1.7.10 - Nuclear Fallout - [Unlisted][Unguided Progression][Custom mods][Challenge][Survival]

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After I've made my point a number of times, and even asked you to give me an alternative, you still get hard on the HQM point. At that point it wasnt constructive criticism, it was annoying.

I have a lot of people playing on my own server that have no issue with your problem at all. I wont change it. Stop getting all upset about it.

I also don't care if you dont like the pack, or stopped playing it. I don't give a crap about your server either. This pack wasn't made for crybabies like you, it's a pack I have made, that I wanted to play. If you don't like it, use some other pack. I don't mind. I'm not mad, I simply don't care. You are making such a big deal out of it. I never forced you to play it. You are getting upset over something I spent time without pay on, you chose to play it, get over it.

And if you plan to call me out on spelling/grammar errors again (Not head, HAND. Spelling error, ever heard of it? FFS!), I'm typing all of this and the previous comment on my phone.
Perhaps I could reword what DoomSquirter has been saying, because I think I understand and agree with his feedback, but it seems to be misunderstood.

If I understand correctly what he was saying, and perhaps worded a different way, most custom modpacks with drastic progression changes use HQM to inform the player of changes and guide the player through the tiers/bottlenecks of the modified progression. I'm assuming your pack has a pre-determined custom progression because many times in this thread you have made statements like "disabled *machine A* because it is too easy, so use *machine B* instead." Likewise, by modifying recipes/configs, and taking out machines to create that custom progression, you ARE creating a bias toward what you would use (or want us to use). For that reason, you shouldn't expect a new player to figure all of this out on his own, with the only way to find information on the packs custom progression being hunting through all of the posts on your forum thread. Changelogs are even nice (I didn't see any, maybe I missed it) to read through to figure out the changes and direction you are taking the pack, but as DoomSquirter mentioned, HQM is often used for this purpose. Ultimately though if you don't want to create a complex HQM quest tree guiding a player through your progression tiers (Which is what I believe you are trying to avoid), then I do suggest adding as much information as you can written into a book or as HQM quests outlining important custom recipe changes and disabled/altered machine blocks, simply to keep player frustration low.

As for the HQM questline that you do have in the pack, the pickaxe detection doesn't seem to work (wooden binding/wooden tool rod/flint head). Your first questline jumps from flint tools straight to metal ones, completely ignoring the fact that the user needs a forge to make that. I would suggest adding in forge creation steps, as that is a pretty major tier lock in tcon. But in all honesty when it comes to Tcon, I'm not quite sure why you don't just include the tcon books (are they disabled?) and skip the HQM Tcon quests altogether.

Also, if I understand correctly, you want to use HQM as a means of writing a getting started guide? As most of your quests have no rewards, why not just set them all to be rewardless, and make every quest "auto complete"? That way there is no screwy completion detection problems, and all steps are visible from the very start. That would allow a player to skip sections he knows and go straight to the spots he doesn't, without it being locked behind sections he doesn't want to bother with. That seems like one way of turning HQM into a getting started guide book instead of a quest book.
This modpack is grossly mislabeled. It is called Nuclear Fallout, but besides the spawn bunker in the server, it has absolutely nothing to do with either Fallout the game, or the post-apocalypse genre. This is horribly misleading and is clearly only to get more attention to your modpack. I'm sure it's an ok modpack, but I refuse to play something so half-assed that it needs to brand itself as Fallout even though it has nothing to do with it.
This modpack is grossly mislabeled. It is called Nuclear Fallout, but besides the spawn bunker in the server, it has absolutely nothing to do with either Fallout the game, or the post-apocalypse genre. This is horribly misleading and is clearly only to get more attention to your modpack. I'm sure it's an ok modpack, but I refuse to play something so half-assed that it needs to brand itself as Fallout even though it has nothing to do with it.
I do tend to agree that this pack needs a unique worldgen that gives it a post apocalyptic feel to it, especially in SSP where you don't even have the bunker. I just assumed that stuff was coming later on.
I do tend to agree that this pack needs a unique worldgen that gives it a post apocalyptic feel to it, especially in SSP where you don't even have the bunker. I just assumed that stuff was coming later on.
I hope it's coming later on, but the overall opinion of the people on the server when I was on it was that if you want post apocalypse go somewhere else because this is just a fun collection of mods with some short tutorial quests.
Which is only a small portion of the world. For the most part, it's really just a kitchen sink modpack with a couple little twists and altered progression; although, it's pretty good at doing that.
This is a great world for any post apoc setting: http://www.curse.com/bukkit-plugins/minecraft/cityworld
Several versions you can use. Underground bunkers, tunnel systems, etc.

