What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, and today it's @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.5.0
  • Added inventory UI to see exact item counts and manage upgrades on drawers. Open be shift+right-clicking with an empty hand.
  • Fixed drawers loading with 0 capacity if config base stack sizes exceed 127.
  • Fixed tile entity mapping collisions.
  • Due to the change in tile entity mappings, please back up your world ahead of updating as a precaution. No problems are expected however. If you are using the Natura pack, update that mod as well.

and @WildBamaBoy with Minecraft Comes Alive
WildBamaBoy said:
Minecraft Comes Alive 5.0.6
  • MAJOR: MCA now requires RadixCore v2.0.2.
  • Feature: You can now configure guards' and villagers' attack damage.
  • Feature: You can now disable the crystal ball on spawn if you plan to spawn it later.
  • Feature: Press CTRL when on the villager's interaction screen to see your success chance.
  • Feature: Children now have an actual age, ranging from 4 18. After 18, they become an adult.
  • Feature: You can now disable the Patreon button via in-game config.
  • Feature: Added an in-game Supporters page for Patreon supporters to be featured.
  • Feature: You can now see "+" and "-" icons when you interact with a villager. These indicate whether or not your interaction was good or bad.
  • Change: Guard's default attack damage is now 4 hearts.
  • Change: Villager's default attack damage is now 1 heart.
  • Fix: Applied a fix that should repair a crash when Thaumcraft is installed.
  • Fix: Crashes caused by "FakePlayers" attacking villagers will no longer occur. This should solve conflicts with several mods.
  • Fix: Children could fail to recognize both parents if both parents were players. This has been fixed.
  • Fix: Relationship points weren't properly subtracted when hitting a villager.
  • Technical: Some changes have been made to prepare MCA for the move to 1.8. Report any odd bugs!

and @Mal7690 with LootBags
Mal7690 said:
LootBags 1.6.0
  • Changed how items with 0 weight are handled so that the intended operation of the 0 weight is preserved.
  • Added option to adjust the resolution of the drop chance
  • Added option to adjust drop chance of special bags
  • Added option to reverse bag rarity weightings
  • Added option to limit bag drop to require player or real player kill.

and @GotoLink with Ancient Warfare 2
GotoLink said:
Ancient Warfare 2 2.4.104
  • Npc support more tool/weapon types, including "QuiverBow"
  • Added random horse on spawning mounted Npc
  • Added Sound Block (broadcast sound effects / musics can be camouflaged into most blocks)
  • Added user submitted 'holland' language
  • Fixed crashes in Town generation
  • Made template loading locale-safe
  • Added chat messages for builder items
  • Custom villagers support in Town generation
  • Default support for modded blocks/entities in template scanner Close #287
  • Default crafts include more 'ore names'
  • Fixed crash with Craftbukkit Close #290
  • Empty chunk generation on server stop Close #276
  • Tooltip in entity selection GUI Close #284
  • Trading is now more user-friendly Close #258
  • More efficient spawn handling and worksite rendering
  • Improved Research Book
  • Reworked Npc command for #296 and shield handling
  • Reworked Npc AI to fight outside home area for #298
  • Improved Npc commander buff with particles for #298
  • Added feeding Npc by hand Close #298

