1.7.10 - Nuclear Fallout - [Unlisted][Unguided Progression][Custom mods][Challenge][Survival]

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Straight, shameless copy & paste from my website:

I've been taking a lot of feedback and my own ideas lately and I have finally something to show for.

Please note that the following list of changes/added mods are only for the test server and may or may not make it into the final version.

Mods added:
  • AppleCore, HungerOverhaul and SpiceOfLife
    • Complete hunger overhaul, it works with the new version of Agricraft so now we're considering it. AppleCore and HungerOverhaul will certainly make it in, SpiceOfLife is going to be tested on the beta server and then voted.
  • New worldgen
    • Provided by biomesOplenty, climatecontrol, biometweaker and my own personal mod (which is included in a new version of creepgamingmod) to bring you awesome post apocalyptic world gen alike fallout. We will construct the server spawn inside one of the wastelands, so you will have to go out and find a great spot for yourself.
  • Iguana Tweaks
    • We're already using Iguana Tinkers Tweaks, which adds progression to Tinkers Construct, but now we're also testing the regular Iguana Tweaks, which lets me enable a bunch of stuff ranging from inventory weight and encumbrance to max stack size, movement speed, armor weight and much much more. Not all will be enabled tho
  • Dynamic lights mod
    • Since nights will be as dark as before, I will be adding dynamics lights mod this time.
  • Pams Harvestcraft
    • Works nicely with the hunger overhaul. Personally, I think this mod is retarded, but that's probably just because I don't enjoy cooking in minecraft :p A lot of people have asked, so here it is.
  • SpecialAI, SpecialMobs
    • Just because the night isn't dangerous enough, these mods will make it just a little harder :)
  • Stefinus Guns
    • Gorgeous 3D model guns, work quite well. Will probably be using these instead of Flans
  • WTFCaveBiome
    • Lovely underground themed caves like ice, lava or just regular stone caves with stalagmites and stuff...

What's also changing is how machines are crafted. Each machine will now require a certain progress tier part:

One mechanical part in tier 1, one mechanical and chip part on tier 2 and higher. These tiers will be craftable at different points. We are also going to be adding more uses for treated wood and hemp from Immersive Engineering.

Moon will have it's ore spawn very slightly reduced. I'll also be changing a few things to make it harder to just go mine for a bit then return without ever setting up a base and a mining site.

New quantum ore will spawn there. Quantum ore will be required for any teleportation blocks/items in addition to ME singularities. That puts teleportation far enough off, that other means of early game transport such as rails, planes and rockets will be used. Tier 2 and Tier 3 rockets will be made a lot more expensive in terms of resources. I'm talking about using blocks instead of ingots to make compressed advanced plating, having to heat it with an alloy and such. I'm going to change it so each step, Overworld-->Moon-->Mars-->etc will take a good amount of time, planning and machinery. No more rushing.

No idea for those yet. Probably increased ore spawn and possibly special ore that make some harder to get crafting recipes more easy, to reward people mining there.

To promote rails as primary earlygame transport system, rails will be made slightly cheaper while also increasing the cost of planes. Fuel recipe will also be changed so it can be made with actual fuel for cheaper "plane fuel items", the coal recipe will be made more difficult.

Lot's of other small things planned, such as streamlining some of the recipes, merging a few mods by removing duplicate items and adding another way of progression and challenges to the pack.

Also, I'm pretty certain that minechem will be removed for the next pack, as it's impossible to balance. I also can't edit it in any way.

I'll try to get all of this, or at least the basics of it in the pack by Semptember 3rd, (tomorrow) and then allow beta access to the server. Please note that due to the fast updates I will have to do, this will not be available to curse or FTB launcher. I'll be distributing via technic and possibly SK-Launcher (which will make it entirely managed by me without any website), if someone doesn't want to use technic.

Please leave any feedback, concerns or ideas in this thread.

I definitely agree with getting rid of MineChem, as having played ME^3 I know there are a million and one exploits with it. I personally hate SpiceofLife because it makes earlygame food impossible so perhaps changing configs to allow more repeated eats of a food before it gets bad?
Yes the server is only for non cracked clients.

The players are friendly, but be aware that it's a mature server. If you ask stupid questions, you get a stupid answer :p
Oh I'm so terribly sorry that I can't join the server beacause of my cracked FTB, I know how you now feel the unbearable pain of the fact that you know, that this one guy somewhere in the world can't join your server. It must be horrible for you to live with this.