Don't let Doomsquirter gets to you. He bounces from pack to pack and plays the hell out of them. But he likes to know every little detail and loves to let you know :) I'm the opposite, love it when all the 'same old mods' seem to work different and need a work around.
Maybe you should use that tiny brain of yours and think if a Fallout game has ever been called "Nuclear Fallout". Hell, I don't even want rage kids that go hard over a modpack to play it, you would probably quit on the first day anyways because you can't use op machines easily.

Well first of all there's no need to be immature about it I was pointing out that this modpack isn't "is a post apocalyptic and fallout inspired modpack.", because it has nothing to do with a post apocalypse or Fallout at all. If it was planned but currently unimplemented, you could have said so without calling me a tiny brained rage kid. That was COMPLETELY uncalled for. The only reason I mentioned specifically the Fallout games wasn't because the word "fallout" was in the title,but because you said it was inspired by Fallout, and I highly doubt you meant actual nuclear fallout from a nuke. At this stage of progress the fallout "theme" looks far more like clickbait than actual inspiration, and it was nowhere indicated that that was going to change. If you want to be an asshole about all this then fine, but I am not stooping to your level of name-calling and false accusations. And if you think your pack is hard, you should try Infitech 2, that's hard.
Heh. Just proved my point thank you. Call it clickbait all you want, if you can't understand what the word inspired means, then don't use it ;)

Because I fear you will not understand the simplicity of the word, I will simply quote a few things for you:

I quote from the actual description inside the FTB launcher

See what it says there? Doesn't say " THIS IS FALLOUT IN MINECRAFT".

Actually read the first line of the questbook?
Hey look it's not actually like 100 years after, it's 1000 years after a nuclear war. Oh wow, even the story is different, why could that be? Well, it's not fallout in minecraft.
I wasn't saying I wanted or expected fallout in minecraft, but if it's inspired by fallout then I'd assume there would be -some- post apocalypse themes besides the spawn and the lacking (I assume WIP) questline. All I'm trying to say is that you could have said that as of now there isn't worldgen that makes sense because getting the ores etc. set up would take long and you are working on it. Because what I expected from the main post and the screenshots of spawn was very different from what the modpack actually is atm. This is WIP and that's fine but it should say somewhere that it isn't completed nor really all that post-apocalyptic yet.

Edit: Just to be clear I think the idea of this is cool and it could become a great modpack, but as of now it doesn't really feel like it's after any kind of apocalypse, which is fine as it's being worked on but that should be said somewhere on the main post.
Yes, the cityworld gen works great for a single server, not great for a modpack.
Ruins mod by Atomic Stryker works pretty well. I've messed with that a bunch. Easy to create the ruins and then toss the templates in the biomes you want.

And world gen in the picture looks very nice.
You reply here again without actually grasping the idea or concept behind it. It seems like you have not read any of the information available.
It's not a WIP modpack. It's something that will be worked on further, sure. But that doesn't mean it's incomplete. There are actually quite a few inspirations from Fallout in this pack currently:
  • Completely custom and unique ore spawn
  • Going to the moon (think glowing ghoul moon journey)
  • harder gameplay
  • intelligent zombies and skeletons
  • progression without actual restrictions like quest based modpacks do
  • no teleportation, shortcuts or easy ways out
  • on the server: Towns, Vaults, etc in Fallout style
It's not a fallout conversion modpack, it's minecraft with the ideas of fallout more or less.

The questline is also not WIP. I've said again and again, posted numerous times, and it's even in the description that This is not a HQM or quest modpack!!!!! The questbook is only there because:
  • People don't like to read
  • People know HQM and how to use it
  • Here aren't better alternatives (Show me one and I'll use it)
  • It's easy for new players to get stuck on some early obstacles (Iguana tweaks, ores, energy production, transportation etc) so HQM actually shows them very easily.

A lot of people have already played this modpack and think it's super fun. I made it very clear (maybe not 100% here, but on Technic its more than clear) that this modpack isn't a Fallout conversion, but a work of art, something that I think is fun to play with ideas from the Fallout games.

I will admit that the current worldgen is probably what most people criticize, however the Wasteland mod is COMPLETE Shit. It's restricting, it's boring, it's laggy (the city generator on a server will fuck everything up), and it WONT let me edit the things that make THIS pack UNIQUE.

I don't think you are a mod developer, so I doubt you understand why it's not that easy to make a great worldgen that just works. I've been busy over the last few weeks and coded my own biome distribution mod that uses biomes from vanilla, biomes o plenty and possibly extrabiomesXL selectively to get a great map.
This is how it currently looks:

Also, the only reason I am/was so hostile is because you came in here with no regard for any information available in this thread, based and publicly denounced the modpack as crap because it did not fit your view of a Fallout Modpack. It's like me storming into your (FREE) art show and calling it GROSSLY mislabeling and shit because you painted an apple green while I think they should be red.

