GregTech's changes and Ore Gen

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@eculc most of that just looks like they didn't look at the recipe for more than 1 whole second to realize that it changes items to represent other possible items they could use if they had those in excess? You don't need those electron tubes or the pulsating chipsets for those recipes but those are alternatives for people who have a lot of them and don't want to waste the materials making more circuits. He put in more work creating these other items than he did at looking at the first recipe at all. It just seems like negligence on his own part and not the mods for giving people more choices.

And while that's true, that doesn't make it any less disorienting and/or complicated to understand from the perspective of someone who hasn't looked at it before.

Also: I agree with the above. the client should defer to the server's config files when determining anything, rather than reading its own and having problems if the two don't match up.
(killing ender dragon without q-armor must be fun)

I killed the ender dragon not only without q-armor but without any armor. It wasn't that difficult, just a long tedious process.

As for GregTech, I think it's got some cool stuff but I really would like to see a config option that prevents it from changing other mods at all.
I killed the ender dragon not only without q-armor but without any armor. It wasn't that difficult, just a long tedious process.

As for GregTech, I think it's got some cool stuff but I really would like to see a config option that prevents it from changing other mods at all.

Killing the ender dragon is disapointingly easy. There is more challenge to be had by trying to get into a smal hollow hill in twilight forest. ;)

The thing tho, is that it's best to have found a crystals age in mystcraft first, so that you can make easier to handle portals to and from the end. That alone is a bigger job than getting rid of the stupid dragon. then there is the anoying grind of finding/fixing a portal to the end.
Killing the ender dragon is disapointingly easy. There is more challenge to be had by trying to get into a smal hollow hill in twilight forest. ;)

The thing tho, is that it's best to have found a crystals age in mystcraft first, so that you can make easier to handle portals to and from the end. That alone is a bigger job than getting rid of the stupid dragon. then there is the anoying grind of finding/fixing a portal to the end.

For ender pearls -
Find any fairly flat biome, I use deserts where possible but if a desert isn't close any flat will do (preferably another taht doesn't rain if there is one?), wait till night, run around like a lunatic and kill endermen.
To kill an endermen without them teleporting the key is not to mouse over their chest. If you are hitting hte top of their head, or even easier if you just hit their feet, you can easily kill them without them ever teleporting, often without them hitting you. If you don't have any armor or don't fancy your timing you can wear them down either with flint and steel or with lava - although as far as I'm aware this will be fixed in the next minecraft build. This is usually the worst bit so a looting enchanted sword will help greatly. If you want to kill the enderdragon/wither quickly I would say focus your enchants on it even above silk touch/fortune picks.

For blaze rods/powder -
Assuming you've found a fortress, steal the netherwart and make a farm, fire resistance potions aren't needed but they make it undeniably easier to kill blazes and avoid damage from lingering fires. I'd also recommend bow and arrows (preferably enchanted but it isn't a requirement either). If you shoot the blazes from afar you can easily pick them off without them flying away as they fight you. A strong bow enchant does appear to oneshot them on hard difficulty. Alternatively you can melee them, but once again I'd recommend an enchanted weapon, or a strength potion. The idea is to make it as quick as possible by killing blazes before tehy fly over lava. If lava isn't an issue just kill them easily. A jetpack will make picking up items to that fell to ground below easy to reach.

