Your thoughts on the Technic Platform?

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awesome wall o text

I think you are both underestimating the MC modding community, and at the same time underestimating the effect our current bad-blood environment has. On the first point lets use RP as an example since many consider it one of those big core mods (and you used its delay as an example yourself). I can not think of a single thing that RP does which is not or has not been duplicated in some form by another mod. Frames would probably be the biggest gap, but I have no doubt that if RP died someone would pick up that task. Regarding the second point, consider the drama over NEI, or more recently BWF (Better With Forge). The horrid environment we have prevents people from taking an idea out of one mod and pushing it that little bit forward and making it better. Consider the tale of logistic pipes, which has a perfectly working fully ported and made SMP compatible version, that many do not use because it is not by the original creator.

Our community has talent in spades, we are keeping it from flourishing.

EDIT: just fixed the font, which was tiny for some reason.
Yes, there are talented people, certainly even more that only did small plugins to an other mod and that could do great things if given the chance.

But it remains true that in the nearly 6 month without RP, I didn't see any good mod replacing the red alloy cables + gates. I might totally have missed it though.

But being talented at making a mod isn't everything, you also need to be able to "sell" it, by making a good descriptive post that's not just screens of recipes.
If you look at the MCF threads for mods, there are a lot that don't even give a proper description of what the mod is doing. 2-3 lines of text briefly explaining what the aim of the mod is, a screenshot or two, possibly some help on crafting and installing near the end, that would make it a good way to attract people.
No matter how good your mod is, if people don't feel like it is any good, it might soon go down the abyss known as "old threads".

Did you ever dismiss a mod after watching the only "spotlight", because the spotlight was "bla bla bla machine, bla bla bla recipe, bla bla bla good mod", done by someone that didn't prepare it as a spotlight, but more as a tutorial?
I personally did, because I feel like my playing time is too little, and adding a bunch of mods that didn't seem like they wanted me to play didn't feel like a good way to enjoy it.
It is absolutely certain that I missed on some great mods by doing so.

I am more than willing to install and play new mods, especially if they can play nice with what I already have (I even tried TFC...), but if nothing is there to show me that the mod is good, then there is something missing.

Well, all I write is my opinion anyway, and I will not be forcing anyone to agree with it.
But it remains true that in the nearly 6 month without RP, I didn't see any good mod replacing the red alloy cables + gates. I might totally have missed it though.

But being talented at making a mod isn't everything, you also need to be able to "sell" it, by making a good descriptive post that's not just screens of recipes.
If you look at the MCF threads for mods, there are a lot that don't even give a proper description of what the mod is doing. 2-3 lines of text briefly explaining what the aim of the mod is, a screenshot or two, possibly some help on crafting and installing near the end, that would make it a good way to attract people.
No matter how good your mod is, if people don't feel like it is any good, it might soon go down the abyss known as "old threads".

I supose cables is another exception, but if I had to get by without them I think CC would more than suffice. In addition it is relatively simple, and I think the only reason we did not see a replacement is because no one wanted to step on RPs toes. As far as gates goes, I saw the below linked mod in development, but at the time did not realize he was looking to make it as a RP2 addon. This is a perfect example of what I mean though. That guy is more than capable of simply making gates, and wants to do *so* much more with them than RP2 does, but thanks to the way the community is (and how he thinks as a result of it) instead we have nothing.
Yes, there are talented people, certainly even more that only did small plugins to an other mod and that could do great things if given the chance.

But it remains true that in the nearly 6 month without RP, I didn't see any good mod replacing the red alloy cables + gates. I might totally have missed it though.

Theres two.

Redpower is a performance hog that tries to do to much imo. There are better mods out there that focus on one specific part of what redpower offers and takes each bit further. As an example, the volcanoes that she put into the game should be taken and run with by the guy doing the biomes, it makes more sense and he would do a better job. But is RP open source... hell no.... RP is well over rated imo.
I've commented on this before. But you know what mod I would love to see? Never going to happen but still would love to see.. A tech tree mod. Something that takes a stab at making a tech tree one has to resreach instead of just making higher teir stuff harder to make by making its parts reduiclusly expensive and hard.

Don't get me wrong I love GT but I would love something like GT that was resreach based instead of neither star/diamonds/irrduim based. Don't mind 16 hours of resreach instead of 16 hours of mining processing to make an end game drill. I feel that the methods used right now feel to artifical and Thuamcraft did something really fresh with its achivment based resreach tree.

Also I would hug a creeper for a village managment mod al la simcity MC.
Its now getting more illegal than it already is, now that users can make their own modpacks, without permissions.
It doesn't make modpacks in any way. It's basically just a forum where you can post links to modpacks you put together yourself, in a format readable by their launcher. How the fuck is that illegal?
It doesn't make modpacks in any way. It's basically just a forum where you can post links to modpacks you put together yourself, in a format readable by their launcher. How the fuck is that illegal?
"It doesn't make modpacks in any way." "where you can post links to modpacks you put together yourself"

Ummm... what?

People can make modpacks, and distribute the modpacks without the mod owners permission, passing through copyright, and therefor, making it illegal.
"It doesn't make modpacks in any way." "where you can post links to modpacks you put together yourself"

Ummm... what?

People can make modpacks, and distribute the modpacks without the mod owners permission, passing through copyright, and therefor, making it illegal.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. The platform is an index. it doesn't host the modpacks, it doesn't help people make them. You have to make the pack yourself, and host it yourself. The Platform just indexes modpacks and makes it easier for the end user to install them. Now please get your head out of your arse and listen to what people are telling you.
I can see that most threads have two topics.
This one's just copyrighted laws and language (which seems to pop up in a lot of threads :p)

Yeah well I had a little bit of a bad conscience while posting for derailing the thread. But what the hell, it happens all the time, and I think it even provided a nice contrast to all the hard-to-digest legal stuff.