and @Tonius with Simply Jetpacks
Tonius said:
Simply Jetpacks 1.5.0
  • ADDED: Support for BuildCraft 6! SJ now provides two kinds of BuildCraft-based jetpacks, based on which BC modules are installed. One is powered by Fuel, and one is powered by RF. Will hopefully also work with BuildCraft 7, though this is largely untested.
  • ADDED: Jetpack Fueller item for filling fluid-based jetpacks with fluids from Tanks or similar.
  • ADDED: GUI for worn jetpacks and flux packs, opened by pressing a key (U by default). It shows their current fuel levels, and lets you turn various features on and off.
  • ADDED: Fuel Efficiency enchantment. This somewhat rare enchantment decreases the amount of fuel used by jetpacks and flux packs when flying or being damaged.
  • ADDED: Enderium Flux Overlay to make a Flux-Infused JetPlate look like an Enderium Flux armor piece. Available when Redstone Armory is installed.
  • ADDED: Config option to make jetpacks explode and kill their user when flying through flammable fluids. Blame Vexatos for this idea. Disabled by default.
  • ADDED: Readded the option to disable 3D armor models. This is for people that experience issues with the armor models and mods like Smart Moving.
  • CHANGED: Recipes for TE-based thrusters to be less annoying and to... make more sense, I guess.
  • CHANGED: Only one kind of mod integration is now enabled by default: always TE if it is present, or always EIO if TE is not present, or lastly BC if neither of the previous are present.
  • CHANGED: Split 'secondary' (sneak-activated) keybinds into keybinds of their own. Not bound by default in favour of the new GUI.
  • CHANGED: Using a jetpack underwater is now a bit slower, and makes it produce bubbles.
  • CHANGED: It is now possible to enable sprinting in the air while wearing a jetpack by double-tapping the forward key. This can be disabled in the client config if it gets annoying.
  • FIXED: Not being able to turn off only part of the HUD

and @Jadedcat with Jaded Tweaks
jadedcat said:
This is a mod created to resolve some issues in Agrarian Skies 2 and Magic Farm 3.

Theoretically this mod "should" only require Forge. However it won't do much if just Forge is installed. When specific mods or ores or combinations are detected it will load the changes. I make no promises about it working without my packs.

Ore based changes:
- if Tin is detected - adds tin recipe for buckets
- if Aluminum or aluminium is detected it adds a bucket recipe
- if copper is detected it adds a copper recipe for buckets

Mod based changes:
-Botania + ExNihilo - removes Terraform wand (giant piles of dirt not good in skyblock)
-ExtraUtilities + ExNihilo - adds a cheaper recipe for the basic builder's wand
- Natura + AgriCraft - removes seed bags
- Agricraft + ExNihilo - adds a cheaper journal recipe
-Progressive Automation + Iguana Tweaks- adds a cobblegen upgrade recipe using clay buckets
- BloodMagic + ExNihilo - adds spawn egg recipes
- BloodMagic + HQM - adds a heart recipe
- BloodMagic + ExNihilo - adds a cheaper sacrificial knife and altar recipe using flint
-Harvestcraft+IguanaTinkerTweaks - adds claybucket recipe for fresh water
- Harvestcraft + Botania - adds flour recipes to the botania mortar
- Harvestcraft - adds a recipe for potato flour
- MFR+ Thaumcraft or RedstoneArsenal or ThermalExpansion or TiConstruct or Botania in any combination - changes the machine upgrade recipes
- ThermalExpansion - adds a recipe for Mithril ore
-SolarFlux+ThermalExpansion - changes the mirror recipe to use silver
-TinkersConstruct+ Thaumcraft - adds recipes for heart canisters
-TConstruct+ExtraUtilities - makes spikes require a smeltery for metal
-Harvestcraft + IguanaTinkerTweaks - makes the pot and saucepan use a smeltery for crafting.
-TConstruct + AE2 - uses the wooden gear for making the gear cast.
- Thaumcraft - adds a new aspect
-Thaumcraft + RecallStones - changes the recall stone recipes to use arcane crafting
-Thaumcraft + ExNihilo + ForbiddenMagic - adds crucible recipes for FM shards
-Thaumcraft + CustomNpcs - adds recipes for some items, used for quests in AS2.
-HarcoreQuesting - adds oreDictionary definitions to TiCon Tables, ExNihilo barrels/sieves and some other blocks for quest purposes.

Vanilla Changes -
Different logs give different amounts of charcoal
If Forestry or Natura are installed it makes the changes to their log smelting recipes too.
If Thermal Expansion is installed it adds the changes to the RedstoneFurnace
Drones. So does that mean you can program them to remotely control where another player is moving?
I'm afraid not, they're just used in the crafting recipe. That does make me wonder if a tier two leash upgrade that would also work on players could be doable, though...
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Reactions: SynfulChaot
I'm afraid not, they're just used in the crafting recipe. That does make me wonder if a tier two leash upgrade that would also work on players could be doable, though...

