Mod Feedback [By Request] RotaryCraft Suggestions

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I prefer a lot of things about AE's interface. The request pipe, remote orderer, and even the crafting station all had a lot of really annoying idiosyncracies. Also the travel time of items through pipes takes some getting used to (or a lot of gold :p)

@MongrelVigor Logistics Pipes could do that before Minecraft went "gold" (In other words pre 1.0.0). The "crafting" in LogPipes? Basically tells the system "Put these items in, wait for this next item to become available". It also has the ability to put items into two (possibly more now) inventories for crafting. Which means you can actually put special fuels into certain kinds of crafters and all sorts of stuff... you could even put the items into a chest, have a sub-system operate on it, and then put the result back in the chest. Voila, crafted item (I'm looking at you Enderium... grrrrrrr).

Just about the only advantages AE has over LP are physical compactness (store more items and crafting in a single block or small group of blocks), instant transmission, the UI options, Spatial IO, security, and wireless access without other mods.

LP is more robust and capable of handling more variety by default (AE still doesn't do fluids natively, LP has for ages), and just generally seems to work more sensibly than AE. Also if your Logistics System loses power? You still have all your items :p


Wasn't there a bug with Another One Bites The Dust that caused issues with the extractor?
Yes there was/is.
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LP has a security module now- it won't stop someone from opening a chest, but they can't break pipes or fiddle with the network/siphon everything out.
(if this counts for facades, then you could armour-plate your chests with them- never tested it mind)
Also I think you can still override your logistics network with good old fashioned buildcraft pipes [iron/diamond/apiarist]
(this worked well in 1.2.5- very useful)​

@MongrelVigor (I'm looking at you Enderium... grrrrrrr).

My ME system makes Enderium :-), ordered 1,000 units, went fine. I basically told my system "when you need enderium blend send 4 pearls, two tin dust, 1 silver dust and 1 shiney metal dust to machine X.... Only I'm lying to my system. Machine X is a chest, with filtered servos that pump the non pearl items to a cyclic assembler I used to manual feed when making Enderium, and the pearls to the mama crucible that had always fed the cyclic. Mean time the coprocessors of my crafting CPU are turning blocks of metal into ingots, and sending them, coal, etc to my heavily over clocked macerator. And it proceeds to put them all together, and the pyrotheum, and off to the induction smelter they go.

That's the beauty of AE's "processing patterns". They take your word. Like when I make a pattern that says "coal to graphite", and order 200,000, it's fine, because I've set up a tesseract to a strongly powered grinder, with warp item ducts to my chain of furnaces, which always feed back to my ME system, which has standing orders to send all graphite and uranium dust to my blast furnace that is connected to my 200PBRs. :-)

I like this so much because it feels like something I engineered, like back when I used to pay vanilla minecraft. I wouldn't call all that magic blocks.
My ME system makes Enderium :), ordered 1,000 units, went fine. I basically told my system "when you need enderium blend send 4 pearls, two tin dust, 1 silver dust and 1 shiney metal dust to machine X.... Only I'm lying to my system. Machine X is a chest, with filtered servos that pump the non pearl items to a cyclic assembler I used to manual feed when making Enderium, and the pearls to the mama crucible that had always fed the cyclic. Mean time the coprocessors of my crafting CPU are turning blocks of metal into ingots, and sending them, coal, etc to my heavily over clocked macerator. And it proceeds to put them all together, and the pyrotheum, and off to the induction smelter they go.

That's the beauty of AE's "processing patterns". They take your word. Like when I make a pattern that says "coal to graphite", and order 200,000, it's fine, because I've set up a tesseract to a strongly powered grinder, with warp item ducts to my chain of furnaces, which always feed back to my ME system, which has standing orders to send all graphite and uranium dust to my blast furnace that is connected to my 200PBRs. :)

I like this so much because it feels like something I engineered, like back when I used to pay vanilla minecraft. I wouldn't call all that magic blocks.
+1 sir. Getting off-thread though :)
So I am finally giving Rotarycraft a go & having much enjoyment. I am getting a little stuck on some spots though & alot of the tutorial / external information seems to be outdated or from versions that behave differently to the one I am running. I am on v6f.

Mostly I am trying to setup the extractor for now, I have managed to figure out a setup using 4 hydrokinetics, a shaft junction, 3x 16:1 diamond gearboxes & 2x extractors - it worked well but I can seem to extract the results of each stage except the final stage - I have tried several methods, ender io conduits, routers, itemducts, etc.

