Your Kit

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gem sword usually emerald ( I like green so its always my weapon gem of choice) pick or drill depending were I'm at in game, food torches usually some dirt or gravel and I always make a jet pack as soon as I can with random armor I find.
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X style. I'm a hipster, deal with it.
I wish the X-system still existed D:

1 : Pick
2 : Sword
3 : Shovel
4 : Axe
5 : Bow (I usually put my minium stone here because I never have the resources for a bow)
6 : Building Blocks
7 : Building Blocks
8 : Building Blocks
9 : Building Blocks

I have almost everything that I'm going to be using in 6-9. Sometimes I'll put my omniwrench in slot 6 like it's part of my set, usually when I'm doing alot of machinery and stuff. When I play around with Ars Magica some more, I'll probably trade off another free slot for my spell book. There are some other things that I can't remember that I usually put in my free slots because they're so useful.

I play on peaceful, so I rarely have any armor on. If I have spare enderpearls I'll probably get feather falling boots and travel around a bit faster untill I run out.
X style. I'm a hipster, deal with it.
I wish the X-system still existed D:
I play on peaceful, so I rarely have any armor on. If I have spare enderpearls I'll probably get feather falling boots and travel around a bit faster untill I run out.
if you play on peaceful, where do your ender pearls come from? Bees?
Mine is:
Longfall boots
Ender pouch linking to the input of my item system
Ender pouch linking to a chest with my equipment in it
Pocket Crafting Table

Fairly simple kit, but the ender pouches are a wonder
My "kit" is very basic. I hold my tools in a particular order

1. Sword of Zephyr with a ton of enchants

2. Powertool, or pick

3. Shovel or Omniwrench

4. Axe.

5. Stuff

6. Stuff

7. Ender Pouch coded Red, white Yellow I believe

8. Canvas bag

9. Minium Stone

I also usually carry water, torches Sojourner's staff, sometimes another canvas bag, MPS armor on, and triple meat treats. (Oh yiss.) And a Portable Hole.

Also, I carry iron, redstone and wood on my person usually always. Blocks of iron, mostly. Those are like, the most common or something.
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I kinda sorta take it with me using two ender pouches. One is to an automated item storage room, so it gets emptied automatically. The other is to an ender chest containing a bunch of brightly colored canvas bags. Those contain tools, items, etc... whatever I may need.
I do this as well - it's a great way to go. The first allows you to get rid of anything you don't want, any time, any where. The second allows you to store every tool on your person that you could ever need. And best of all? Because it's ender storage, you will never loose all those tools sitting in your bag. If you die and lose your items, simply replace the ender pouch (as long as you didn't forget the color code!) and you've got it all back! Because of this I have no fear hauling around numerous valuable items 24/7.

Other than those two pouches, my hotbar always consists of some type of food, a minium stone (for the crafting as much as anything), torches, a drill, and some sort of weapon depending on my stage in the game. Armor typically consists of goggles of revealing, the best form of flight that I can afford at the time, and whatever will provide me with the most protection other than that.
I do this as well - it's a great way to go. The first allows you to get rid of anything you don't want, any time, any where. The second allows you to store every tool on your person that you could ever need. And best of all? Because it's ender storage, you will never loose all those tools sitting in your bag. If you die and lose your items, simply replace the ender pouch (as long as you didn't forget the color code!) and you've got it all back! Because of this I have no fear hauling around numerous valuable items 24/7.

Other than those two pouches, my hotbar always consists of some type of food, a minium stone (for the crafting as much as anything), torches, a drill, and some sort of weapon depending on my stage in the game. Armor typically consists of goggles of revealing, the best form of flight that I can afford at the time, and whatever will provide me with the most protection other than that.

I *need* a sorting system.
Slot 1 : Eff 4 Fortune 3 Adv. Diamond drill
Slot 2 : Sharp 4 Looting 3 Fire Aspect 1 Diamond Sword
Slot 3 : Omniwrench
Slot 4 :
Slot 5 :
Slot 6 :
Slot 7 : Enderpouch
Slot 8 : Food
Slot 9 : Torches

Enderpouch contains canvas bags color sorted by what they have in them. Canvas bag full of torches and food. And three other enderpouches. Charging Bag, Sorting Bag, and bag full of charged energy cells and laptron crystals which go to a seperate charging setup.

Next up are smelt macerate and compress enderpouches.

Edit: Armor is nanosuit with adv jetpack and I always have a pocket crafting table.
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In order of hotbar
1. Sword
2. Drill
3. Axe
4. Bow
5. Backpack *
6. Backpack *
7. Canvas Bag *
8. Food
9. Torches
In my inventory is usually spare food/torches, and an arrow (I usually have an Infinity bow).

*5,6, and 7 are often replaced by blocks, wires, wrenches, hammers, or screwdrivers.

For armor I don't usually make armor until Nano Armor. At the moment I am using a Nano Helmet, Leggings, Boots, and an Advanced Jetpack. Sometimes I carry my Nano Chestplate, but it is not common. I am currently making my Quantum Armor, but with GregTech it is quite a challenge.
1. Efficiency V + silk touch pick
2. Efficiency V + Fortune III pick
3. Diamond sword Sharpness V + a few random enchants.
4. Laser
5-7. whatever I'm doing at the time.
8. Soul shard of whatever I need (usually creeper)
9. Food.

The above is are all items I tend to pick up and then stick with from the 3-6 hour + mark. Armour tends to come in the form of whatever I can afford or find, usually iron>bronze>nano>power armour> Grav suit (for building).
This is about my kit. I find enchants > any electrical stuff. Repair + effeciency + fortune/silk touch is OP. I dont tend to carry a laser, but I should.
I'm a bit of a twitch player so I tend to have certain things in exact positions for quick/reflexive swapping with numbers.

  1. Everyday mining tool - silk touch power tool/dia. drill/adv. drill whatever "power" tool I can get which hasn't been "fixed" against enchanting yet, if none, TC pick or diamond pick.
  2. Block - for building, stopping lava/water flows in a hurry, pillaring out of a tight spot or blocking mobs off, its cobble if 1 isn't silk touch, smoothstone if it is, this is also my quick slot of choice for putting whatever I'm working on in. (mouse over + 2 makes swapping very quick and easy)
  3. Sword - as much damage as I can get, I personally prefer a diamond sword with sharpness, looting, vorpal and soul steal, if accessible in the given pack, otherwise chainsaw, power tool. If power tool is enchantable then it's fortune and 5 will be something else.
  4. Lights - torches at first, then I try to upgrade to either sojourners staff or moonworm queen.
  5. Fortune - if enchantable power tool isn't avaliable then advanced drill, once that is "fixed" it'll be a TC pick, if 3 is power tool, then laser goes here
  6. Variable (laser, remote wireless if laser's in 5)
  7. Variable (usually portal gun)
  8. Variable (enderpouch, soul shard)
  9. Food
As for amor. MPS or advanced nano, depending on MPS recipes and adv. nano availability. Quantum, when I feel like building one.
I also tend to carry a coin of fortune around.
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1. Power tool.
2. Canvas bag with random tools
3. Minium stone.
4. Stuff
5. Stuff
6. Stuff
7. Stuff
8. Omniwrench

No need for food due to auto feeder :D

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On Resonant Rise, I like to keep these on my hotbar at all times.
1 - Pickaxe
2 - Rapier
3 - Ars Magica Spellbook
4 - Can't quite remember...
5 - Ender pouch linked to purple, purple, purple, diamond.
6 - Backpack or generic.
7 - Generic
8 - Food
9 - Torches
And I never like being without a jetpack. Ever.

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