Your Kit

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there some set of items that you wouldn't be caught without? Some set of favorite armor? Some tools that define your playstyle?

I really just want to know what you rock. I personally have a power tool and a nanosaber for items and speedy MPS legs and a jetpack as "armor." I have loads of other junk, but I never use it.
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Torches, pork or steak, and a pick. Oh, and eggs. Lots of eggs... Can never have too many chickens.

Almost never have armor, and weapons are a rarity. A fist is all I need to show those creepers who is boss.
Sword, Pick, Shovel, Axe, Sickle
are the first 4 on my hotbar

8 and 9 are food and torches.
7 is minium stone
5 and 6 is stuff I'm using at the time.
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I always carry a jetpack, an athame (ideally Looting enchanted), a miner's backpack and a digger's backpack with me wherever I go. My other tools and weapons and armor may vary, but these four are a staple. The rightmost four slots of my hotbar always contain the same four items in the same order: food, dirt, cobble, torches. Slot 1 is always a weapon, slot 2 always a pickaxe or equivalent.

The only time I deviate is when I have a gravity suit, because then I no longer need the jetpack. :p
Armor wise I'm loving my grav suit just because of the effort to make it but I have a set of MPS and I need to get used to it. For gear I keep a sword (either enchanted Zephyr or Fiery Sword) 1st slot, 2nd: torches (Sojourner's Staff), 3rd: Drill. I also keep my Inception kit of EnderPouch holding canvas bags and another ender pouch which is connected to my sorting system. I could probably make a new base with just the stuff in my bags. 1 bag has pipes, wands, wrenches, a screwdriver, 2 portal guns, and a few tesseracts. Another bag has bees, combs, & apiary stuff. The other has plain random stuff for whatever adventure I was on that day.

I also keep a stack of food, a water bucket, and a stack of cobble just in case.
Jetpack, drill, rock cutter, digger's backpack, torches, food - that's for traveling and digging
Hunter's handgun - fighting
two buckets of water - lava protection, infinite sources creation
Now I installed Dimensional Doors, so I also carry with me a Rift Blade and a canvas bag with some doors and at least one Transdimensional Trapdoor
Early game I always have a sword, pick, axe and shovel. My armor is usually a combination of iron/steel/bronze, depending on what I find in villages (so sometimes I won't have a helmet or boots for example). For my tools I usually use stone and only get an iron pick to mine valuables.

Once I get enough resources to make a modular power suit I always get the pants and boots first for power generation, movement speed, extreme jumping and fall damage mitigation. At that point I usually also get the power glove/hand and replace my sword/pick/axe/shovel with it.

I also often carry a mining and digging backpack from Forestry with me, so I don't have to worry too much about inventory space when I go caving. Besides those thing I also carry this stuff around 99% of the time: torches, charcoal/coal (usually not both), wood (logs), OmniWrench (the only wrench I will ever make), good'ol cobblestone, 1-3 buckets, food (usually carrots as I'm too lazy to cook food in MC) and a Bed.

A bow and arrows I sometimes carry, but I'm more of a sword guy so even if I have them I usually forget and/or simply don't use them.
I'm trying to make a habit of carrying around a Silk Touch pick for mining, but I'm not a huge fan of XP grinding so the chance for me to get a Silk Touch pick is fairly low xD I'm not quite sure if Tinker's Construct will be able to help me in that regard (getting Silk Touch without a boring grind), but I think it might.
I'm so vanilla.

Pick, sword, axe, shovel, bucket of water, minimum stone, food, blocks, torches. That's my hotbar in order.

Otherwise, always wood, coal, hopefully a silk touch pick. My armor is usually iron or bronze. I've never made a fancy suit. I should though. Sometimes I have backpacks or a canvas bag.
I never carry eggs or minium stones, I wonder what I'm missing out on. All my athames are decorative, until the day they are elemental.

Lol, whythisname, you should start a nomadic playstyle and build bases everywhere.

I might start carrying around a sojourners staff now that I'm starting to hate my night vision helmet. Then again, I use snowballs as a ranged weapon, just because of my biome. I have a bow, but, you know. It's a bow.

Hey, are toolboxes still a thing? They're almost useless, but good if something blows up on you.
I kinda sorta take it with me using two ender pouches. One is to an automated item storage room, so it gets emptied automatically. The other is to an ender chest containing a bunch of brightly colored canvas bags. Those contain tools, items, etc... whatever I may need.
In the inventory is a hand crafting table, pick, sword, food, torches, and those two bags. Also three backpacks for mining, digging, and forest stuff (trees, saplings, seeds).