So I decided to try cvt's, this was even easier to setup & was kicking myself for putting it aside because it appeared 'to complex'. Since I was testing in creative I missed the important point that cvt's require bedrock. Fine lets look at getting bedrock, reading the wiki it says 4x hydrokinetics -> 8:1 gearbox -> bedrock breaker, this doesn't seem to be the answer anymore, my 4x hydrokinetic's only generate 2mW not the required 4mW, ok, I will add 4 more - right can't chain more than 4, no problem lets connect more via a shaft junction, that exploded quickly. Note to self - RTFM (properly this time)!

Context to all of this is that I am pretty early game & don't have the infrastructure to generate the fuels required for the other engines yet. Am I being too ambitious here for this early part of the game or just missing some obvious understanding?

A couple of other questions, using the heater with the blast furnace & trying to maintain a heat 0f 950C is a little more challenging than setting 950C & moving on? Not just me right, it fluctuates as each fuel item is consumed & the high point is not always consistent so it ends up cooking 1 maybe 2 items on the cooldown phase - is that correct? And lastely, does dragonapi effect the speed at which crops grow - sugar cane is painfully slow, I have a bunch of other mods in that could potentially be doing this but thought I would ask here.

Apologies if these are items that have been dealt with before & too the vet's are simple problems - but honestly I have about 18 rotarycraft tabs open on my browser & about another 10 on my mobile, not to mention several build attempts in a creative environment & several very dead parts & alot of spilled lava in my survival world.

It is intented you can't extract mid-products automatically on the Extractors. Bedrock is not an early-game material (in fact it's the supreme end game material of rotarycraft.) Admittedly I haven't played with Rotarycraft for a while, but I'm fairly sure you need Jet Fuelled engines to get bedrock now.
Very true Pyure. I'm just saying that basically everything AE does, LP can do too, and probably did first :p

Back on Rotarycraft topics, can anyone else duplicate the HP turbine bug of consuming steam at pressures below the operating threshold?

Context to all of this is that I am pretty early game & don't have the infrastructure to generate the fuels required for the other engines yet. Am I being too ambitious here for this early part of the game or just missing some obvious understanding?
Yes, you are being too ambitious. Progress your way up the tech tree. If you can't power something with one or two engines, you probably aren't supposed to have access to it yet. Look for an engine that can, see what it takes to run that engine (or craft it), and work your way back to your current tech to figure out how to get where you want to go.

What you're looking for should all be in the book, if it is not ask in this thread or the MCF thread. All the tutorials you'll find are almost certainly horrifically outdated and more misleading than they're worth.
Can you still enchant machines? When I tried, it only worked in creative mode (tried in both vanilla enchantment table and vanilla anvil)
Thanks for the replies :)

I figured it was ambitious but had to be sure with the conflicting information out there - and about that outdated information, you may be seeing a healthy does of questions from me here :P The manual is very useful, it gives alot of information but leaves some figuring out still (that's a good thing).
Here's something, I've never seen the wisdom of using a high ratio gear. They are much more expensive to make and maintain than two cvts, and because they need lube piped to them you don't really save any space.
Here's something, I've never seen the wisdom of using a high ratio gear. They are much more expensive to make and maintain than two cvts, and because they need lube piped to them you don't really save any space.

For when fast just isn't "fast" enough or for when you need more torque than a blown V8 on nitrous oxide.. :)
Here's something, I've never seen the wisdom of using a high ratio gear. They are much more expensive to make and maintain than two cvts, and because they need lube piped to them you don't really save any space.
This has always seemed incongruous to me as well, but the crappy response might be to require high amounts of lubricant in CVTs, so I keep my mouth shut :)
Maybe you don't have a CVT yet? You need bedrock for it, right?

I thought that one high ratio gear was smaller and cheaper to maintain than a bunch of normal gears.

I can seem to extract the results of each stage except the final stage - I have tried several methods, ender io conduits, routers, itemducts, etc.
As mentioned, anything that lets you extract stuff from the middle of an extractor is breakage. It would be too easy to have 4 extractors each customized for one stage.
I thought that one high ratio gear was smaller and cheaper to maintain than a bunch of normal gears.
One word. Space.

As mentioned, anything that lets you extract stuff from the middle of an extractor is breakage. It would be too easy to have 4 extractors each customized for one stage.
And you wanted them as separate machines long ago. :P
Erm...minor problem. The server on which I play (Feed the Machine) crashed when I powered up an autocrafting unit sitting underneath a Project E condenser (trying to make blaze powder). I'm not sure if its on RoC's end or PE, but I figured folks out there might want to know, just in case. I haven't got the crash log, alas.
Erm...minor problem. The server on which I play (Feed the Machine) crashed when I powered up an autocrafting unit sitting underneath a Project E condenser (trying to make blaze powder). I'm not sure if its on RoC's end or PE, but I figured folks out there might want to know, just in case. I haven't got the crash log, alas.
If it has something to do with AEItemStack.create(), that is a bug fixed in v7.