Vote Exedra, because, uh, hmm. Antismite I guess.
Vote Exedra. because i dont want to die?
Cough cough.
Anyway, as much as it makes me seem like a mean old neutral-hating grump, I think the best course of action is to
lynch SpwnX.
"Shazam, you dick! Why would you lynch a neutral that just said he didn't want to be lynched?!"
Well, for one, we've got no way of confirming he's a neutral without violating his neutrality. Spwn even asked for Whispers to avoid targeting him. It'd actually be a pretty good disguise for a wolf.
There are other arguments to make, too, like "lynching a neutral is no great loss to the village", but the
best reason is something I'm almost afraid to say out loud: If Spwn isn't a wolf now,
he will be tomorrow.
Brandeds change sides whenever they're targeted by a power. If the Raven were to target Spwn tonight, which he almost certainly will now that I've said it, they'd gain an apparently-innocent wolf at no cost to them. That... isn't wise to let happen.
So, again, I urge everyone else to get rid of Spwn. Like, now. The wolves don't need any more pawns.