Too Much Free Time
I'd guess not, as I don't think fortune works on vannila plants either.
From what I remember it worked on wheat seeds, cocoa, then later saplings.
I'd guess not, as I don't think fortune works on vannila plants either.
Yes.Does/should Fortune work when harvesting canola plants? There seems to be so much variation in the output anyway.
Well I do have access to DSUs and the like. I prefer utilizing my "junk" resources. I mean I'm never ever going to actually USE 128,536,820,158,464 cobblestone as cobblestone (That's a max-sized Jabba barrel full of octuple compressed cobble. In-world that would be a bit over a 44km square full to the brim of cobbleThat is the reason I invented the Void Cell.![]()
I prefer automatic crafting that isn't limited by BC's mechanics. I'm going to be trying the packager options, the cyclic assembler, the botania crafty crate, the automagy golem workbench and every other auto-crafting mechanic I can think of, as well as the PE/EE3's option(s) like condensers and AMR's and see who can handle the input best. Honestly I miss the dartcraft pipe with crafting card, but that would still run into the throughput limits of BC. Or did they remove those finally? Last time I checked there was a bug where they didn't properly explode, and I never really investigated to see if they still did or not with BC6.Logistics pipes to the rescue!
You run into an issue with storage there once the machine is maxed out. The interface only has 8 or 9 slots, and a boring machine can output more than 9 unique items in one tick. I'd probably use a tesseract with a bunch of output tesseracts. I do so love that TE went limitless for the tesseracts. Worst design decision perpetuated by most mods IMO is arbitrary limits at the end game. Sorry, sometimes you need (well... want) to output more than 10k RF/t, or send more than 100MJ/t cross-dimensionally. Being able to drain an ocean in three seconds if you have the capability is just fun (lag inducing, but fun. ExU to the rescue there)Huh, I'd just planned on putting an AE2 interface next to the boring machine.
Depends on if you have a mod like Custom Ore Generation... that over quintupled the time required to generate a chunk. In any case, chunk generation is the single biggest source of lag in MC (I'm exempting all FPS client-based lag... because that's all localized), and if Reika made the boring machine scale with more power... pump a tokamak into one and if it's doing multiple slices per tick... yikes.Eh, I've done max speed boring machines before and it's not bad at all. You're looking at 1 layer per tick and if you have 4 machines side-by-side it takes up 2 chunks. That means you're generating 2.5 chunks per second. For comparison the mod chunkgen, used to pregenerate terrain, is set to a default speed of 1 chunk per tick. And there's obviously no additional generation load for additional boring machines vertically. Also, at that level of throughput it's not really an always-on sort of thing.
Actually it does (or did) work on vanilla plants, though not all the products. Like it would multiply seeds but not wheat (or was it the other way around?).I'd guess not, as I don't think fortune works on vannila plants either.
My Void Cell is an in-AE DSU.Well I do have access to DSUs and the like. I prefer utilizing my "junk" resources.
?Oh, speaking of! Equivalent Exchange 3! You know how you don't mind your stuff being used as an EMC SOURCE, Reika? EE3 has the ability to give things EMC without making them learnable. If you want some outside input/help finding values for your stuff I was planning on doing that on my own anyway. Total Integration is the name of my game, though TC4 aspects is going to kill me! I wonder if Reddit, the FTB Forums, or MCF would be the best option for trying to crowdsource that...
The RC autocrafter can do 18 parallel cyclic-assembler-type operations, and can plug directly into an ME system.Cyclic assemblers are the one I have the most experience with, they're really great. Whether I'm just using it to turn all the flakes I just smelted into blocks, or looping one back on itself to easily produce millions of IC2 fertilizer. Three of them were also very handy for quickly making all the parts for two hp turbines. I'm just now familiarizing myself with AE auto crafting, compared to cyclic it is a lot more setup, but it looks very cool. It has a way to teach the system not just crafting patterns, but processing patterns, where it will interact with a machine (like a furnace) as needed, don't really understand those yet though
Lol, so many great machines that I have to try out to be sure I'm skinning a cat as well as I might...a million points to which ever mod makes a machine with various ocelot skinning options....and how is it no mods use glue that you obtain by slaughtering thousands of poniesT
The RC autocrafter can do 18 parallel cyclic-assembler-type operations, and can plug directly into an ME system.
Does anyone have experience with how small a reactorcraft reactor can be to fully run one small turbine? .
Sprinklers and fertilizer stack effects.And Reika do you know anything about how your fertilizer machine interacts with other mods machines?Do they steal each other's work, or multiply separately or what? Similar curiosities about your sprinklers and IC2 crop matron hydration, or extra utility sprinklers. Whatever you know I'd love to hear
Both.To be clear are you saying
A. That rotary fertilizers stack with rotary sprinklers, or
B. that rotary sprinklers stack with other sprinklers, and that rotary fertilizers stack with other fertilizer machines
Does anyone have experience with how small a reactorcraft reactor can be to fully run one small turbine? I feel like it can be pretty small considering how powerful reactorcraft is.
It used to, but I changed that long ago. Like v25z long ago.Regarding the steam loss, I can now confirm that the HP turbine appears to consume steam that is insufficient to power it.
This all presumes I want/have AE system. Honestly I'm trying without for a while... a lot of the AE2 changes annoyed me. Also I know your void cell is an AE DSU. I have infinite channels turned on when I do use AE2, so I can use REAL DSU's and have access if by some oddity my AE goes powerless. I'm really REALLY odd and use AE mostly as a way to link storages together, I actually don't use the chests or drives much (I use the chests to access the painter though... that was a neat bit of multipurposing there!)My Void Cell is an in-AE DSU.
The RC autocrafter can do 18 parallel cyclic-assembler-type operations, and can plug directly into an ME system.![]()
No, it can work standalone.Oooh, does the RC one require an AE system?
I am fine with that, but I thought the EE team was against even that.As for the other thing. EE3 has a new mechanic for being able to learn stuff to pull out of a tablet. You can assign everything an EMC value (it does auto-calculate most of them, so it'd just be the raw resources and whatever method of telling it ho to navigate your crafting... I don't have any working mods, so I haven't investigated) and still blacklist your stuff from being able to be learned. Which means it can be used as an EMC SOURCE but not ever be pulled from a tablet, targeted in a condenser, etc.
Now the $1M question: Is EE3 going to take off, or is Project E going to ensure that never happens?Project E yes, EE3 no. The great Papayahimar has seen many exploits and spent an inordinate amount of time designing the bones of EE3 to be resistant to exploits. You can assign EV values to things that cannot be researched/learned. He explained it at some point in one of the first 2 episodes of Direwolf20's newest Forgecraft 2 series... Dire commented that ores had an EMC value, which in the old EE would be a HORRIBLE exploit, and Pahimar says something along the lines of "already thought of that. You can't learn ores, so they can't be pulled out of the tablet"
I hope EE3 since there is so much thought into it(similar to some mods we all seem to like here;-) ) . And the avoidance of exploits is great, as well as we've been waiting for it for so long!Now the $1M question: Is EE3 going to take off, or is Project E going to ensure that never happens?
Best to ask Papayahimar about that. I'm sure he can even give you a ballpark idea of how far along he is right now.Now the $1M question: Is EE3 going to take off, or is Project E going to ensure that never happens?