GregTech's changes and Ore Gen

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Who necrod a 45 days old thread :P? besides there will never be a winner between the haters and the lovers of greg, so just relax and disble or relax and enable hehe:)

Sigh, i just think i will never understand people that bitch and moan about an OPTIONAL MOD. Seriously people. It's a fairly simple mod to wrap your brain around. Spend 15 minutes in NEI, and bam, you know everything recipe wise there is in gregtech. Or, better yet, RTFW. It ain't rocket science, and if you cannot fathom a few dozen simple changes to the easy as pie mods you are use to, i'm sorry, but Mindcrack may not be the mod pack for you :P
In what way exactly? It is Ore-dict, so there is no descernable difference between GT-gems and RP-gems. You can use either interchangeably in any recipe that requests them, and if for what ever reason, you need one kind, there is the lexicon, or the electric crafting table to unificate.

Lexicon doesnt work on GT gems, at least by default. But yiu can only get red garnet or whatever from mining the GT ores
TBH looks like GregTECH is getting out of hand. he needs to back off a bit. Way too much BS that punishes the player instead of what it is good for; making high-end end-game items a bit harder to get. Changes to ore and nerfs to stuff like that do not add fun, they add confusion, frustration and instability in the trust of the mod. Why go out and mine and create stuff only to be confronted with what you wanted to do and what you were putting time into no longer available because of some stupid GT change? His method of changeing things is very poor. Change the RATES do not remove/fuckup the recipes.

Exactly, the thing that really bugged me was the storage block thing, its one thing to mess with other mods, but another to make it way more difficult for such a basic unrelated recipe. That change was completely uncalled for. Sure I can change it back but it makes me not want to use it just because of how arrogant he is.
Lexicon doesnt work on GT gems, at least by default. But yiu can only get red garnet or whatever from mining the GT ores

Red garnet is nearly useless anyway (and you have to mine a lot of the ruby ores to do a single centrifuge of centrifuged red garnet dust products), the thing that's probably useful is the yellow garnet (for chrome) from sphlaratite ore; although gathering redstone ores is a faster way to reach chrome.
Exactly, the thing that really bugged me was the storage block thing, its one thing to mess with other mods, but another to make it way more difficult for such a basic unrelated recipe. That change was completely uncalled for. Sure I can change it back but it makes me not want to use it just because of how arrogant he is.
How is changing other mods around to balance out yours "arrogant"? The ic2 team nerfed the blast resistance for obsidian so you can't use it as a cheaper replacement for reinforced stone. Does this make them arrogant?
For storage blocks... C'mon, what are you going to compress them with, your bare hands? And by the time where making blocks is a good idea, you should definitely already have a basic set of machines, and if you don't like it, change the configuration for it. Simple as that.
How is changing other mods around to balance out yours "arrogant"? The ic2 team nerfed the blast resistance for obsidian so you can't use it as a cheaper replacement for reinforced stone. Does this make them arrogant?
That is a poor argument.

IC2 didn't change Obsidian in a way that affected vanilla or any other mod (other than perhaps ICBM).

Obsidian was still resistant to the strongest things in vanilla Minecraft: TNT and Creepers. They merely changed its blast resistance from "ignore all" to "ignore those two", and made a more powerful blast, the Nuke.
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Sigh... go play terrafirmacraft, then try bringing the argument that modifying vanilla mechanics is bad. Or for that matter, better than wolves, while it can be frustrating, both increase the challenge to that of an adult-level game, not a game that you can "win" in less than an hour or two. I for one, greatly enjoy having to sing for my supper, so to speak. Getting endgame technology in vanilla IC2 was a complete joke. I would go mining for ten minutes, return, make a base set of machines, a drill, and not worry about anything ever again.
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Or for that matter, better than wolves

You bring up the mod that advertises: "*** The Mod That is Incompatible With Everything!!! ***"?

There's a difference between hard, and making something Demon's/Dark Souls or Battletoads stupid hard.

Altering mechanics with every update so people have to change their strategies is stupid hard. There's a reason GregTech is not in Direwolf20's pack.

Some people work a full-time job.
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That is a poor argument.

IC2 didn't change Obsidian in a way that affected vanilla or any other mod (other than perhaps ICBM).

Obsidian was still resistant to the strongest things in vanilla Minecraft: TNT and Creepers. They merely changed its blast resistance from "ignore all" to "ignore those two", and made a more powerful blast, the Nuke.
How about railcraft than? It changes the regular track/rail recipe to use a rolling machine than requires power? Is CovertJaguar arrogant?
Compatibility fun Silly person. And oh no, a mod that makes me actually think, and not REPEAT THE SAME DARN TACTIC over and over again, no matter the mods i use. And so do i boyo, i don't like my sandboxes ending after 3 hours, that is almost by definition erroneous.
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You bring up the mod that advertises: "*** The Mod That is Incompatible With Everything!!! ***"?