Edit: Btw as soon as I convince my dad to give me his credit card and by myself an MC I'm going to join the server.
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I know but my parents buy me the games and I think it's reasonable to say that if you could have any game for free you would exploit that.
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Hey, it's not like I don't want to buy it, if I could on my own I would. And I didn't said anything about switching the offline mode.
hey i tried to enter to server last night server was open but it says timed out everytime (im premium btw)
i will try it again

Edit : (Nope)
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So... Thats really really weird. I cant log in to my Mojang account. At morning it was okay, and evening too! I sended message about this, to Mojang. Now i have to wait for their messages...
(and i even changed the password too)
Is there possibly a mod, which shows at which Y what ore spawns in said modpack? Or maybe it can be found in some config file?

Lots of grinding needed, looking to find optimal Y's.
Thanks. Also first time using Galacticraft (never was forced to use it) - what are the things I should not forget to do after crafting a rocket (video-guides made on this mod are pretty poorly made) ?
Also wanted to address an issue I have with Overworld - there's nothing to scavenge (from what I've explored (maybe a village or two, if lucky - get smeltery right away)). Imo, scavenging is an important part (I'd argue that it's THE reason why people play post-apocalypse, and not survival) of post-apocalyptic experience, also it can offer an alternative way of getting items.
Yes it's planned for the rework that's in progress, however it's never going to be a main part of the pack as it's too hard to control without breaking the progression. And as far as this modpack goes, Progression > anything else

Also consider the fact that after 1000 years there wouldn't be much left to scavenge. This is minecraft after all and not fallout.
Great to hear. Raiding a dungeon and cracking some skulls, collecting shinies is a refreshing thing after days, weeks of hard pick swinging.
Can you even craft Fuel Loader? It seems to be disabled (like many other machines).
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Okay, so some feedback I wanted to post about early game:

Overworld is boring - has no trails of past civilization, which is exactly opposite of what people expect of post-apocalyptic experience. World after 1000 years would not look like a desert. Look up Shahr-e Sukhteh, Sechin Bajo, Pyramid of Djoser (all which are 3000+ BCE). Post-apocalypse is a simply click-bait in current state of the pack.
Exploration is not encouraged at all, as it's all wasteland of nothingness. All you need from it is basic things like wood, sand and a slime island, well and oil. I'm not asking for a dungeon-fest.

Disabling machines is a lazy way to "increase difficulty", whereas gating them vs a challenge is more creative and gives players a choice. For example - Rolling Machine vs Ingot compressor (disabled), it would be much better to gate Ingot compressor through challenge like adding a Nether star to a recipe, then players have a choice - do I take on Wither, or do I grind more? Get more creative, there's plenty of options with this many mods.

As you said - pack is about progression. There is only ONE way to progress to - rocket. You would think one feels a relief after finishing rocket and being able to at last move onwards, gain better ore.. NO - you need to grind more for other machines, this is where you alt+f4. And if you choose to do anything else than that - punished. You choose to use iron on anything else than steel - punished. Having no choices is lame, forced progression with a huge grind (focused on just one ingot) is not a fun experience. I think that Ingot compressor would make this experience less painful, having to grind 33% less is significant number. You can add quest rewards to help, make ore spawn as normal for 20-30% of time, etc.

I know what is grind, been playing Ultima Online, D2, D2:MXLU, Path of Exile (farming boss for a straight month, at least 5-8h+ a day). All these games, and all the modpacks that I've played did offer different ways to grind, progress and grow. It's a shame that potential deep mechanics of modded Minecraft are left to waste in favor of the simplest and laziest gating you can imagine - double, tripple, quadrupple the resources you need.

Every minute spent in Overworld just makes me want to shoot myself. And when I open NEI to see what I need more to at last finish "progression" to the Moon - you just want to press alt + f4 and delete the pack.

I apologize if anything I said sounds condescending or non-constructive whining.
Guys, my 0.02 here. I'm not a mod, feel free to ignore me.

1) @Nettehlol "constructive" criticism needs to be worded in a build-up rather than a tear-down fashion. You're not being very supportive, so its not constructive at all.
2) @CreeperShift: Responses to poorly-delivered criticism need to take a high road. You're the (unpaid) "professional" here.

That said, everyone really needs to find their place of zen here.
Alright, everyone just calm down, take a step back, and approach this later when you can handle it in a mature manner. Rule breaking posts have been removed. That being said, @Pyure has given solid advice on what to do here, and as such, I'll be leaving it there.