later on when I can afford it.
make a tree chopping cart from steve's carts. fairly low cost, efficient, but a bit time consuming to make. but choose your tree carefully as some can grow to destroy the track.
im confused how to progress through chromaticraft. i got through a bunch of hints but i still havent learned anything. i found a fragment on the floor near a pylon but it didnt tell me anything useful. i havent found any of the hidden areas either and have no idea what they look like.
make a tree chopping cart from steve's carts. fairly low cost, efficient, but a bit time consuming to make. but choose your tree carefully as some can grow to destroy the track.
yeah, saw magneticraft has a chainsaw too. Guess I have to learn new mods :)

im confused how to progress through chromaticraft. i got through a bunch of hints but i still havent learned anything. i found a fragment on the floor near a pylon but it didnt tell me anything useful. i havent found any of the hidden areas either and have no idea what they look like.
For chromaticraft, I'd suggest looking at reika's videos about it on youtube in his channel.

In another pack, I found my one and only hidden area and tbh, only found it cause of chunk genning slowly and saw through ground. there was nothing on top of it to spot it visually so I think you really have to just find them randomly. Progressing and getting all the fragments really takes a long time but some of the top tier stf in the mod are pretty awesome.
im confused how to progress through chromaticraft. i got through a bunch of hints but i still havent learned anything. i found a fragment on the floor near a pylon but it didnt tell me anything useful. i havent found any of the hidden areas either and have no idea what they look like.

Yeah, Chromaticraft is a complicated, but also very rewarding mod, in my opinion.
it's a good overview of different mechanics in chromaticraft, although there is a lot more to it.

You can find fragments in dungeon chests etc., so exploring the world is the best you can do to progress in the beginning. It can be pretty time consuming to unlock everything (especially the structures), but there are items in late game, that are totally worth it *cough* TileAccelerator *cough*.
And once you have unlocked some items and mechanics tinkering around with the mod is also pretty fun! ;)

I have to admit, that in one world I cheated the progression, so I could start crafting and building stuff, but the evoluion within the mod gets totally lost and I didn't have the "yeah, you achieved that"-feeling. The fact that you can't get through the entire mod within few hours makes it so rewarding, imo. =)
Yeah, the easiest way to find fragments will be burrows. They can be hard to spot, but they are fairly common. Look for a 3 block wide hole, easiest to spot on a plains or other flat-ish treeless biome. The two outer blocks are on one deep, but the middle one drops straight into the burrow, and you can see the chests from the surface. There are 6 total chests in the burrow, although only 3 are visible at first. You should be able to figure out where the 3 others are and how to unlock them.

There are two more structures, caverns attached mostly to ravines, but they have cloak blocks which are incredibly hard to spot. Much easier are the ocean temples, though they appear to be fairly rare. They are also the most risky, but worth it because you can easily walk out with a ton of fragments.

Speaking of the fragments, you will end up with blank fragments occasionally. This is not a defect, but that means you have reached the end of your knowledge of the world. Stash them in a chest until you do more unlocks.

There are 100+ fragments, and you find them in groups of 5 to 10, ish, in Chromaticraft structures and 1 or 2 in loot chests around the world. This means a lot of exploration is needed. You'll be doing at least some exploration anyway for Essentailcraft and even immersive Engineering, for the Arc Furnace blueprints.
Just sent Beta 0.4 to Curse, should be up in a little bit. Biggest thing is the addition of Aura Cascade, which should have been there more or less from the beginning, but I missed it. This is also Release Candidate 1, if there are no egregious bugs the next version should be out of beta. The wonders of packs without HQM.

Beta 0.4 RC1
Aura Cascade (should have been added last version, oops)

PneumaticCraft 1.11.11-135
Silent's Gems 1.3.00-RC1-121
Storage Drawers 1.6.2

Fixed: Ore Dictionary on Nether Quartz dust on IE and Magneticraft so they work with AE
maybe its just me but with so much possible automation and not much in item transpertation, i think i would actually like to see buildcraft and some of the addons added to the pack. your thoughts @Iskandar ?
maybe its just me but with so much possible automation and not much in item transpertation, i think i would actually like to see buildcraft and some of the addons added to the pack. your thoughts @Iskandar ?

That is what Router Reborn is for.

If you don't want to use that their are other options:
Conveyor belts from both Immersive Engineering and Magneticraft, transfer pipes from Extra Utilities, Applied Energistics for later game, Logistic Drones from PneumaticCraft, Steve's Carts (though, admittedly, that is probably more complicated and overkill for simple item transport), and I'm sure I've missed others. Even Storage Drawers has a module that links a bank of drawers to whatever transfer system you have handy.

Buildcraft is a no, and always will be. This is a multiblock and modular machine pack. Buildcraft does not fit, at all.

I've very carefully examined and filled these types of gaps. There is very little in the terms of automation, storage of all kinds (energy, liquid, and items), transportation of all kinds (including players), processing, mass RF generation, mining (manual or of the quarry variety), neat armor and weapons (tech and magical) that you can't do in this pack versus most other tech/magic packs. A lot of it will be new, which is why I provided where all the info for mods are in the first post, and some of it is a bit more intricate and complex than usual, but if you want to do it you generally have lots of choices.
Oh, and if anyone crashes while looking up a NuclearCraft recipe in NEI, I am aware and have relayed to the NuclearCraft dev. It is a harmless, if annoying, problem that won't effect your world.
Buildcraft is a no, and always will be. This is a multiblock and modular machine pack. Buildcraft does not fit, at all.

Yes it does - just remove the Builders module and you get rid of all the magic blocks in one go. And the pipes are the most "modular" out there.
Yes it does - just remove the Builders module and you get rid of all the magic blocks in one go. And the pipes are the most "modular" out there.

Huh, i actually knew that and didn't think of it. Eh, i might revisit if there is enough demand, but I think I have item transport fairly thoroughly covered.

Anyway, a quick hotfix is being uploaded. I found, and the Hydraulicraft dev fixed, missing mining tools and levels on his ores.
and now another hotfix to fix the OTHER mining level ore problem, this time with MagneticCraft. I love mod devs who respond quickly to bugs. If you have version 0.4, manually updating Hydraulicraft and MagneticCraft will bring you up to parity with 0.6, if you have 0.5 just update MagneticCraft got those who are impatient.