For a stronghold - strongholds should spawn evenly spaced from eachother on a ring around spawn, decided between 500-1100 blocks (check wiki for exact numbers if you wish), This means that there is no point popping any ender eyes until you are within a possible spawn location of the stronghold. Once you're there it won't take long to find it. Just be sparing with eyes and you shouldn't have to farm too many.
T'is not hard to get to the end. It's just grindy. fighting endermen unarmored = standing on 3 block tardpillar while punching them in the face.
There is always a way to cheese the fights... heck... I love IC dynamite so much that if i have a suitably flat area to play in i go creeper huntin all night long anyways.
From what I've heard you will be able to switch between easy/hard configs from the launcher. But besides the nerfs you can change, the nerfs you can't change, and the mods it messes with it seems to have some other problems. Like for example rubies and sapphires from that mod, sure they are compatible, and you can disable gregtechs, but if you do then you can't get certain things like garnet or whatever. And if you use another mod to disable redpower gems (which he suggests on his thread) it becomes much harder to get gem tools, especially green sapphire. Overall he tries to make his mod override everything and that causes a lot of problems. However the machines and other addon content look really cool and almost make me want to use it. I will probably decide once I actually see the "easy" config
Hold on there sir, you seem to running with Very outdated information, as well as the fact, that you necro'ed this thread, that is more than a month dead. Still though, Almost Every single change is configurable. With the gem fiasco, greg actually has his turned off, and redpower overrides his by default. He doesn't try to make his mod override everything, in fact, if you examine the changes he's made, i would say that he is doing all the other mods a favor, by offering a unified tech tree to the game. Before GT almost no cross mod compatibility was done. Take a peek at some recipes, such as machines, and you will notice that a wide variety of Machine base-blocks are available. Or things that just plain make sense, like using electrum as a potential substitute for redstone in circuitry. While some changes may feel unwelcome, he does take the authors' thoughts into account, and on many occasions, has changed something back (and included a config option in it's stead) or just removed it. I would appreciate you looking before posting in the future. A hard/easy mode is coming yes, but you can already tweak every single aspect of the mod, and any mods found in the launcher. (Why people can't just individually change the options, is beyond me). If you have a request, make sure to swing it by gregarious in his thread about the mod here. The only changes that i can think of that are NOT configurable, have to be the new content, which don't really change anything.
server configs can be changed too
The hard part with having GregTech be "default-nuke-all", is when you change it back, the recipes don't update in NEI (in my experience), unless you change the client configs.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but last time I changed something, I couldn't see the proper recipe (vanilla Glowstone dust w/o compressor), until adjusted my client config.

I do appreciate his fixing exploits, but there are 2 cardinal rules for mods:
1. Never change vanilla recipes (this is sacrilege).
2. Don't frack with other mods.

GT violates both. Which is very confusing to getting new vanilla-minecraft players to play on a server. It's a huge hurdle.

I know in the TE update KingLemming added a "modify my mod" API with a config option to disable it. I fully intend to turn that off so GT can't mess with it.
there are 2 cardinal rules for mods:
1. Never change vanilla recipes (this is sacrilege).
2. Don't frack with other mods.

GT violates both.
um, wat? If there are any 'cardinal rules for mods', they are:
1) The mod must be fun.
2) The mod should be stable.

Any mod by definition changes vanilla, as it modifies the vanilla game. And your second rule is just silly, sacrificing mod compatibility or cross-mod functionality just because of principle? No thanks.
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Any mod by definition changes vanilla, as it modifies the vanilla game. And your second rule is just silly, sacrificing mod compatibility or cross-mod functionality just because of principle? No thanks.
I think you are interpreting the rules improperly in a way that supports your own argument. Common fallacy.

1) Modifying vanilla, as in messing with the stock recipes. Augmenting is fine. I.E. giving me a new/better/faster/expensive way to make Track is awesome, but do NOT delete the original Track recipe (stares down Railcraft).

2) Adding cross-mod compatibility is fine, but in the example of Forestry, it is balanced for the amount of bronze it intended to utilize (machine casings use lots of bronze). Nerfing something you think is unfair, is short-sighted to the other mod. Superiority complex?

Exceptions, of course, are mods that are truly and utterly intended to be played by themselves. Such as Ars Magicka and TerraFirmaCraft.
I think you are interpreting the rules improperly in a way that supports your own argument. Common fallacy.

1) Modifying vanilla, as in messing with the stock recipes. Augmenting is fine. I.E. giving me a new/better/faster/expensive way to make Track is awesome, but do NOT delete the original Track recipe (stares down Railcraft).