Also in my ender pouch is a portal gun for general purpose use. (Move a spawner, fast move, grab a villager - critter, so many uses.
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Sword, Pick, Shovel, Axe, Sickle
are the first 4 on my hotbar

8 and 9 are food and torches.
7 is minium stone
5 and 6 is stuff I'm using at the time.
This as far as my hotbar goes. I play with Mo'Creatures And like to wear fur armour, IDK why.
1 is OmniWrench, 2 is pick, 3 is sword, 4 is shovel, 5 is a ton of knifes from Balkon's Weapons Mod, 6 is torches, 7 is my canvas bag with stuff like my Potato Gun, my musket (also from Balkon's), 2 water buckets, and stuff like that, 8 is my builder and 9 is my energy tesseract. I also carry an item tesseract. Also my digger's backpack set to ressuply.
Armor is what I find in chests.
things always (or nearly always) in my inventory:

pocket crafting table, omniwrench, ender pouch (with linked chest by my bed), wand of equal trade, lightning wand, axe of the stream, power tool, food, torches
My gear: power guantlet ( axe,shovel and diamond pick upgraded as well as melee and plasma cannon), wand (whatever tier i can afford atm) a pair of cancas bags full of junk thanks to my needing so much stuff for thaumcraft and not wanting to run to storage for this or that, destruction catalyst (cuz why not), coin of fortune, gravigun (will replace with potato gun as soon as i get around to it), omniwrench. Armor: Power Armor with all having the largest battery, and energy shields, i have walk assist and jump assist, jetpack and flight control, may look into other upgrades later.

When im in a more magical mood i will likely carry an enchanted set of the elemental tools, omniwrench, heavily enchanted thaumium armor, fire wand, lightning wand, the lich scepters, and the above mentioned xeno's reliquary gear, occasionally changing out my helmet for the goggles of revealing.
In my Inventory is allways a Canvas Bag ( with a Athame, a Portal Gun, and a Wrench) and Backpack for Mining.
At my Hotbar is 1: Sword of the Zephir
2: Iron Axe
3: Iron Shovel
4: Diamond Pick Axe
5: Diamond Drill
6: Bucket of Water
7: Bread
8: Torches
9: Cobblestone :D
What I wear is a Jetpack, a Solar Helmet, Quantum Suit Leggings, Long Fall Boots
(Using Mindcrack pack, mostly on peaceful)

1: Thaumium Pick, Eff V, Repair II, Silk Touch I :3
2: Mining Drill
3: (Diamond Sword, Sharp V, Vorpal I)
8: (Food)
9: Torches
In inventory I have a canvas bag with an axe, my portal gun and a quantum chestplate for when I need it.

Armour: Quantum Helm, Adv. Jetpack, Quantum leggings, Longfall boots

Yeah that's it really.
1: Drill
2: Fortune Pick
3: Silk Touch Pick/Rock Cutter
4: Sword/Chainsaw
8: Food
9: Torches/Sojourner's Staff
In inventory: Pocket Crafting Table, Ender Pouch that holds all my canvas bags (1 for tools, 1 for pipes, etc)

If I'm working on a soul shard my vile sword goes on 5.

If I'm going to be working around lava I try to keep a fire resist potion (or a water bucket early game) in slot 7.

When I know I won't be mining for a while I put away my Fortune and Silk Touch picks, move the Chainsaw to 2 and use the extra spots on my hotbar for whatever I'm working on.

I usually get Longfall Boots and a Jetpack pretty early. I also get a batpack as soon as I get a drill. It actually takes me quite a while to upgrade to the Advanced Jetpack because I tend to stay on LV power for a very long time, but once I'm ready to move up to MV/HV it's one of the first things I make (mostly because having to switch is annoying).
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I kinda sorta take it with me using two ender pouches. One is to an automated item storage room, so it gets emptied automatically. The other is to an ender chest containing a bunch of brightly colored canvas bags. Those contain tools, items, etc... whatever I may need.

I like the idea of the 2nd ender pouch to carry needed tools that you don't want in your main inventory all the time.

My toolbar is usually adv diamond drill, vajra, torches, some food, ender pouch (sorting system input), linkbook (teleport to home) the rest of it varies depending on what I am working on.
1. Efficiency V + silk touch pick
2. Efficiency V + Fortune III pick
3. Diamond sword Sharpness V + a few random enchants.
4. Laser
5-7. whatever I'm doing at the time.
8. Soul shard of whatever I need (usually creeper)
9. Food.

The above is are all items I tend to pick up and then stick with from the 3-6 hour + mark. Armour tends to come in the form of whatever I can afford or find, usually iron>bronze>nano>power armour> Grav suit (for building).