I'm all for healthy discussion, feedback, constructive criticism and suggestions, which we already had a few in this thread.

Also your claim that this is clickbait to get more players was really uncalled for as well.
I've been hosting a server for 4 years without accepting donations because I don't believe in giving people special treatment or advantages, have made hmod and numerous bukkit plugins back then, was active for years helping people in the bukkit support section and all that for FREE. I could care less if I get players on my server, I'm not trying to get rich or famous. I'm trying to create something unique so people can have fun playing it.
My apologies for starting out so aggressively I should have said it in a more constructive way. The world gen looks great, do you have any eta of when it will be finished and put into the modpack?
There are actually quite a few inspirations from Fallout in this pack currently:
  • Completely custom and unique ore spawn
  • Going to the moon (think glowing ghoul moon journey)
  • harder gameplay
  • intelligent zombies and skeletons
  • progression without actual restrictions like quest based modpacks do
  • no teleportation, shortcuts or easy ways out
  • on the server: Towns, Vaults, etc in Fallout style
To start, I'm not bashing your modpack by any means with this post, but instead I'm pointing out where some of the communication confusion may be located. I'm not saying that your modpack is boring/fun, easy/hard, cheaty/well balanced, or slow/fast progression. This is strictly about the theme/backstory/environment/influence you have attributed to your modpack (hopefully in a constructive way).

Usually when someone attributes an inspiration to a creation, art or otherwise, the spectator (player) should be able to see the influences that inspiration had on the end result, usually without the need for it to be spelled out. Unfortunately, to me, when I first played this modpack, I could not really see the effect of that inspiration. On your list above, I bolded the only one that makes sense to be "Fallout inspired" or even post-apocalyptic inspired, and it's only on the official server. The rest of those bullet points are general features (that most current modpacks have) that could be applied to any theme or genre, and don't seem like they have any inspiration from fallout. Going to the moon could possibly be interpreted as being fallout inspired simply based on one optional side quest in New Vegas, but with so many of the current modpacks adding in galacticraft lately, the distinction is tiny. Again, that's not to say that those features you mentioned aren't fun to play with, but as I stated, this isn't about that.

I think people just want to know what you have in your modpack that creates the mood, paints the canvas, sets the scene, or in your words, expresses your art. A good way of testing this is to take off the title and description, and put a new player into your modpack world. Does your world tell the story you want it to? When I very first loaded up this modpack, if I hadn't read the title/description/forum, I would have no clue that the world I spawned into was fallout inspired post-apocalyptic. Not the environment, the textures, the mod list, any of it really. The default minecraft landscape does resemble more of "The 100" post apocalyptic, which is basically just an uninhabited earth, so you could argue that post-apocalyptic doesn't have to be barren. This is usually not what people envision when they think of post-apocalyptic though. I like the idea of adding in wasteland themes with the ruins mod though.

Also, keep in mind that there will be people who post on your forum thread and criticize your pack with rude words lacking any constructive criticism whatsoever, just like there are people who go into galleries and call a painting "ugly" without giving any reason why. It's just the world we live in.
Small but important and AWESOME update:

I just tried something and noticed that, while isolated both worldgens function perfectly together, so I will be shipping the new worldgen as default (with other regular settings, no new ore distribution system etc) in the coming update later today!!!

For anyone having an old world, nothing will change. It will function and look like always. For anyone wanting to create a new world or starting out new altogether, try out the new worldgen, it works as "default". If you don't like it or have issues, use RWG.
Will this be affecting the official server?

i started playing ur pack earlyer today on the server that was in the multiplayer list. I think it is your sever. I'm just leaving some criticism.

Al i can say about the pack: nice work, didn't find anything strange / broken so far. Also i have to say it is a pack that makes u think (and i love it)

now about the server:
1) about towny (that seems broken on ur server) ppl that are not citizens in a town can open chests and take stuff, we lost about 26 diamonds because of it.
2) the HQM book does say using /t spawn is free while it costs 128 enderpearls on the server, i know u said no cheaty teleportation but than also include the enderpearl cost in the hqm book with a mention that it is only for ur server.

i feel this is more a bug report about the server than criticism but i thought u should know it.

So here's what's going to happen. @OmegaAssassin, if you have a problem with what happened on a server, take it up in private. All of you, stop derailing this thread. Recent posts on this topic have been deleted.
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(This will be added to the first post shortly)


This thread is dedicated to the modpack, not any server this modpack is run on. If you have an issue, such as reporting players, ban appeals, or anything the like that is SPECIFIC to my server, please either pm me or even better make a post in the appropriate category over at our forum: www.Creepgaming.com

Again, this thread is dedicated to the modpack itself. It's supposed to be for discussion, feedback, criticism or issues that affect the whole pack.
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