There's a crain item from open something I think that kinda works like that. As does gravity/portal gun.
After a break something new from me again:
TNTUtils 1.0.1-beta for Minecraft 1.7.10:
Just some small changes:
  • Updated Forge to
  • Removed an unneeded class.
  • TNTUtils Core is now hidden from the list of loaded mods.
  • Explosion drop chances can now be decreased by providing negative values to the dropChanceIncrease option.
TNTUtils is now available for Minecraft 1.8
All the features from 1.7.10 should be functional but there is no guarantee.

Happy exploding!
RWTema updated Extra Utilities to 1.2.5!

- Added 'Glove'. This works the same as an 'Empty hand' when you left/right click on a block. Any items placed into your hand as a result of clicking will be added to the inventory or dropped on the ground if the inventory is full. Use different colors of wool to make different colors of glove.

- Unstable ingots made with the Pseudo-inversion Sigil are now called 'Mobius ingots' (with their own seperate id/meta for other mods to hook into), and will create upgraded versions of some of the unstable ingot tools.

- 'Sprint'-right-click with the Builders wand to place blocks vertically only. (The 'Sprint' key is Ctrl by default)

- Added minor documentation that describes how to start getting the 'Pseudo-inversion sigil'

- The Secret Kikoku ritual may have a 50% chance of working properly

- Fix Kikoku not properly calculating damage.
Bot Checker:

TRUE = #

On 24/7: #
Has horrible grammar: #
Talks about random stuff that no one wants to listen to: #
Comes from an untrusty source: #
Spams crap: #
Reccomends everyone to buy my special pill that will make you lost weight: #

6/6; Confirmed. I am bot.

At first I thought you were talking about me. But that last one was a fail. Oh well five out of six isn't bad.
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Reactions: Type1Ninja
6+6 =12
1+2 = 3
There are 3 sides in a triangle.
Illuminati is a triangle.

Im just gonna go hide in my triangle...
A small update for RFTools 2.91:

  • Made sure that Redstone in Motion/Remain in Motion cannot move shield blocks.
  • Fixed a timing related bug when dragging around screen modules on top of other screen modules. This could crash the client.
  • It is now possible to use the modular storage item as a hand-held too (not only the remote storage item)
  • Fixed remote storage item so it no longer discards items if there is no connection (for whatever reason) to the actual storage item.

Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads

Have fun
new day, new update, and today it's @Erasmus_Crowley with Ex Nihilo 2
Erasmus_Crowley said:
Ex Nihilo 2 0.12
  • Barrels can now make obsidian, stone and cobblestone.
  • If a barrel is left sitting around with dirt in it, grass and mycelium will spread into the barrel.
  • Fixed a bug that caused barrels to desync between client and server and do lots of weird stuff, mostly appearing empty when they actually weren't empty.
  • Improved the packet throttling on barrels. It should perform much better and be more responsive.
  • Fixed some issues where classes should have been accessible to other mod authors but weren't. Oops.

and @TehNutJenkins with Redstone Armory
TehNutJenkins said:
Redstone Armory 1.2.0-33
  • Nick: Change how durability tooltip removal is done
  • Nick: Re-add the additional damage the sword deals while charged
  • Nick: New textures
  • Nick: Lots of tooltip cleanup
  • Nick: Use non-deprecated version of hasEffect even though it's literally
  • Nick: Fix server crash when clearing weather #15
  • Nick: Run everything through Idea formatter.

and @LatvianModder with XPTeleporters
LatvianModder said:
This mod adds teleporters, that uses experience as fuel.
  • By default, its 30 levels to travel between dimensions and 20 per 1000 blocks to travel in the same dimension
  • Two teleporters has to be linked with XPT Link Card and it disappears after a successful link creation
  • To teleport, simply step on the teleporter and press shift (sneak), and if you have enough levels and the link is stable, you will be teleported to other teleporter, even if its in unloaded area or another dimension
  • Teleporters has a small cooldown, 3 seconds by default, to prevent from getting stuck on portals
  • You can rename the teleporter in anvil, or rightclick with Name Tag, to give the teleporter a name, that you will see above it, when it is active
  • You can also disable crafting, set travel costs to 0 levels, and add expensive recipes with MineTweaker
Teleporters in world:

Short video I made:

Check out my other mods Here!
My patreon: LatvianModder
Also, special thanks to tfox83 for the idea!

and @Davenonymous with Compact Machines
Davenonymous said:
Compact Machines 1.19b
  • 1.19 crashed when placing CMs in some biomes. Sorry! Either update to this 1.19b hotfix release or disable biome adaptation in the config.
  • Aligned to forge fluid changes.
  • CMs now have the same biome as the spot you've placed them at.
  • This can be disabled and the default biome configured in the config.
  • Falling into the void in the CM dimension teleports you back to the overworld.
  • Fixed a crash bugs when climbing ladders while holding a PSD.
  • Some translation updates.
  • More configuration options and improvements
  • Mod integration can be disabled via the config. Items, Fluids and Flux will always be enabled though.
  • Storage capacities. This allows server admins to configure the maximum capacity of the four currently implemented buffered storages (rf, fluid, gas, mana).
  • Configuration data is synced to the client, incl. the dimension id.
  • Forge config gui support.
  • Aligned to some mod updates
  • OpenComputers 5.2.3
  • Mekanism
  • Inner wall and interface blocks are only visible from inside compact machines.
  • This currently only affects creative OPs.
  • Support for Botania mana. This is disabled by default.
  • Allow sleeping in CMs. This is disabled by default.
  • Note: You will currently only respawn inside the CM dimension if you die in the CM dimension.
  • Thanks to everyone translating, reporting bugs and testing the latest pushes. Much appreciated!

and @GoldenAppleMinecraft with RFDrills
GoldenAppleMinecraft said:
RFDrills 1.3.1
  • [ADDED] Tooltips explaining what can this tool mine (e.g. "Works as a pick and a shovel")
  • [ADDED] A "Shears: on/off" tooltip for chainsaws
  • [CHANGED] Unbreaking enchantement now reduces RF usage (uses the Vanilla formula: energy usage = 100% / (unbreaking level + 1)
  • [CHANGED] "Energy per block" tooltip now displays energy usage according to the mining mode and enchantements
Time to fire up your economies with the coin update for GregTech!
GregoriusT said:
[API] A Special NBT for recycling Stuff. If that NBT is attached to an Item it will recycle into whatever the NBT specifies. This will also be shown inside the F3+H Tooltip of the Item ofcourse.
[FIXED] Universal Spade having a Wooden handle even though not being crafted with one. This had only visual consequences.
[FIXED] Ambient occlusion being used on the Mold. I finally fixed that shit.
[FIXED] Timber Functionality of the Axe being too generous when the Axe almost breaks.
[CHANGED] The Configuration which sets the maximum Stacksizes to be more precise. This kills all the old Stacksize Configs, so you have to set those back if you used them. The Stacksize of "block" defines the general Stacksizes of random vanilla Stuff.
[ADDED] Electrometer for measuring electric current. (current != storage, just to clarify that)
[ADDED] Tiny Plates, which are like Plates but in Nugget Size. Will be needed for making Coins.
[ADDED] Double Axe, with +50% Durability, +100% Base Attack Damage and -50% Attack Speed.
Coins. Currently only available as Dungeon Loot or via Creative.
Also even though being theoretically customizable, it would be very hard to NBT Edit each Pixel individually, so you will need to stick with the Gear Shape for now.
Coins can be placed in World as stacks of up to 256 Coins per Cubic Meter (4x4x16).
They can also be picked up by just rightclicking with an empty Hand.
Coin Stacks in World render a lot of Polygons. I removed all the overfluent Polygons, which nobody could see anyways, in order to not let them lag that much.
Added also a Clientside Config (for the GT Config which is outside the Config Folder!) to turn off the 3D of the Coins for inworld Rendering.
The Coins generated in Dungeons are made of Copper, Silver, Gold or Platinum. The Platinum ones being the rarest for some reason I am not going to tell now.