There's a difference between hard, and making something Demon's/Dark Souls or Battletoads stupid hard.

Altering mechanics with every update so people have to change their strategies is stupid hard. There's a reason GregTech is not in Direwolf20's pack.

Some people work a full-time job.
It isn't in the pack because Direwolf20 doesn't want it in there. Just because Direwolf20 doesn't use it, doesn't mean it is bad. For example, Direwolf20 doesn't use the Tale of Kingdoms mod. It is a great mod that adds a bunch of npcs to the game and lets you manage a kingdom.
And about strategies, say when Valve added the Pompson 6000 to Team Fortress 2, people had to protect their medics more vigorously. Also what are you going to do all day? Go up the ic2 path in a few hours and have quantum? What is there to do? Pump all the lava from the nether and have infinite power forever? Gregtech adds a new way to play and more endgame stuff, stuff you can do. Direwolf20 choose to go thermal expansion in his current ssp lets play.
Furthermore, why wouldn't you want to make something new that becomes the next "big" thing than replicating the same system over and over and over and over and over and over and over?
When Blizzard made terrans go mech in heart of the swarm and buffed the ultralisk, it is a bad game? of course not! You can try to play a different way or style, maybe one that you would like more than your current one.
Whew I am tired of typing this.
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How is changing other mods around to balance out yours "arrogant"? The ic2 team nerfed the blast resistance for obsidian so you can't use it as a cheaper replacement for reinforced stone. Does this make them arrogant?

But storage blocks? like what the actual crap. They aren't overpowered. They are freaking storage blocks. In my opinion its arrogant that he thinks he so great that he can make the most basic recipes insanely hard and people still like his mod. But hey they do.
Compatibility fun Silly person. And oh no, a mod that makes me actually think, and not REPEAT THE SAME DARN TACTIC over and over again, no matter the mods i use. And so do i boyo, i don't like my sandboxes ending after 3 hours, that is almost by definition erroneous.

If you run out of fun stuff to do in feed the beast in 3 hours, you sir have some serious problems. I've been playing vanilla for a year and i'm still having fun, add 50 something mods to that you should be good for a life time.
Storage blocks, why does one build one? Because you have so much of the dang stuff, that you need to compress it into a smaller space, to save on storage. (excepting of course, anvils, and launcher tracks) If you are at that point already, why on earth do you not have the resources for a compressor, it's hardly complex. And if you think that is insanely hard... i have news for you, Gregtech's hardmode, simple put, is hard. Try figuring out how to completely automate say Enriched oil, is a genuine challenge, that i find intensely rewarding. And i have to say, i've been at minecraft for about 2 years now, and after that long the game becomes rather mundane. Sure i could try to build a massive rocketship made out of solely aluminium (a side project of mine, to be honest) but i find it much more fun to try and figure out how to play with the added challenges. I was actually laughing when i was following the NEI train of the drill, and solar panels. Why? Because they were so boringly easy before. I'm always curious as how to fully enjoy what new toys the modders bring to the table, and i've explored most of them fairly extensively. But trying to get a working fusion reactor, now THERE'S a challenge!
I've been playing vanilla for a year and i'm still having fun, add 50 something mods to that you should be good for a life time.
Trust me sir, it does become boring after a while, and at the point of 50 mods... i can hardly belive that minecraft is that stable at that point. I am rather curious as to how to ultimate pack will work out, especially if Universal Electricity is added.
Storage blocks, why does one build one? Because you have so much of the dang stuff, that you need to compress it into a smaller space, to save on storage. (excepting of course, anvils, and launcher tracks) If you are at that point already, why on earth do you not have the resources for a compressor, it's hardly complex. And if you think that is insanely hard... i have news for you, Gregtech's hardmode, simple put, is hard. Try figuring out how to completely automate say Enriched oil, is a genuine challenge, that i find intensely rewarding. And i have to say, i've been at minecraft for about 2 years now, and after that long the game becomes rather mundane. Sure i could try to build a massive rocketship made out of solely aluminium (a side project of mine, to be honest) but i find it much more fun to try and figure out how to play with the added challenges. I was actually laughing when i was following the NEI train of the drill, and solar panels. Why? Because they were so boringly easy before. I'm always curious as how to fully enjoy what new toys the modders bring to the table, and i've explored most of them fairly extensively. But trying to get a working fusion reactor, now THERE'S a challenge!

I get that and for the most part I dont mind. I really feel that storage blocks was crossing the line though. I also think that the ruby/sapphire ore thing is really confusing. But I don't understand how you could get bored with all these mods, I mean there really is a lot to do
It isn't in the pack because Direwolf20 doesn't want it in there.

To expound on that point - he's on record as liking GT. He's also intelligent enough to realize where he wants to go with his two series, and at the time Season 5 was spinning up, it didn't fit with his ideas for the current LP. Will he ever LP with it? Who knows. But I wouldn't use its absence in the current pack as a basis for an argument.
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