That doesn't address my question: How does it do this? All you are doing is putting in a CraftPacket Maker and replacing an automatic crafting table with a CraftPacket Stamper. Why not just skip the step and be done with it?
Maybe I can better clear this up. A properly made craft-packet factory can sometimes be a godsend, and here is why. If it's all setup properly, I can go to my trusty CC computer and prompt it 'Cost Pulverizer'. Now, it will go out and check my inventory system and return either 'Have Mats On-hand' or 'Need X, Y, X'. Okay, lets say I need the 2 gold. Drop two gold in my 'To Inventory' chest. Now, where it gets complicated is wierd shaped recipes. My machine for my TE machines is called 'HouseBlock' since it's missing the top left and top right ticks. But, now I can walk up, type 'MakeMeA Pulverizer', and shortly a pulverizer will in the chest to my left.
Instantly? No, takes about 15-30 seconds. So, why is that useful? On a server, I typically like to plan things out ahead of time, so if I have a project that say I need 12 battery boxes, 100 frames, and 10 frame engines, four windmills, that's very, very annoying to do by hand. Now, I can just plop in the cost program, drop in the mats, and run the maker program. By next morning, all done. Insane amount of code to setup? Yeah. Doable with anything other than craft packing machines? Sadly, not really. Maybe turtles, but a ton of crafty turtles can be hard to manage when I can just keep a single program on a single CC comp to do it all.