One of the big problems with having English as a first language is the unfortunate feeling that one needn't learn any other language because pretty much anywhere you go, you'll find an English speaker. I felt the same, and in regards French, still feel that way. I don't see any possibility in any future imaginable where I would need to learn French grammar, or French at all for that matter.

I think it's always a good thing to learn another language. Even if you go somewhere where everybody is perfectly fluent in English, speaking at least a few words of the language will change everything, even it's only the basics like saying "hello" or "thank you". People will react completely different to you. I have made it a habit to learn at least 20 to 50 words of the local language when I go somewhere, even if it's only for a weekend.
Good work, mod.

I'm not sorry for calling, Entropy, what it is. The sense of entitlement in this thread is completely disgusting and I would not blame any of the mod authors if they turned their back on the community with middle fingers held high.

Hooray for legalistic pyrrhic victories and trolls.
People can make modpacks, and distribute the modpacks without the mod owners permission, passing through copyright, and therefor, making it illegal.

Stop claiming that. There isn't a single european country where taking some addons for a game that people offer for download FOR FREE, combine them in a single pack, and offer that FOR FREE, is in any way illegal.

You might claim that it's unethical to go against the wishes of a modmaker (but to be honest, I'm pretty fed up with the ones who are more concerned with their income than with how good their mod is) but it is definitely NOT illegal.
Good work, mod.

I'm not sorry for calling, Entropy, what it is. The sense of entitlement in this thread is completely disgusting and I would not blame any of the mod authors if they turned their back on the community with middle fingers held high.

Hooray for legalistic pyrrhic victories and trolls.

Contrary to most of the other people in this thread, whatever their position in the discussion is, your only contribution are insults, which would make you the troll.

I can understand why you get the impression that the people arguing for unrestricted mod distribution feel entitled to it.
I wouldn't call it that way, but I guess you can. But please take a look at other gaming communities, I can't name a single one where issues like these exist (I'm not saying there are none, I just don't know any, feel free to enlighten me). That's why I would call it common sense instead of entitlement. Do you really think their modders are less respected? I dare to say that the contrary is the case. The bottom line is that the end users, the people for whom the mods are made after all, should be the most important thing for the modders, then the respect will come automatically, and unanimously.

I didn't even notice this when I read your post the fist time: What do you mean by "Good work, mod"?
Are you seriously criticizing the moderators for not shutting down this thread?
Well, luckily the moderators on these forums are awesome and will not shut down a thread because people are stating their opinions, as long as everything stays civilized. Even if those opinions are maybe not the same as theirs.
TE3 Morrowind. There's a guy trying to make a mod pack that would update Morrowind to look better and contain many, many mods and was refused the ability to add some mods he wanted to use for the process for no reason other than the mod authors not wanting their mods in his pack. It's the Morrowind Overhaul pack, and here's a link

From one of their pages:
Please tell me as soon as possible if there are issues like “oh no, you didn’t credited [modder_name’s_here]!” or “no, you can’t include my mod in this package.” If you do not want your content in this package, let me know, and I will remove it right away.

I'm not sure if this means they don't ask for permission at all, but from the look of it if modders don't want their mod in the pack they will comply.
I'm not sure if this means they don't ask for permission at all, but from the look of it if modders don't want their mod in the pack they will comply.

Seems this ridiculousness is infecting other modding communities as well. Modding used to be about building great stuff and have a lot of people use it.
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Good work, mod.

I'm not sorry for calling, Entropy, what it is. The sense of entitlement in this thread is completely disgusting and I would not blame any of the mod authors if they turned their back on the community with middle fingers held high.

Hooray for legalistic pyrrhic victories and trolls.

This is an excellent example of the three biggest blights in the Minecraft modding community today:

1) Calling people who don't agree with you "trolls" because how dare they not have the correct opinion on a topic
2) Confusing genuine dissatisfaction with and distaste for the attitudes of a select few overstuffed amateur hobbyist developers for entitlement
3) Assuming we want these aforementioned unpleasant individuals to remain in the community and continue to destroy more than they build

The vast majority of mod makers are, contrary to popular belief in certain circles, not raging douchelords and thoroughly respectable people. It is, in fact, that very tiny minority of people - I can count them on one hand! - who most demand respect that are the least worthy of it and who get the most flak. A very sizable minority of us actually do want these people gone.

It goes back to what I said right at the beginning of this thread: it boils down to a fundamental difference between two large parties about what "respect" is, which I now feel the need to explain. Both these positions are logical and understandable, they just clash really, really badly.

Common to the mod makers generally based on the general community attitude is the belief that respect is automatic, expected; a facet of common courtesy, a baseline to work from that can be withdrawn if you offend too severely, too often and that if you do not immediately give someone this respect on your first encounter - or any encounter - that this is itself an offense and that you must be an untrustworthy individual if you are not even willing to honour basic respect.

Then there's the other side: that respect for an individual is a symbol of status to be prized and not given out automatically to the unworthy - that it is something to be earned through demonstrating good deeds and a positive attitude, where common courtesy is merely giving someone the opportunity to initially earn some degree of respect when you first meet them. Consequently, if you do not earn respect from people with this mindset and then demand it, that is an offense, because you have had the audacity to demand something you have not yet earned as though you intend to take it forcibly.

Put one of each person like that in a room, make sure they have a bad first impression of each other, and enjoy the fireworks. That's the root cause of all the community drama.
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