2) Adding cross-mod compatibility is fine, but in the example of Forestry, it is balanced for the amount of bronze it intended to utilize (machine casings use lots of bronze). Nerfing something you think is unfair, is short-sighted to the other mod. Superiority complex?

Exceptions, of course, are mods that are truly and utterly intended to be played by themselves. Such as Ars Magicka and TerraFirmaCraft.
Well you're entitled to your opinions of course, but my point was that those aren't generic rules by a longshot ;)

I'm going to have fun playing with railcraft and gregtech, if you don't mind!
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Hold on there sir, you seem to running with Very outdated information, as well as the fact, that you necro'ed this thread, that is more than a month dead. Still though, Almost Every single change is configurable. With the gem fiasco, greg actually has his turned off, and redpower overrides his by default. He doesn't try to make his mod override everything, in fact, if you examine the changes he's made, i would say that he is doing all the other mods a favor, by offering a unified tech tree to the game. Before GT almost no cross mod compatibility was done. Take a peek at some recipes, such as machines, and you will notice that a wide variety of Machine base-blocks are available. Or things that just plain make sense, like using electrum as a potential substitute for redstone in circuitry. While some changes may feel unwelcome, he does take the authors' thoughts into account, and on many occasions, has changed something back (and included a config option in it's stead) or just removed it. I would appreciate you looking before posting in the future. A hard/easy mode is coming yes, but you can already tweak every single aspect of the mod, and any mods found in the launcher. (Why people can't just individually change the options, is beyond me). If you have a request, make sure to swing it by gregarious in his thread about the mod here. The only changes that i can think of that are NOT configurable, have to be the new content, which don't really change anything.

Well look now this threads not dead. Yes almost every recipe. Emphasis on almost. Sure the ones you can't change could be used for exploits. But honestly there are a ton of other exploits, like the blaze rod macerator thing, Io expander duplication glitch, etc. The gem thing hasn't really been fixed. To get the full experience of both mods you have to have both set of ores enabled (thats what the mindcrack team did)
Well look now this threads not dead. Yes almost every recipe. Emphasis on almost. Sure the ones you can't change could be used for exploits. But honestly there are a ton of other exploits, like the blaze rod macerator thing, Io expander duplication glitch, etc. The gem thing hasn't really been fixed. To get the full experience of both mods you have to have both set of ores enabled (thats what the mindcrack team did)
Why do you need both sets of ores enabled? I only have the Gregtech end\nether\iridium ores enabled all other shared ores\gems are either TE or RP2.
To get the full experience of both mods you have to have both set of ores enabled (thats what the mindcrack team did)
In what way exactly? It is Ore-dict, so there is no descernable difference between GT-gems and RP-gems. You can use either interchangeably in any recipe that requests them, and if for what ever reason, you need one kind, there is the lexicon, or the electric crafting table to unificate.
The hard part with having GregTech be "default-nuke-all", is when you change it back, the recipes don't update in NEI (in my experience), unless you change the client configs.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but last time I changed something, I couldn't see the proper recipe (vanilla Glowstone dust w/o compressor), until adjusted my client config.

I do appreciate his fixing exploits, but there are 2 cardinal rules for mods:
1. Never change vanilla recipes (this is sacrilege).
2. Don't frack with other mods.

Wrong, wrong, a thousand times wrong. Check what Railcraft does to vanilla recipes sometime.

There is one rule to mods, and one rule only : Do only what the user wants.

Because he has config options for many aspects, GregTech satisfies this rule far more than most Minecraft mods.
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TBH looks like GregTECH is getting out of hand. he needs to back off a bit. Way too much BS that punishes the player instead of what it is good for; making high-end end-game items a bit harder to get. Changes to ore and nerfs to stuff like that do not add fun, they add confusion, frustration and instability in the trust of the mod. Why go out and mine and create stuff only to be confronted with what you wanted to do and what you were putting time into no longer available because of some stupid GT change? His method of changeing things is very poor. Change the RATES do not remove/fuckup the recipes.